Tuesday 17 July 2018

Sri Adhi Varahi Sahasranamasthothram – Sri Uddamarathanthram - Lyrics and meanings 31 – 40

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Adhi Varahi who is flawless, she has beautiful arms, she is Raudhri who is consort of Rudra , she has personified as Radha, she represents full moon/ Raka, she is  Rama and  Rathi as well,  she is the mother of Universe and its living beings,  she is loveliest, she can be brutal, she is the protector of Universe and its living beings, she resides in the middle of  Suryamandala, she is Ranjani who is the source of happiness,  she is most beautiful/Ramani, she symbolizes prosperity,   she is passionate and most desirable, she is Rama, she is wrathful/ Rosha, and passionate as well,  she can be harsh, she is the provider of meritorious rewards like elephant and kingdom,  she is stunningly gorgeous, she is perceivable for the virtuous, she is Rudrani, she is extremely valorus in battlefields, she has embodied as nectar like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi,   Gandaki, Thungabadhra, Kaveri, she is  Kaushiki, she is clever, she is wielded in powerful sword,  she has thousands of eyes, she can be formidable, she is omniscient, she is Shankari who symbolizes auspiciousness, she has profound knowledge in all shasthras, she has attractive matted hair locks, she represents Yavana/Yavani, she has embodied as daughter of divine cow Surabi/ Saurabhi, she has personified with a hump on the back/ Kubja, and curved horns/Vakrathunda,  she is all prepared for the  assassin in the battlefield, she causes afflictions on Chandra, she is eulogized by Veda, she is wielded in conch, she has dark blue complexion, she symbolizes meditation, she can be vicious, she symbolizes death, she is the provider of Thrivargaphala/Dharma, Artha and Kama, she has no specific form, she has numerous forms too, she has various forms, she has slender form, she represents sun and fire, she is moutned on celestial bull, she is Lord of Vrishabha, she has Vrishabha as celestial vehicle, she is beloved of virtuous people, she represents virility, prowess, and might, she is wielded in Kodhanda, she is adorned in serpents, she represents wisdom, she has most pleasing form too, she is Paramartha who symbolizes absolute Bhramam/supreme consciousness, she is attired in directions as clothe, she is formidable, she is divine personified who resides in the association of Suras, she destroys wicked enemies, she has personified as Durga, and Radha, she eradicates miseries and perils, she is difficult to propitiate and she remains remote, she is inconceivable, she has pleasing form too, she  is perceivable and not aggressive, she has beautiful long curly hair locks, she is female mendicant, she has the complexion of dark clouds, she causes afflictions on the brightest star sun in the constellation.

Samridhdha  Subhuja  Raudhri  Radha  Raka  Rama Arani: | Rama Rathi : Priya  Rushta Rakshini Ravimadhyaga ||

Rajani Ramani Reva Rangini Ranjjini Rama | Rosha  Roshavathi Rooksha  Karirajyavarapradha  Ratha ||

Rooksha  Roopavathi Rasya  Rudrani Ranapanditha | Ganga Cha Yamuna  Chaiva Saraswathi Swasoormadhu: ||

Gandaki Thungabadhra  Cha Kaveri  Kaushiki  Patu: | Gadvoragavathi Chara  Sahasraksha  Prathardhana ||

Sarvajja  Shankari Shasthri Jata Dharinyayoratha | Yavani Saurabhi Kubja  Vakrathunda  Vadhodhyatha ||

Chandhrapeeda  Vedavedhya  Shankhini Neelalohitha | Dhyanatheetha Aparicchedhya  Mrithyuroopa  Thrivargadha ||

Aroopa Bahuroopa  Cha Nanaroopa  Nathanana | Vrishakapir Vrisharooda  Vrisheshi Vrishavahana ||

Vrishapriya  Vrishavarththa  Vrishaparva  Vrishakrithi: | Kodhandini Nagachooda  Chakshushya  Paramarththika ||

Dhurvasa  Dhurgraha  Devi Suravasa  Dhurariha | Dhurga  Radha  Durgahanthri Dhuraradhya  Dhaviyasi ||

Dhuravasa  Dhu:prahastha  Dhu: Prakamba  Dhuruhini | Suveni Shramani Shyama  Mriga Vyadharkathapini ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||