Saturday 5 November 2016

Sri Radhakrishna Sahasranamam /Yugala Sahasranamam – Lyrics and meanings 31 – 40

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sanathkumara speaks “Supreme Lord Krishna is conversant with various kinds of pastimes; he is the symbol of sensual pleasure manifested in order to serve his ardent devotees and provide immense pleasure and happiness.  Supreme Lord Krishna personified at the beginning of Bhramamuhurtham with all the deities, Rishis eulogized his thousands of sacred names, there appeared the absolute truth with supreme brilliance, and it was narrated to Narada by Sadashiva.  Whoever recites or listens to the thousands of glorious verses would attain the pleasure in exploring on the sacred land of Vrindavan and union in the shores of sacred river Yamuna.  Oh! Mahamune, whoever reads or listens to the thousands of glorious verse of Yugala would fulfill all their desires, with the grace of Radhika/ endearing form of Radharani.  He is the son of Devaki/ Devakinandhana, he is son of Devaki and Vasudeva/Vasudevashauri,  he is the younger brother of Baladeva/Balanuja who is profound in the usage of Gada, he is the destroyer of Kamsa and convoys of Kamasa, he destroys obstacles and excessive desires, he remains protector to his worshiper, he is eulogized as Pithru, he is eulogized as Matha and Pitha, he is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, he lacerated the sacred waters of Yamuna, he is Vrajavasi who dwells in the sacred land of Vraja, he takes immense pleasure in exploring the sacred land of Vraja and provides happiness to the people of Vraja/Vrajanandhi, he is little child of Nanda, he is too compassionate, he is lovely child who takes immense joy in various amusements, his eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower, he is source of celebration of Gokula, he is divine, he gives immense joy to cowherds, he is Krishna who has dark complexion, he is the son of Gopa, he is safe haven to his worshiper, he is the lovely child of cow herds, he is the slayer of demon Baka and  he is Lord Vishnu and Lord Hari who provided liberation to demon Baka.”

Nana Shilpakalabhijnam Krishna Bhoganuroopinim| Thath Sevana Sukhahladha Bhavenathi Sunirvruththam ||

Bhramam Muhoortham Arabhya Yavadhdharshanisha Bhaveth | Thavath Paricharenthau Thu Yathakala Anusevaya ||

Sahasram Muhoortham Thathornamnam Paden Nithyam Samahitha: |Yethath Sadhanam Udhdhishtam Prapannanam Muneeshwara ||

Nakhyeyam Kasyachiththubhyam Maya Thathvam  Prakashitham |

Sanathkumara Uvacha –
 Thath Sthavam Narada Puna: Prushtavanvai Sadhashivam ||
Namram Sahasrakam Thaschapi Prokthvam Thath Shrunushvame | Dhyathva  Vrundavane Ramye Yamuna Theera Sangatham ||

Kalpavruksham Samashrithya Thishtantham Radhikayutham | Paden Namasahasram Thu Yugalakhyam Mahamune ||

Devaki Nandhana: Shaouri: Vasudevo Balanuja: | Gadhagraja: Kamsamoha: Kamsasevaka Mohana: ||

Bhinnargalo Mithraloha: Pithrubahra: Pithrusthutha: | Mathrusthutha: Shivadhyeyo Yamunajala Bhedhana: ||

Brajavasee Vrajanandhi Nandhabalo Dhayanidhi: | Leelabala: Padmanethro Gokulothsava Eshwara: ||

Gopikanandhana: Krishno Gopanandha: Sathamgathi | Bakapranaharo Vishnurbaka Mukthipradho Hari: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||