Thursday 3 August 2017

Sri Gayathri Ashtakam – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she represents wisdom and knowledge, her lotus feet are worshiped by illustrious Rishis and Sages,  she symbolizes Adishakthi who is worshiped by three worlds, she is the essence of Veda, she is incomparable, she is supreme Goddess, she has various incarnations, she is storehouse of virtues and source of happiness as well.  I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she is unblemished, she is sathvik, she eradicates all miseries and sorrows of the worshiper, she has no specific forms, she is the essence of Universe and its living beings, she is pure, she is supreme ascetic who is matchless, she is supreme Goddess, she is honorable, she is worshiped by deities and demons, she symbolizes Shruthi. I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she symbolizes supreme austerities, she fulfils all the desires of her worshiper, she eradicates miseries and sorrows of her worshiper, she is compassionate, she has various manifestations, she is easily attainable to the scholars and intellectuals, she is the provider of abundance of boons to worshiper, she is the provider of pieties to her worshiper, she eradicates worldly bondages of her worshiper.  I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she is deserved to be worshiped always, she is attainable to the virtuous, she symbolizes wisdom, she augments intellects in her worshiper, she eradicates miseries and sorrows of the Universe, she eradicates the darkness of ignorance in her worshiper, she is matchless, she is divine personified, she is gracious/beautiful,auspicious, righteous, she symbolizes principles of worship, she is the safest ferry to cross the ocean of world of samsara. I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she has no birth/Aja, she has various incarnations with numerous virtues, she is pure, she destroys Thamoguna/lethargy, she represents Thanthric rites, Shruthi, melodious sounds and senses, she is honorable and contended, she is too compassionate always, and she symbolizes wealth and fortune. I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she is the source of Universe and its living beings, she is the protector of Universe and its living beings, she eradicates all kinds of miseries and perils of the worshiper, she is valorous, she is courageous, she is pure, she is supreme ascetic, she guides us through righteous path, she has various incarnations, she is supreme Goddess in the three worlds. I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she is supreme ascetic, she symbolizes supreme intellect, she controls the intellect of her worshiper and removes insensibility/dullness in them, she has golden complexion/imperishable, she symbolizes virtues, her glories as eulogized by distressed people, she is skillful, she represents supreme wisdom and knowledge, she has endless virtues, she is pure, she is Bhagavathi whose splendor is eulogized by all.  I shall meditate upon Goddess Sri Gayathri who symbolizes eternal bliss and auspiciousness, she is primordial and eternal, she is serene, she is eulogized by illustrious Rishis and Sages, she is the essence of Veda, she is deserved to be eulogized and her glories are endless, her splendor is eulogized by Surapathi, she is supreme Goddess, she is deserved to venerated at all times, she gets easily pleased to her devotees.  It is highly propitious to recite or listens to the sacred hymns of Sri Gayathri Ashtakam with pure heart and intellect, Oh! Mother/Matha, I am truly fortunate in this world, kindly bless us.

Sukalyaneem Vaneem Sura Munivarai: Poojithapadham | Shivamadhyam Vandhyam Thribhuvanamayeem Vedajananeem | Param Shakthim Shrushtum Vividhavidharoopam Gunamayeem | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Vishuddham Saththvastham Akhila Dhuravasthadhi Harineem | Nirakaram Saram Suvimala Thapo Moorthimathulam | Jagadh Jyeshtam Shreshtam Asurasura Poojyam Shruthinutham| Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Thaponishta Abheeshtam Swajanamana Santhapashamaneem | Dhayamoorthim Spoorthim Yathithathi Prasadhaika Sulabham | Varenyam Punyam Tham Nikhila Bhava  Bandhapaharineem | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Sadharadhyam Sadhyam Sumathi Mathi Vistharakarineem | Vishokamalokam Hridhayagatha Mohandhakarineem | Param Dhivyam Bhavyamagama Bhava Siddhveka Tharaneem | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Ajam  Dhvaitham Thraitham Vividhagunaroopam Suvimalam | Thamo Hanthreem Thanthreem Shruthi Madhuranadham Rasamayeem | Mahamanyam Dhanyam Sathathakarunasheela Vibhavam | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Jagadhathreem Pathreem Sakala Bhava Samharakaraneem | Suveeram Dheeram Tham Suvimala  Thapo Rashi Saraneem |Anekamekam Vai Thrijaga Sadhadhishtana Padhaveem | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Prabuddham Buddham Tham Swajanamathi Jadyapaharanam | Hiranyam Gunyam Tham Sukavijana Geetham Sunipuneem | Suvidhyam Niravadhyam Amala Gunanadham Bhagavatheem | Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Anantham Shantham Yam Bhajathi Budha Vrindha: Shruthimayeem | Sugeyam Dhyeyam Yam Smarathi Hridhi Nithyam Surapathi: | Sadha Bhakthya Shakthya Pranathamathibhi: Preethi Vashagam| Bhajembham Gayathreem Parama Subhaga Anandhajananeem ||

Shuddha Chiththa: Padedhyasthu Gayathrya Ashtakam Shubham | Aho Bhagyo Bhaven Loke  Thasmin Matha Praseedhathi ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||