Saturday 29 August 2020

Vidura Neethi – Sri Mahabharath - Chapter -1 - The conversation between Vidura and King Dhritharashtra 21- 40


Vidura Neethi – Sri Mahabharath - Chapter - 1

Chapter – 3  - The conversation between Vidura and King Dhritarashtra 21- 40


Vidura speaks “Oh! Bharatharshabha/born in the illustrious clan of Bharatha, I shall describe the characteristics of the intellectuals 1 ) They perform tasks which are appropriate to their strength/prowess 2) They perform the tasks with utmost sincerity 3) They do not ignore or underrate any tasks 4) Intellectuals understands things immediately are studious, 5) They listen patiently 6) They do not fall for desire, but make all the intelligent effort to undertake the tasks and achieve the same 7) They do not interfere in others personal matters, unless and until they are requested 8) They do not chase after impossible things 9) They do not grieve over the loss 10) They do not waste time 11) They do not yearn to perform adventurous things in life 12 ) They do not leave the things in the middle or halfway, patiently wait to finish the tasks 13) They will have perfect control over sense. Oh! Bharatharshabha, 14) Intellectuals take pleasure in Sathkarma/righteous deeds, 15) they perform tasks for the Universal welfare 16) they do not disrespect virtuous people or deeds 17) the intellectuals remain calm at the time of respect and disrespect, do not over-joy or get disappointed in both the circumstances. 18) The intellectuals remain calm and serene like the pond close to the watercourse of Ganga. 19) The intellectuals will have a thorough knowledge of destructible nature of Prakrithi/nature and living and non-living things and material matters and bondage etc. 20) they will have a thorough knowledge of the performance of deeds/spiritual and religious rites, and their inter-related concepts and its consequences etc. 21) they will easily understand the nature of humans who strive hard for their selfish motive. Oh! Rajan, the intellectuals are 22) eloquent, 23) will have thorough knowledge in various fields of knowledge 24) enriched with farsightedness 25) extremely talented 26) will have profound knowledge in scriptures and sacred texts.”


Vidura continues “Oh! Bharatharshabha, the intellectuals do not overrule the disciplines, righteousness, moralities, and virtues. I shall describe the nature of an ignorant to you.  1) The person who has no knowledge shastras or Puranas, but take great pride of birth in the illustrious clan 2) The person who is poor but takes great pleasure in giving away 3) The person who perform various rites and tasks for personal benefit. 4) The person who discards his own duties and responsibilities and jump into the affairs of others 5) the person who use unwarranted means to fulfill the task of the companion. 6) The person who falls for the unwarranted needs 7) The person who abandon the duties and responsibilities prescribed for him/her 8) The person who speaks ill of the powerful 9) The person who assumes the enemy as his friend 10) The person who contemptuous towards his well-wisher and engages in the heinous act against them 11) The person who follow immoral deeds. 12) The person who does not perform the ancestral rite 13) The person who does not conduct the worship of the deities 14) The person who does not earn good companions 15) The person who show up in places where uninvited 16) The person who serve opinions without asking for it 17) The person who keeps trust in the people who are least trustworthy. 18) The person who blames others for his own mistakes 19) the person who gets triggered, even though no strength in him to act 20) the person who is not aware of his own talents or skills 21) the person who does not strive for Purusharththa 22) the person who strives to achieve impossible. Oh! Rajan, 23) the fool punishes the innocent 24) respects the ignorant and 26) depend on the misers and wicked.  Oh! Bharathashrabha, an intelligent person who has achieved the supreme wisdom, and immense wealth, do not take pride in it. How did we name a person who uses the entire wealth for his own comforts and luxuries, and take great pleasure in it without utilizing for the welfare of his own people?”



Yadhashakthi Chikeershanthi Yadhashakthi Cha Kurvathe | Na  Kimchithavamanyanthe  Panditha Bharatharshabha ||


Kshipram Vijannathi Chiram Shrunothi | Vijjaya Charththam Bhajathe Na Kamath | Na  Samprushto Vyupayunkthe  Pararththe | Thath Prajjanam Pradhamam Pandithasya ||


Na Prapyam Abivanchanthi  Nashtam Necchanthi Shochithum | Apathsu Cha Na  Muhyanthi Nara: Panditha Budhdhaya: ||


Nishchithya  Ya:  Prakramathe  Nanthar Vasathi Karmana: | Avandhyakalo Vashyathma  Sa Vai Panditha Uchyathe ||


Arya Karmani Rajyanthe  Bhoothi Karmani Kurvathe | Hitham Cha  Nabhya Sooyanthi Panditha Bharatharshabha ||


Na  Hrishyathyathma Sammane  Navamanena Thapyathe | Gango Hradha Ivakshobhyo Ya:  Sa Panditha Uchyathe ||


Thaththvajja: Sarvabhoothanam Yogajja: Sarvakarmmanam | Upayajjo Manushyanam Nara: Panditha  Uchyathe ||


Pravriththavak Chithrakatha  Uhavan Prathibhanavan | Ashu Grandhasya  Vaktha Cha  Sa Vai Panditha  Uchyathe ||


Shrutham Prajjanugam Yasya Prajja Chaiva  Shruthanuga | Asambhinnarya Maryadha: Pandithakhyam Labetha  Sa: ||


Ashruthashcha  Samunnadhdho Dharidhrashcha  Mahamana: | Arththamshcha  Karmana Prepsur Mooda Ithyuchyathe  Budhai: ||


Swamarththam Ya: Parithyajya Pararththamanuthishtathi | Midhya Charathi Mithrarththe Yashcha Mooda: Sa Uchyathe ||


Akaman Kamayathi Ya: Kamayana Parithyajeth | Balavantham Cha Yo Dhveshti Thamahur Moodachethasam ||


Amithram Kuruthe  Mithram Mithram Dhveshti Hinasthi Cha | Karma Cha Rabathe  Dushtam Thamahur Moodachethasam ||


Samsarayathi Krithyani  Sarvathra  Vi Chikithsathe | Chiram Karothi Kshiprarththe  Sa Moodo Bharatharshabha ||


Sharadhdham  Prthribhyo Na Dhadhathi Dhaivathani Narchathi | Suhrith Mithram Na Labathe  Thamahur Mooda Chethasam ||


Anahootha : Pravishathi Aprishto  Bahu Bhashathe | Vishwa Sathya Pramaththeshu Mooda Chetha  Naradhama: ||


Param Kshipathi Dhoshena  Varthamana: Swayam  Thadha| Yashcha  Krudhyathyaneesha: San Sa Moodathamo Nara: ||


Athmano Balamajjaya Dharmarthhta Parivarjjitham | Alabhyamiscchainaishkarmyath Mooda Budhdhirihochyathe||


Ashishyam Shasthi Yo Rajanyashcha  Shoonyamupasathe | Kadharyam Bhajathe  Yaschcha  Thamahur Mooda Chethasam ||


Arththam Mahanthamasadhya Vidhyamaishvarya Mevava | Vicharathya Samundhdhayo Ya:  Sa  Panditha  Uchyathe ||


Yeka: Sampannmashnathi Vasthe Vasashcha  Shobhanam | Yoasamvibhajya Bhrithyebhya: Ko  Nrushamsatharasthatha: ||