Friday 1 June 2018

Sri Devasena Ashtoththarashathanama Sthothram – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before Goddess Sri Devasena who is extremely gorgeous was born in the celestial world, she is worshiped by all the deities, she symbolizes compassion, she is adorned in various precious ornaments all over the body, she eradicates sufferings of poverty, she is divine personified, she is adorned in divine lotus flower, she eradicates nightmares and unknown fears, she destroys wicked people, she is unblemished, she is attired in majestic yellow silk garment, she resides on the lotus flower, she symbolizes supreme bliss, she is Parathpara,  she is flawless, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she is perceivable to the virtuous, she eradicates sins of the worshiper, she represents Prana in living beings, she is Parashakthi, she is Parameshvari who is beyond human intellect, she is extremely valorous, she symbolizes wealth and all kinds of richnesses, she is most celebrated deity who represents courage, she represents Mahendhri, she is supreme Goddess who is a great illusionist, she is adorned in pearl decorated ornaments, she is the source of supreme bliss, she represents absolute Bhramam, she is Bhramani who is worshiped by Lord Bhrama, she is beloved of Lord Karthikeya , she is lovely, she represents amorous sport, she has the luster of moon, she is worshiped by Lord Vishnu and the whole Universe, she is eulogized by Veda, she  provides of abundance of boons, she lures the heart of Vishakha/Lord Karthikeya, she is pure, she represents thunderbolt, she provides abundance of boons, she is absolute truth and she is the source of truth and various Siddhis, she is dearest darling of Skandha/Lord Karthikeya, she is Sureshvari who is worshiped by all, she is stunningly gorgeous, she is incomparable, she destroys Dhaithyas, she is harmless, she is the provider of happiness, she destroys the wicked demons, she always works for the welfare of Universe and its living beings,  she is blameless, she has the complexion of precious yellow metal, she is adorned in ornaments of  precious yellow metal, she is imperishable, she is worshiped by the whole Universe, she is Lalitha, she is chaste wife, she has long arms, she has long stature, she is timid, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she is incomprehensible, she is extremely valorous, she is serene and firm, she symbolizes terminology, she is safest heaven to worshiper, she has beautiful eyes resembles to lotus flower petals, she is venerated by Amaras/immortals, she is the safest shelter place, she is most alarming to wicked Asuras, she is propitious, she is the daughter of Lord Indhra, she is the dearest darling of son of Lord Shankara, she symbolizes fortune and auspiciousness, she is the provider of abundance of auspiciousness, she is pure, she is the safest heaven to people who are surrendered at her lotus feet, she is most beloved of Mayooravahana/Lord Karthikeya who has peacock as celestial vehicle, she has endless glorious myths, she is void of ego or pride or impurities, she is worshiped by married women with children, she is beloved of the son of Manmathari/Lord Karthikeya, she symbolizes virtues, she is worshiped by Ganas, she is beloved of Gaurisutha/Lord Karthikeya, she eradicates all the impurities and sins of the worshiper, she is prominent member in the family of Gangasutha/Lord Karthikeya, she is clever, her beautiful face has the luster of moon, she is beloved of  Bhava who is adorned in cresecent moon/Chandhrachooda , she is most attractive, she is worshiped by Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, she is beloved of Rudrasoonu/Karthikeya, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she has sweet and melodious voice, she is beloved of son of Lord Mahesha.

Om Sri Devasena Devalokajanani Dhivyasundhari | Devapoojya  Dhayaroopa  Dhivyabaranabhooshitha ||

Dhridhryanashini Devi Dhivyapankajadharini | Dhusvapnanashini Dhushtashamani  Dhoshavarjjitha ||

Peethambari Padmavasa  Paranandha Parathpara | Poornna  Paramakalyani Prakata Papanashini ||

Praneshi Parashakthi Parama  Parameshvari | Mahaveerya  Mahabhoga  Mahapoojya Mahabala ||

Mohahanthri Mahathi Maya  Mukthaharavibhooshitha | Bhramanandha  Bhramaroopa  Bhramini  Bhramapoojitha ||

Karthikeyapriya  Kantha  Kamaroopa  Kaladhara | Vishnupoojya  Vishvavandhya  Vedavedhya  Varapradha ||

Vishakhakantha  Vimala  Vajrijatha  Varapradha | Sathyasandha  Sathyaprabhava Siddhidha Skandhavallabha ||

Sureshvari  Sarvavandhya  Sundhari  Samyavarjjitha |Hathadhaithya  Haniheena Harshadhathri Hathasura ||

Hithakari Heenadhosha Hemamayi Hemabhooshana | Layaheena  Lokavandhya  Lalitha Lalanoththama ||

Lambavamakara  Lamba Lajjadya  Labhadhayini | Achinthya Shantha  Achala Achinthyaroopa Akshara ||

Abhaya Ambhujakshi Amararadhya  Abhayadhayai Namo Nama: | Asurabheethidha Sharmadha Shakrathanaya Shankarathmajavallabha ||

Shubha Shubhapradha  Shuddha  Sharanagathavathsala |Mayooravahanadhayitha Mahamahimashalini ||

Madhaheena Mathrupoojya Manmatharisuthapriya | Gunapoornna  Ganaradhya  Gaurisuthamana: Priya ||

Gathadhosha Gathavandhya Gangajathakudumbini | Chathura  Chandhravadhana  Chandhrachooda Bhavapriya ||

Ramyaroopa Ramavandhya  Rudrasoonu: Manapriya |Mangala  Madhuralapa Maheshathanayapriya ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||