Sunday 6 November 2016

Sri Radhakrishna Sahasranamam /Yugala Sahasranamam – Lyrics and meanings 71 – 80

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sanathkumara continues “ Supreme Lord Krishna who is the source for the composition of Gopikagitham, he takes immense pleasure in dancing with the cowherds of Vraja, he depends on creeper like young maidens of cowherds, he finds joy in the kisses of cowherds, he spreads cool rays to the cowherds who are tortured by the cupid arrows of love, he plays with the long braid of hairs of young maidens and scatters the flower decoration on their long hairs, he is precious pendant to the hearts of young maidens, he takes immense joy in carrying the young maidens of cowherds, he gratify their senses with passionate sport and in this way they have gained the Paramathva Thathva, he disappeared from their sight and made them happy with his return, his lotus feet are worshiped by the young maidens of Vraja, he is Sriman who performed pastime with Thrikubja, he is fond of Kunja and dwells in Kunja, he flourished the sacred land of Vrindavan, he performed pastimes in the sacred waters of Yamuna and in this way he had provided immense happiness to her, he has intense luster superior to moon, he is valorous, he is charming, he has completely  won over  the desires and cupid arrows, he is the symbol of amorous sport, he destroys excessive lust in his devotees, he is attractive, he performed the Mahaleela with the young maiden of cowherds, being with them everywhere and everyone on regular basis, he is Paramathma, he is supreme Lord, he is the cause and effect, perceived through the words of Maharishi Narada, Akroora was yearning to meet him, his lotus feet is venerated by Akroora, he is the pleasure of young maiden of Vraja, he listened to the words of Akroora and decided to move to Mathura, he removed the miseries of Akroora, he destroyed Rajakayu/washer man who refused to offer clothes.”

Gopikagithacharitho Gopinarthana Lalasa: | Gopiskandhashrithakaro Gopika Chumbanapriya: ||

Gopikamarjithamukho Gopi Vyajanaveejitha: | Gopikakesha Samskari Gopikapushpa  Samsthara: ||

Gopikahrudhayalambi Gopivahathathpara: | Gopikamadhahari Cha Gopika Paramarjitha: ||

Gopikakrithasamneelo Gopika Samsmritha Priya: | Gopikavandhithapadho Gopikavashavarthana: ||

Radhaparajitha: Sriman Nikunjeshu  Viharavan | Kunjapriya: Kunjavasi Vrindavana Vikasana: ||
Yamunajalaseekthango Yamuna Soukhyadhayaka | Shashi Sthambhana:  Shoora: Kami Kamavijohana : ||

Kamadhya: Kamanathascha Kamamanasabhedhana: | Kamadha: Kamaroopascha Kamini  Kamasanchaya: ||

Nithyakreedo Mahaleela: Sarva: Sarvagathasthatha: | Paramathma Paradheesha: SarvaKaranakarana: ||

Griheetha Naradhavacha Hyakrooraparichinthitha: | Akroora Vandhithapadho Gopikathoshakaraka: ||

Akrooravakyasamgrahi  Mathuravasa Karana: | Akroora Thapashamano Rajakayu:Pranashana: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||