Friday 18 December 2020

Viveka Choodamani – Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – I am that Nithya Muktha Chaithanyaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam


Chapter – 51 – Viveka Choodamani  - 501 – 510


Yogi speaks “I am that all-pervasive Bhramam resides as soul/Athman, therefore I am freed from Pravriththi and Nivrithththi as well. It is vast, Yeka, Aparicchina, Akhanda Ananda Paramathma Paramambhramam, free from Karma and results of the Karma as well. I am that Nireendhriya, Vriththishoonya, Nirakara, Akhandasukhanubhoothi, Paramathma Parambhramam eulogized by Shruthi, I am free from Karma and Punya Papa as well. I am that supreme Bhramam resides as the soul, the body is the Prathibimba/mirror image is free from Sheethoshna/heat and cold, good and evil, therefore the feeling of heat or cold, grace or disgrace, good or bad, happiness or sorrow, does not affect the Paramathma resides as soul/Athman. I am not that body that undergoes constant transformation, aging, illnesses, and death, I am that eternal Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul/Athman. The supreme Bhramam resides s soul/Athman is the sole witness of the Jeeva, therefore the diversified nature of Nama Roopa will not create trepidations in me. I am the Sakshiroopa Paramathma, and the mind, intellect, Karma, Gnanendhriya, Prana are Upadhis/tools to take pleasure in the Dhrishya, like the earthen lamp lit spread light, remains free from the Karma taking place in the home. I am that Nirvikara, Nireeha, Paramthma Parambhramam free from Karma and Karmaphala. I am that Kootastha, Paramathma Chidhanandhaswroopa, is the sole witness like the Adithya/sun is the sole witness of the Universe, does not get affected by the Karma of the living beings in it. I am not Karththa/doer or Karayitha, I am not that Bhoktha or  Bhojayitha, I am not Dhrashta or  Dharshayitha, I am that Jyothirathma is the sole witness. The movement of reflection of the sun in the water gives out the appearance of movement of the sun to the ignorant, but the intelligent easily makes out it as the movement of water. The ignorant believe the miseries and sorrows, Janana, Marana, Jara, Vyadhi, affects the ‘Athman’, Oh! Mooda, I am not that body, I am that all-pervasive Paramathma Parambhramam free from Janma, Jara, Marana, and Vyadhi, I am free from happiness, grief, sorrows, pain, etc. I am that Nishkalanka, Nirvikara, Nishchala Sacchidhanandaswaroopa Paramathma. The sky is pure, as same as the space inside the Ghatam/mud pot. The body is Jadavasthu, do not take pride in it, because it constantly undergoes transformation, aging, illnesses, and finally meets its death. The Shareeradharma does not affect the Athman, therefore it is definite that the body will meet ruin in either way in the land or water, the Athman is pure, Shudhdha Chaithanyaswaroopa and imperishable. The Vikalpa of the intellect perceives the diversified Nama, Roopa in the Universe as Karththa, Bhoktha, Khalathva, Sathguna, Jadathva, Unmaththam, Bandhdham, Muktham, etc. The Adhvaitha Paramathma Paramachaithanya resides as soul/Athman, is free from the above-mentioned divisions. I am that supreme Bhramam which is Athmaswaroopa, Nithyashudhdha Mukthaswaroopa. The Maya/illusion causes the infinite Nama, Roopa, that won’t affect the Athman like the Sky remain untouched by the clouds in it. I am that Nithya Muktha Chaithanyaswroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, those emotions of diversified nature will not affect me.”


Na Me  Pravriththir Na Cha Me Nivriththi: Sadhaikaroopasya  Niramshakasya | Yekathmako Yo Nibido Nirantharo  Vyomeva  Poornna:  Sa Katham Nu Cheshtathe? ||


Punyadhi Papani Nirindhriyasya  Nishchethaso Nirvrikther Nirakrithe: | Kutho Mamakhanda Sukhanubhoother Bhroothe  Hyananvagathamithyapi Shruthi: ||


Cchayaya Sprishtamushtanam Va Sheetham Va  Sushtu Dhushtuva | Na  Sprushyatheva  Yath Kinchith Purusham Thadhvilakshanam ||


Na Sakshinam Sakshyadharma:  Samsprishanthi Vilakshanam | Avikaram Udhaseenam Grihadharma:  Pradheepavath ||


Raveryadha  Karmani Sakshibhavo | Vahnoryadha Dhahaniyamakathvam | Rajjor Yadharopitha  Vasthusanga Sthadhaiva  Kootastha Chithathmano Me ||


Karththapi Va  Karayithapi Naham | Bhokthapi Va Bhojayithapi Naham | Dhrashtapi Va Dharshayithapi Naham | Soaham Swayam  Jyothiranee Dhrigathma ||


Chalathyupadhau Prathibimbalaulya | Maupadhikam Moodadhiyo Nayanthi | Swabimbabhootham Ravivadhva Nishkriyam | Karththasmi Bhokthasmi Hatho Smi Hethi ||


Jale Vapi Sthale Vapi Ludatheshva  Jadathmaka: | Naham Vilipye  Dhadhdharmair Ghatadharmmair Nabho Yadha ||


Karththrithva  Bhoththrithva  Khalathvamaththatha Jadathva Bandhdhathva Vimukthadhathaya: | Budhdher Vikalpa Na Thu Santhi Vasthutha: | Swasminpare Bhramani Kevaleadhvaye ||


Santhu Vikara:  Prakrither Dhashatha | Shathadha Sahasradha  Vapi | Kim Me  Sangachithesthairna Ghana:  Kvachidhambaram Sprishathi?