Saturday 8 August 2020

Paramathma Ashtakam – Sri Yoganandha Theertha Virachitham



I shall prostrate before the Paramathma who resides as a soul in us, Oh! Paramathma, Oh! Prabho, even after obtaining that supreme soul, which is the source for the functioning of the Panchaprana, Panchendhriyas, Karmendhriyas, Mano, Chiththam, Buddhi, Ahamkara, I have become too selfish indulging my mind and intellect in the worldly matters and bondage. I have constantly engaged in sensual pleasures and forgot the practice of Vairagya/the practice of renunciation, my mind and intellect were monotonously chasing the pleasure one after another. Oh! Prabho, I have completely drenched in the worldly matters and pleasure; thus my mind has become unpredictable and fickle, therefore whenever I contemplate upon you I could not concentrate or take control over the redundant thoughts. I have trained my mind and intellect to concentrate on scriptures and Shathras, even after all these, my dull-mind is not willing to leave the interest in worldly matters. Oh! Thatha, the excessive interest in worldly matters and bondages, and the handful of knowledge in scriptures brought Shoka/sorrow, Moha/desires, and Ego/arrogance/self-respect etc. Oh! Natha, kindly shower your eternal grace on us to have intense devotion and faith at your lotus feet, let my mind and intellect take pleasure in your contemplation, let my mind and intellect take pleasure in the supreme wisdom, let my mind take pleasure in the constant meditation upon your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, I have been drenched in the powerful Maya and lost the sense to differentiate good and evil, and I have fallen in the cycle of Samsara, Oh! Prabho, Kindly protect me. Oh! Paramathma, kindly shower intense devotion and serenity of mind, Oh! Prabho kindly protects us from the endless miseries and sorrows of worldly existence.  The Paramathma Ashtakam removes the excessive desires and lust in the Jeeva, and it would provide supreme wisdom, was written by Sri Yogananda Theertha.



Paramathmasthava Prapthau Kushaloasmi Na Samshaya: | Thathapi Me Mano Dhushtam Bhogeshu Ramathe Sadha ||


Yatha Yatha Thu Vairagyam Bhogebhayashcha  Karomyaham | Thadhaiva Me Mano Moodam Punar Bhogeshu Gacchathi ||


Bhogan Bhukthva Mudham Yathi Mano Me  Chanchalam Prabho | Thava  Smruthi Yadha Yathi Thadha  Yathi Bhairmukham ||


Prathyaham Shashthranichayam Chinthayami Samahitha: | Thathapi Me  Mano  Moodam  Thyakthva  Thvam Bhogamicchathi ||


Shokamohau Manamadhau Thava  Jjyanadhbhavanthi Vai | Yadha  Budhdhipatham Yasi Yanthi The Vilayam Thadha ||


Krupam Kuru Thatha  Natha  Thvayi Chiththam Sthiram Yatha | Mamasya  Gnanasamyuktham Thava Dhyanaparayanam ||


Mayaya The Vimudoasmi Na Pashyami Hithahitham | Samsaraparapathodhau Pathitham Mamudhdhara ||


Paramathmasthvayi Sadhamamasyanishchala Mathi: | Samsara Dhukhaghahanathvam Sadha  Rakshako Mama ||


Paramathmana Idham  Sthothram Moha Vicchedhakaram | Gnanadham Cha  Bhaven Nrinam Yoganandhena Nirmitham ||


|| Ithi Sri Yoganandha Theertha Virachitham Sri Paramathma Ashtakam Sampoornnam ||