Tuesday 24 November 2020

Nyayashasthra – Chapter -14 - Chanakya Neethi – 1 - 9


Chapter – 14– Chanakya Neethi – 1 – 9

Rishi Chanakya speaks “there are three precious things are considered as gems on the Earth, 1) water to quench the thirst, wave off hunger and tediousness 2) meals/fiber roots, vegetables, and fruits  3) Subhashitham/pleasing talks to satisfy listeners,  but the ignorant people chase after the sandstone like comforts and luxuries and misunderstand them as gems. The ignorant Jeeva greedily chases after comforts and luxuries, as if their life span is too long till the end of Kalpa, without the knowledge that the wealth, richness, possession, fame, family, children, wife, companions, etc. have short-living nature and life span on the Earth is too short, all those wealth earned won’t follow them in the afterlife.  The undeniable truth is that all those Punya karma/righteous deeds performed on the Earth follows the Jeeva afterlife too. The sins committed by Jeeva bounce back in the form of 1) Grief 2) sufferings of poverty 3) ailments 4) Bandhanam/attachment to destructible nature of material matters and grieve over their absence or separation and 5) Vyasana/ fears and anxieties. The human birth is rare to achieve, that was earned after several thousands of birth as creatures in water, land, and air, and therefore it is essential to use it wisely, protect it from all the evil deeds, and perform righteous deeds for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings which would bring an abundance of piousness while living on the Earth and afterlife too. The loss of wealth, possession, fame, richness, the family can be compensated, but the human body achieved after the piousness of several births should be utilized for the purpose of righteous deeds, and strive to achieve Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. The ‘Unity is the strength’, even the impossible things would become possible, if the people stand united to fight against injustice, unity makes it possible to win over even the unconquerable, like the grass withstand the hurricane, but not the powerful trees which cannot bend.  The little contribution to the right personalities would enhance its value as1) oil dripped in the water 2) contribution to a deserving person 3) knowledge shared to an intelligent person 4) secret shared with a person who does not know to keep it. No one is free from Bandha/bondage in this worldly existence, if 1) feel unsatisfied after listening to the glorious myths from sacred scriptures 2) Person who return heavy-hearted after attending the funeral pyre of the beloved one, 3) couple who feel tired and exhausted after the physical relationship. The sense of  ‘guilt consciousnesses’ will definitely improve the life of a person, it would be a constant reminder for the person not to repeat the mistake and mount up the grief. The following  virtues are precious as gems 1)Dhanam/charities performed 2) Tapasya/austerities, vow, and observance of celibacy 3) Shauryam/fearlessness to win over enemies 4) knowledge in various subjects 5) humility and simplicity 6) and skill, always remember that there is no scarcity of gems on the Earth.  Love and affection towards the beloved ones does not cause grief even in their absence, but the person who does not deserve kindness or love, even their nearness would make feel distant.”



Prithvyam Threeni Rathnani Jalamannam Subhashitham | Moodai: Pashana Gandeshu Rathnasamjja Vidheeyathe ||


Athmaparadha Vrikshasya Phalanyethani Dheheenam | Dharidhrya Dhukharogani Bandhana Vyasanani Cha ||


Punarviththam Punarmithram Punarbharya  Punarmahi | Yethath Sarvam Punarlabhyam Na Shareeram Puna: Puna; ||


Bahoonam Chaiva  Sathvanam Samavayo Ripujjaya: | Varshadharadharo Megha; Thrinairapi Nivaryathe ||


Jale Thailam Khale Guhyam Pathre  Dhanam Managapi | Prajje Shasthram Swayam Yathi Vistharam Vasthu Shakthitha: ||


Purananthe Shmashananthe  Maithunanthe  Cha Ya  Mathi: | Sa  Sarvadhaiva Thishteccheth Ko  Na  Muchyathe  Bandhanath ||


Uthpanna  Pashchaththapasya  Budhdhir Bhavathi Yadhrishi | Thadhrishi Yadhi Poorvam Syath  Kasya  Na  Syanmahodhaya: ||


Dhane  Thapasi Shaurye Va  Vijjane  Vinaye  Naye | Vismayo Nahi Karththavyo Bahurathna Vasundhara ||


Dhoorasthoapi Na Dhoorastho Yo Yasya Manasi Sthitha: | Yo Yasya Hridhaye  Nasthi Sameepasthopi Dhooratha: ||