|| Jai Sriman Narayana||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess
Sri Annapoornna who is primordial, she is Empress of the city of Thripura, she
is adorned in crescent moon on the marvelous crown, she liberates the soul from
repeated births, aging, and death, she is worshiped by Suras and Asuras as
well, Oh ! Savithri who represents living and non- living, and compassionate,
kindly shower your mercy on us. She is
easily obtainable for Suras/Amaras/immortals, they take refuge at her lotus
feet, she is the protector of warriors, she has great effulgence, she is
supreme preceptor, and she symbolizes mercy, Oh! Devi, kindly shower mercy on
us, Oh! Shive, who is presiding deity
of the city of Thripura, she takes immense pleasure in exploring through the
great city, she is beloved of Puranthaka who is the slayer of Kamadeva, she is
sister of Purusha/Lord Vishnu, she resides in Sripuram, she is annihilator of clan of enemy
of Suras, she symbolizes heaven, sacred
scriptures and highest philosophies, she imparts supreme knowledge, she is
worshiped by Puranapurusha, Oh! Amba, I shall take refugee at your lotus feet,
you have personified as young maiden of cowherd in the sacred land of Vraja as
a fruit of their piousness, Oh! Puranapuranayike, kindly shower your mercy on
us. She is Sureshvari in the greatest
city of Thripura, she eradicates three kinds of afflictions, miseries and
sorrows of the worshiper, she represents Purari and Ganas, she has personified
as Devi Sathi, she crushed the pride of sons of Dhithi/demons, she is
Purathanapureshvari who is extremely compassionate, kindly shower your mercy on
us, she symbolizes Universe and its living beings, she is the purifier of soul,
she represent worldly existence, her lotus feet are the shelter place of
deities, Oh! Puranapuranayike, who is adorned in crescent moon on the crown,
your splendor is beyond description, even Lord of Mountains is incompetent to narrate
the same, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoornneshvari ! she holds sweet pudding
in a gem decorated pitcher and a ladle, she is adorned in various precious
ornaments all over the body, she fulfills all the desires of the passionate
worshiper, Oh! Ambike, your face has the luster that excels the beauty of full moon, she is prostrated by deities and
demons as well, Hail to supreme Goddess Puraneshvari! You are primordial, Oh!
Pureshvari, you are primeval deity who has endless marvelous myths, your
splendor is eulogized by illustrious Rishis and Sages, you fulfill all the
desires of the deities, you are the fruit of several years of extreme penances, Hail to
supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! she represents all the art forms and virtues,
she is adorned in crescent moon, she represents Goddess Vani who is the source
of wisdom and knowledge, she is worshiped by the clan of Kaladhara/moon, she is
adorned in marvelous anklets which produces jingling noises, she is
unconquerable in battle fields, she has attractive physical features, she
crushed the pride of demons of the cities of Thripura, Hail to supreme Goddess
Annapoornneshvari ! Oh! Ambike, Oh! Janani who is the mother of Universe and
its living beings, she removes the darkness of hunger, she holds the nectar of
immortality, she is worshiped by
wise, ascetics, and intellectuals, she is supreme ascetic, Oh! Anargale who is independent, she is
worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari! she belongs
to the clan of Mahisura, she is the worshiped by Mahisura, she has embodied as
Yuga, she is highly honorable and most venerable, she is worshiped by Mahipathi, she is the piousness of Maheendhra
who has supreme abode in Mount Kailash, she represents Earth, sacred rivers,
heaven and space, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! she is
Sharveshvari who has lustrous face, she has the complexion of dark clouds, she
resides as soul in living beings, Oh! Puranapuranayike ! Your endless glorious myths are eulogized by
illustrious Sages and honorable people; she gets highly pleased with their
veneration, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari! Oh! Amba who symbolizes kindness, kindly
shower your mercy upon us, I am imperfect and impure, Oh! Kalyani, kindly
shower your auspicious grace on us. Oh! Puranapuranayike, who resides in the
Kulachala, she has the brilliance of fire, Hail to supreme Goddess
Annapoorneshvari! Oh! Devi, kindly bless
us with intense devotion, kindly eradicate extreme fears, and illnesses, kindly burn our perplexity, uncertainty,
stupidity and foolishness, kindly remove our depressing, agitated, imperfect,
exhausted, impaired state of mind, and kindly crush down our sufferings of poverty,
Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari! Oh! Savithri who is worshiped by ascetics, she symbolizes
absolute Bhramam, she has sun, moon and fire as three eyes which spread extreme
radiance all over her face, Oh! Bhavithri who remove the worldly existence of
the living beings, she represents bliss and spark of fire, Oh! Dharithri, Oh!
Paradevathe, Oh! Puraneshvari, kindly protect us and shower your merciful
grace on us, Oh! Amba, who is benevolent and promising to miserable, she is the
source abundance of grains, hence kindly do not abandon us, Oh! Rame who is
beyond human intellect, whose lotus feet are most desirable and it is the
source of welfare, happiness and richness, it fulfills all the desires of the
worshiper, she is worshiped by Ramaramana, she entices the heart of Ramanatha,
she symbolizes virtues, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! Oh! Ambike,
she symbolizes mercy, piousness, fortune, meritorious rewards, and amusement, she is elegant and takes
immense joy in music, she is attired in marvelous gem decorated garments, she
is beloved of Puranchithapuri, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! she
symbolizes Universe and its living beings, Oh! Chandike, you disperse the fruit
of Karma, she represents living and non-living things, Oh! Puranapuranayike,
you are the creator, protector and
causes mass destruction at the end of Yuga, Oh! Jagadambike, your lotus feet are the safest shelter place
for the living beings, hence I shall take refuge at your lotus feet, Oh!
Puranapuranayike, kindly shower intense devotion at your lotus feet, Hail to
supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! Oh! Amba, who has formidable appearance, she
is mighty Goddess, she symbolizes opulence and wealth, Oh! Kripakari, kindly
liberate us from repeated births, I shall always take refuge at your lotus
feet, Oh! Kumari, Oh! Kulapalini who is the protector of illustrious clan,
kindly remove our afflictions and fear, Hail to supreme Goddess
Annapoorneshvari ! she is adorned in crescent moon and various precious
ornaments all over the body, she is worshiped by Sages and Rishis, she is the
slayer of wicked demons, she is the source of enlightenment, she holds grains
in a gem decorated pitcher, she is merciful, I shall take refuge at the lotus
feet of supreme Goddess Annapoornna! Oh! Giramnayike, who is the source of
excellence in speech even to the people who lack speaking ability, she resides
in the abode of lotus flower, she has personified as younger sister of Mukunda,
and fierce Kali, she destroyed the wicked demons of the clan of Dhithi, Hail to
supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari! Oh ! Jagadhambike, kindly protect us, kindly
listen to our miserable cries, I shall take refugee at your lotus feet, kindly
eradicate our agonies, perils and afflictions, Oh! Bhavani, who is adorned in
various precious ornaments all over the body, Oh! Shive, who has great
splendor, kindly shower your auspicious grace, Hail to supreme Goddess
Annapoorneshvari! Oh! Puranapuranayike, veneration of your lotus feet is possible
for Lord Vishnu, and Shiva, your
glorious myths are sought after by pious, Oh!Puranapuranayike, after listening
to my love soaked verses kindly settle
in our town nectar like down pour, Oh! Puranapuranayike, who is adorned in
marvelous anklets which produces jingling noises, she is adorned in magnificent
waist ornament of precious yellow metal, she is decorated with various
ornaments all over the body, she is adorned in crescent moon on the crown, she
has sweet and melodious voice, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari ! Oh!
Ambike, I am a person of misconduct, I have committed numerous sinful, wicked,
and evil deeds, I am helpless and miserable, hence kindly protect me from your
servants, Oh! Annapoorneshvari, who is the destroyer of perils and afflictions
I shall prostrate before you, kindly protect us. I shall prostrate before
supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari who is worshiped by illustrious Rishis and
Sages, she is venerated by Manus, she was born in the illustrious clan of Sage
Mathanga, she takes immense pleasure in the consumption of spirituous
intoxicated drink, she has the gait of swan, she is lustrous like precious gem emerald,
she is young and has lovely appearance. These are the glorious verses composed
by Sri Subbaramasharma, was offered at
the lotus feet of Puranapuranayika, Hail to supreme Goddess Annapoorneshvari !
Puranapuranayike Suravarendhuchoodapriye |
Surasuranamaskrithe Kurukripamanathe
Mayi |Jaramarananashineemadhigathasuram Vai Sura: | Characharasavithri
They Charanasevayamvamara: ||
Purathanapuralayapriyaviharalole Shive | Puranthakamana: Priye Purushasodhari Sripure |Surarikulamardhini
Thridhivaveerasamrakshini | Spurathgurukripanidhe KuruKripamanathemayi ||
Purananigamagamaprakarabodhitha Prabhave
|Puranapurusharchithe Sharanamamba Theyanghridhvayam |Puranasukrithavraja
Prakatalabdhasandharshane | Puranapuranayike
Kurukripamanathemayi ||
Purakila Sureshvari Thridhashadhukha
Sambhedhane |Purarimukha Devathanichayalabadharoopabhava: |Purapi Bhavathi
Sathi Dhithijagarvanirvapini | Purathanapureshvari Priyamayim Kripam Santhanu ||
Purahi Bhavathasutha Kila
Vishudhdhanamnabhritha |Sureshi Bhavagehini Surasharanya Padhambhuja |Giram
Padhi Na Gochara Tharunachandhra
Choodambika | Puranapuranayika Jayathu Cha Annapoorneshvari ||
Karakalithapayasa Parakarollasa Dharvika
Sarasabhakthapoorapradha |Sucharumukhachandhra Dhikrithakalankibimba
Ambika | Surasuranamaskritham Vijayatham Puraneshvari ||
Chiranthanapureshi They Chiratharam
Vichinthyathbhutham |Chiram KilaMuneeshvarashcharitha Sindhumagna: Param
|Chiradhapi Suraspadham Na Khalu Vanchitham Manvathe | Chirarjitha Thapa: Phale
Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Kalanidhikaladhare Kalavilasavanigune
|Kaladharakularchithe KalakalaranaNoopure |Kalapajitha Tharakavalilasan
Nithambojjvale | Kalapithapurapure Jaya
Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Kshudhandhajanajeevane Janani
Sadhusanjjevane |Mudhakritha Sudharase
Budhajanai Sadhasevithe |Budhavalinuthe Ambike Vividhavaibhava Anargale
|Vidhadhrumukhapoojithe Jaya Jaya
Annapoorneshvari ||
Maheesurakulayane Krithamahi Suraradhane |Mahikritha
Yugarnnave Mahithabhakthadhanavrathe |
Maheepathi Samarchithe
Himamahidhrapunyankure | Maheemukhara Vaibhave Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Sharvari | Karayuthasadhringmukhi Thvamasijeevanam Praninam
|Nijorucharithamritha Dhrithajanapitheshtavraje |Puranapuranayike Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Kripamkuru Kriparnnave Vikalamashu Kalyam Kuru | Kale
Kalushasanthathim Kalushayamba Kalyanini |Kulachalanikethane
Kalithakukkutalipriye ||Puranapuranayike
Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Vipanjjaya Vipaththathim
Vidharayantharayavalim |Vibeeshaya BhayavrajamGadhaganam Vinirghathaya |
Vinirdhaha Vimoodatham Vikala
Bhavamucchataya |Vipodhaya Dharidhratham Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Savithri Sadhupasithe Sakalanishkalakarini |Thvama
Thrinayanothbhava Dhyuthivihasi Vakthrojjvale |Bhavithri Bhavamochani
Pramadhakukkutamodhini |Dharithri Paradevathe Kuru Kripam Puraneshvari ||
Thvaman Namitham Dhadhasyakhila
Durgathebhya: Priya |Thvamamba Jagathamathasthvamasi Jeevanam Dhehinam |
Thvadhanthikamupethya Ye Thvayi
Vithanvathe Manasam | Thvamashu
Vithanoshi Thanakhiladhurllabhaprabhavan ||
Paramaham Rame Thavapadhabjayo Ramyayo: | Rametha Kathamoapi Va
Bhavasukhe Viramarthidhe |
Ramitharamanathanthare | Ramadhrithagunakare Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Udhanchitha Kripabhare Sukritha Sanchithalokane | Karanchitha
Vipanchika Lalithaganaloleambike | Paranchitha Sukanjana
Jwalithakanchikaranjithe | Puranjithapuripriye Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Characharavidhayini Thvadhakilam
Jagathjayathe | Thvadhannaparivardhitha Sthvayi Vasanthi Hi Pranina: | Thvameva Vilayaspadham
Nikhiladhehinam Chandike | Puranapuranyike
Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Thvadhamburuha Dambara
Pramathanaghriyugmam Vina | Janasya Jagadhambike Sharanadham Kimanyathbhuvi |
Athasthava Padhambjayo: Pradhisha Mey Cha
Bhakthim Param | Puranapuranayike
Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Bhavabeeshana Prabala Bhogivakthradhimam | Vimochaya Kripakari
Prathipadham Thavanghrishritham | Kumari Kulapalini Pramathayashu
Peedabaram | Paranutha Param Bhayam Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Shira: Kalithachandhraya Kalitha Dhivyabhooshadyaya |
Samasthamunivandhyaya Yuthi Nirastha
Dhaithyaughaya |Anasthamithabodhaya
Karavaraththa Dhivyannaya | Kayapi Karunardhraya Sasharana Vayam Santhatham ||
Amandhamayi Sampadham Paridhadhasi
Padmalaye | Sumandhamapi Vakpathim Vithanushe Giramnayike |Mukundasahaje Muhu:
Kalitha Kalikaroopini | Vihamsi Dhithijavalim Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Praseeda Jagadhambike Shrunu Madheeyadheenam Vacha: | Vipathsu
Sharanam Bhava Pranutha Durgamam
Durgathim | Puro Mama Dhrishoshive
Kanakabhooshanabhooshithe | Bhavani Bhavabasura Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Thava Padharchakam Himamahidhrapunyankure | Kimarbaka Thavepsitham
Kathaya Sadhayamshuthey | Ithi Priyavacho Madhuprakara Varshamathanvathi|
Puranapuranayike Mama Purasamayasyasi ||
Kalakvanithanoopura Katinibandha
Kanchiguna |Rananmanivibhooshana Charanakinkiniravini|Sharathshimukhodh
Galanmadhuravadhamodhapradha | Puranapuanayike
Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
Anantha Dhurithakriyacharana
Chunchumayambike | Na Muncha Thava Kimkaram Paramadheenadheenam Shive |
Vipathsuhridhi Samsmritha
Sakalapathakadhvamsini | Praseedha Paripalaya Pranathamannapoorneshvari ||
Muneendhraganasevithe Manujapalasampoojithe |Mathangakulanayike Madhumadhojjvale Mohini | Maralagamananchithe
Marakathaprabhashyamale | Manohari Mano Mama Pramadhayannapoorneshvari ||
Krithamaya Pranathakamadhe Modhadhe |
Samarpithamaharpatheranukadheepikadhanavath |Puranapuranayike Thava Padhabhjayordheeprayo - Rapangaya Cha
Mam Sadha Jaya Jaya Annapoorneshvari ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||