Sunday 28 May 2017

Sri Balabadhra Sahasranama Sthothram – Garga Samhitha – Lyrics and meanings 11 - 20

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Lord Balabadhra who is divine soul personified as flawless Purusha, he is Parama and Purushoththama, he is Anantha, he is imperishable, he is Shesha, he is divine personified as Prakrithi, he represents Jeevathma and Paramathma, he dwells as Athman in living beings, he is invisible and eternal, he represents Chathurvyooha/4 kinds of appearances,  Chathurveda/ 4 Vedas, he is Chathurmooorthi /4 faced and  Chathushpadha/4 divisions, he is prime deity, he represents Prakrithi, he witnesses the functions of the Universe and its living beings, he is commander as well as greatest companion too, he is gracious, he represents great intellect and haughtiness as well, he is the Lord of senses, he represents all deities, he symbolizes wisdom, deeds, prosperity/wealth, he is unique/matchless/Advitheeya and Dhvitheeya as well, he has no specific forms, he represents full moon, he represents Virat/independent, Samrat,  powerful current, he is firm, he is unconquerable, he is Phaneedhra/King of serpent, he is manifested as serpent, he produces great hiss of serpent, he is Prabhu, he is decked in garland of precious gem, he is adorned in precious gem, he represents Vithala, Suthala,  Thalathala, Athala, Pathala, Rasathala, Mahathala, and Bhogithala, he represents Vasuki, Shankhachooda, Devadaththa, Dhanajjaya, Kambalashva, and  Dhritharashtra, he have great speed and powerful arms, he takes immense pleasure in the nectar of elixir Varuni, his eyes are swollen with the consumption of elixir of nectar, his eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower petals, he is decked in garlands of lotus flower, he is decked in Vanamala/flowers of woods, his voice is sweet like honey, he has mesmerizing beauty excels thousands of Kandharpa, he is worshiped by the beautiful young maidens of serpents, he is decorated in marvelous Noopura/anklets, Kadisoothra/waist belt, bangles and golden bracelets.

Paripoornathama: Sakshath  Parama Purushoththama: | Anantha: Shashvatha: Shesho Bhagavan Prakrithi: Para: ||

Jeevathma  Paramathma  Cha  Hyantharathma  Dhruvovyaya: | Chathurvyooha Chathurvedhash Chathurmoorthis Chathushpadha: ||

Pradhana: Prakrithi Sakshi Sanghatha: Sanghavan Sakhi | Mahamana Buddhisakhash Chetho Ahamkaravritha: ||

Indhreeyesho Devathathma  Jnana: Karma: Cha Sharma: Cha | Adhvitheeyo Dhvitheeyashcha  Nirakaro Niranjjana: ||

Virat Samrat Mahaughshcha Dhara: Sthanushcharishnuman | Phaneedhra: Phanirajashcha  Sahasraphanamandhitha: ||

Phaneeshvara: Phani Spoorthi: Phuthkari  Chithkara: Prabhu: |Maniharo Manidharo Vithalee Suthalee Thali ||

Athalee Suthaleeshcha Pathalashcha  Thalathala: | Rasathalo Bhogithala: Spurath Dhantho Mahathala: ||

Vasuki: Shankhachoodabho Devadhaththo Dhananjjaya: | Kambalashvo Vegatharo  Dhritharashtro Mahabhuja: ||

VaruniMadhamaththango Madhaghoornitha Lochana: | Padmaksha: Padmamali Cha Vanamali Madhushrava: ||

Kodikandharpa Lavanyo Nagakanya Samarchitha: | Noopuri Kadisoothri Cha Kadaki Kanakamgadhi ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||