Friday 29 April 2016

Sri Hanumath Pancharathnam by Sri Adishankaracharya – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Lord Hanuman who is Vathathmaja/ son of Lord Vayu, he is the emissary of Seethapathi/Lord Rama, and he is free from all the sensual pleasures and worldly matters, he shed tears of joy in extreme delight.  I shall meditate upon Lord Hanuman who is the fortune of Ajanadevi/mother of Lord Hanuman, he has the face resemblance to lotus flower, and it has the supreme radiance of early hours of sun, he is the symbol of mercy, he is life giving and supreme Lord.  I shall surrender to the lotus feet Lord Hanuman, who excels the speed of arrows of Lord Manmatha, his eyes are wide and it has the resemblance to the petals of lotus flowers are filled with compassion, his neck has the resemblance to conch, he is the fortune of Anila/Lord Vayu, his lips has the luster of Bimba fruits, may the divine form of Lord Hanuman appear before me! He is the destroyer of grief of Sita, he is the cause for bringing glories to the valor of Lord Rama, and he thrashed the reputation of Dhashamukha/Ravana.  He is the chief among the monkey warriors; he is like the powerful rays of sun to the Dhanavas, he is the protector of distressed people, he is the delight of intense penance of Lord Vayu. Whoever recites or listens to Sri Hanumath Pancharathnam would be blessed with intense devotion to Lord Rama and long life with all the pleasures.

Veethakhila  Vishayeccham  Jatha Anandha Ashru Pulakamathyaccham |Seethapathi Dhoothadhyam Vathathmaja Madhya  Bhavaye Hrudhyam ||

Tharuna Aruna Mugha Kamalam Karuna Rasa Poora Poorithapangam |Sanjeevanamashase Manjula Mahimanam Anjana Bhagyam ||

Shambara Vairi Sharathigam Ambujadhala Vipula  Lochanodharam |Kambugalam Aniladhishtam Bimba Jwalithoshtam Yekam  Avalambe ||

Dhoorikritha  Seetharthi: Prakatikritha  Ramavaibhava  Spurthi: |Dharitha Dhashamukha  Keerthi: Puratho Mama Bhathu  Hanumathomoorthi : ||

Vanara Nikaradhyaksham Dhanavakula Kumudha Ravikara Sadhrusham |Dheena Janavana Dheeksham Pavana Thapa: Pakapunjamadhraksham ||

Yethath Pavana Suthasya Sthothram Ya: Padathi Pancharathnakhyam |Chiramiha Nikhilan Bhogan Bhukthva Sri Rama Bhakthi Bhagbhaveth ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||