Monday 16 July 2018

Sri Adhi Varahi Sahasranamasthothram – Sri Uddamarathanthram- Lyrics and meanings 21 – 30

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Adhi Varahi who symbolizes bashful bee, she explores throught the heaven, Pathala and earth, she symbolizes sacred syllables  Aim Sree: Hree: Kleem, she has embodied as sacred rivers, she represents permanent joy,  and  arts, she is imperishable, she represents Rig, Yajur and Samaveda, she is beyond human intellect, she undertakes majestic procession, she is wielded in  Gadha, Shakthi, Chapa, Shoola, and Chakra, she has numerous forms like elderly, young, and child, she is accompanied by Chathurangabalasena/four fold army of warriors, she is eternal truth, she represents terminology, she is impenetrable, she has embodied as Dhathri, she is the provider of abundance of boons, she is Para and skillful, she symbolizes sacred shrine/body, and ladle, she is highly honorable, she has long vision/farsightedness, she is chief of the warriors who helps in need, she is Malini who is adorned in fresh alluring flower garlands, she is highly respectful, she is the mother of Universe and its living beings, she is most venerable, she represents intellect, she is mighty Goddess, she represents fire sacrifices, and intelligence, she has great speed, she has great strength, she takes immense pleasure in the consumption of nectar, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she is immortal, she is a great illusionist, she is the mother of Universe and its living beings, she eradicates all kinds of illnesses, she is Mridani, she is virtuous woman, she represents death, she is Mahadevi who has great belly, she has pleasant disposition, she has won over death, she is pure, she is powerful, she is the source of living beings, she is Maharathri who is represents night of deluge,  she takes pleasure in being inactive, her face has the appearance of wild boar, she represents the zodiac sign pisces, she is the slayer of demon Mahisha, she represents shruthi, she eradicates hallucination, lust, desire, immoral acts, fruitless actions, addiction to intoxicated drinks, accidental and unexpected deaths, impurities etc… she has the appearance of wild boar and she produces boisterous voices like untamed   animals lion, bull, and leopard, she has embodied as Earth, Kamadhenu, Dharithri, and dense wood, she symbolizes fortune, and righteousness, she immerses in meditation and she is perceivable through meditation, she is the provider of wealth,  abundance of grains,  and possession of land, she eradicates sins, afflictions, enemies, and illnesses, she provides various super natural powers, she represents art forms, summit, fame, fortnight, day, atom/small part, and vital air.

Hrinnabhi Bhramaradhrarka  Swargapathala Bhoomiga | Aim Sree: Hree: Kleem  Theerthagathi:  Preethirdheergi:  Kalavyaya ||

Rig Yaju: Samaroopa  Cha Para  Yathrinyudhumbara| Gadhasi Shakthi Chapeshu Shoola Chakra  Krashti Dharini ||

Jarathi Yuvathi Bala  Chathuranga Balothkata | Sathyakshara  Chadhibhethri Dhathri Pathri Para Patu: ||

Kshethrajja  Kambini Jyeshta  Dhooradharsha  Dhurandhara | Malini Manini Matha Mananeeya  Manasvini ||

Mahothkata  Manyukari  Manuroopa  Manojava | Medhasvini Madhyaratha  Madhupa  Mangala Amara ||

Maya Mathamayahari  Mridani Mahila Mrithi: | Mahadevi  Mohahari  Manjjur Mrithyunjjaya Amala ||

Mamsala Manava  Moola  Maharathri  Mahalasa | Mriganga  Meenakari Syan Mahishaghni Madhanthika ||

Moorccha Moha Mrisha Mogha  Madham Mrithyu Malapaha | Simharksha Mahisha Vyaghra Mriga  Krodanana Dhuni ||

Dharani DhArini Dhenur Dharithri Dhavani Dhava | Dharmadhvana Dhyanapara  Dhana Dhanya Dharapradha ||

Papadhosharipu Vyadhinashini  Siddhidhayini | Kalakashta Thrapa Pakshaha Sthrutishvasa Roopini ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana||