Tuesday 24 November 2020

Nyayashasthra – Chapter -13 - Chanakya Neethi – 11 - 20


Chapter – 13– Chanakya Neethi – 11 – 20

Rishi Chanakya speaks “ Mana Yeva Manushyanam  Karanam Bandha Mokshayo:’, the interest in worldly matters and bondages are the main factors of endless miseries and  grief, the attachment to material matters, possession, richness, wealth, fame, etc. attachment to family, children, wife, companions, and relatives make the Jeeva grieve over the separation or loss of any of the above matters. The Moksha is a blissful state which is the absence of pain or grief, the practice of meditation, contemplation upon the supreme Lord resides as a soul in the Jeeva, observance of austerities, celibacy, etc. would purify the mind free from Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Madha and Mathshcharya, and provides perfect control over sense, eventually, the interest in worldly matters and bondage get lessened, with the knowledge of Paramarththa Thaththva, that all the material things/Prakrithi, have impermanent nature, and the supreme Purusha resides as soul/Athman in the Jeeva is eternal,  it will lead the Sadhaka to a  state of supreme bliss/Moksha. The human mind and intellect is the cause for Bandha and Moksha as well. Once, the Sadhaka understood the nature of Paramathma Parambhramam with the constant practice of meditation and contemplation, get rid of ‘I’ consciousness/me, myself and mine and body consciousness/abandon the interest in beautifying it as if it is going to live till the end of Kalpa, achieve the supreme knowledge that the Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva is eternal, pure, free from afflictions have neither birth nor death, eventually achieves the serenity of mind/Samadhi, a state free from redundant thoughts. The Karma and the fruits of the Karma is predestined of Jeeva, therefore it is futile to chaste after material comforts and luxuries which are not designed, the ignorant Jeeva chases after the wealth, possession, richness, and money, forgetting the Paramarththa Thaththva gets exasperated and miserable in the hunt after luxuries get severely hurt. The Mahathma, noble souls, learned, accept whatever intended as Eshwararththa/ be it grief or happiness and lives in utmost contentment. The Karma is so powerful will not spare a single person; find its way to get hold of the individual at the right time, like the calves locates its mother in a huge crowd of cows in the shed. The people, who have no specific objective in life, cannot achieve peace in the middle of a crowd or in the solitude of wood, while living in the crowd they find differences in others and while living in the wood complains about the loneliness. The people who sincerely serve the preceptor would achieve supreme knowledge of Parmarththa Thaththva, like the deep excavation reveals the source of water. The ignorant Jeeva performs the Karma yearning for the fruitful results, surprisingly the intellectuals performs the Karma according to their knowledge. It is essential that a person should find contentment in the three 1) wife 2) meal and 3) wealth. An intelligent never get satisfied in the three 1) Adhyayana/practicing of learning scriptures, Shastras, Veda, Vedantha, 2) Japa/recitation of glorious verses and hymns 3) and performance of charities. The person who disrespects or does not sincerely follow the command of the preceptor would take birth as a dog for hundred times and finally achieves the birth of a Chandala. The Sajjanas/noble souls will not move away from the path of righteousness, even the Mount Meru, and the seven oceans may get displaced at the time of deluge, the Mahathma and noble souls will not leave their austerities, vows, and penances.”


Bandhaya  Vishaya Sango Mukthyai Nirvishayam Mana: | Mana Yeva Manushyanam Karnam Bandha Mokshayo: ||


Dhehabhimane Galithe  Jjathe Cha Paramathmani | Yathra Yathra Mano Yathi Thathra Thathra Samadhaya: ||


Epsitham Manasa: Sarvam KasyaSampadhyathe  Sukham | Dhevayaththam Yatha; Sarvam Thasmath Santhoshamashrayeth ||


Yadha  Dhenu Sahasreshu Vathso Vindhathi Matharam | Thadha Pura Kritham Karma Karththaramanugacchathi ||


Anavasthitha Karyasya Na Jane Na Vane  Sukham | Jano Dhahathi Samsargadh Vanam Sanga Vivarjanath ||


Yadha Khanan Khanithrena Bhoothale Vari  Vinadhathi | Thadha  Gurugatham Vidhvam Shushrushuradhigacchathi ||


Karmmayaththam Phalam Pumsam Budhdhi; Karmanusarini | Thadhapi Sudhiyashcharya: Suvicharyaiva Kurvathe ||


Santhoshasthrishu Karththavya:  Swadhare Bhojane  Dhane | Thishu Chaiva  Na Karththavyoadhyayane Japa Dhanayo: ||


Yekakshra Pradhatharam Yo Gurum Nabhivandhathe | Shvanayonishatham Gathva  Chandaleshvabhijayathe ||


Yuganthe  Prachalenmeru: Kalpanthe  Sapthasagara: | Sadhava; Prathipannarththanna Chalanthi Kadhachana ||