Thursday 3 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - The seeds of rebirth - 'I' consciousness and the 'body' consciousness


Chapter 16 – Vivekachoodamani  161 – 170


The preceptor speaks “Oh! Ignorant Jeeva, do not take pride in the body which is nothing other than a mass of meat,  and a collection of secrets, Asthi, Mamsa, Medhas, and Thvak. It has a short life span, undergoes constant transformation, aging, illnesses, and death. Oh! Jeeva, do not take pride in it. The supreme Bhramam/Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva is eternal, changeless, pure, and free from afflictions, has neither birth nor death, therefore contemplate and meditate upon that Bhramam, and achieve the state of supreme bliss. The learned who take pride in the knowledge in Shashtra Purana, Veda, Vedantha, body, possessions, and Indhriyas,  cannot experience even the fragrance of  ‘Moksha’, without getting freed from the body consciousness and I consciousness. The Jeevanmuktha remains dispassionate, free from emotions, and impurities/jealousy, pride, lust, desires, and anger, consider the body as the shadow in the sunlight, mirror image, the body assumed while dreaming has no life in it, Oh! Jeeva, do not take pride in the ‘body’ or material possessions that have impermanent nature. The ‘body consciousnesses/pride in the body, and ‘I’ consciousness/me, mine, myself, are the seeds of rebirth, and the consequent sufferings and agonies of worldly existence. The Sadhaka will not take pride in both/'I' and 'body' conscious, achieves serenity of the mind/ free from anger, jealousy, pride, lust, and desires and redundant thoughts as well. The human body is a Jadavasthu/lifeless, made of five essential elements, and the components of Kosha, Karma, Gnanaindhriyas, are functions in the presence of ‘Prana’ in it, once the vital air/Prana abandons the body, it becomes motionless declared as ‘corpse’. The Panchakosha are components, not Athman, Pranamayakosha/inhalation and exhalation, Manomayakosha/Karma and Gnanendhriyas cause ‘I’ consciousness and attachment to material matters are compared to Agni/sacrificial fire, and the Panchendhriyas are  Hothas, the Shabdha, Sparasha, Rasa, Roopa, Gandha are the oblations to the fire sacrifice, these Vishayavasana/Shabdhadhivishaya are the added wood to the fire sacrifice, keeps the fire burning. The ‘Prapancha’ is Maya, it is the product of Avidya/ignorance, when the mind and intellect get wedged to the material matters and bondage, the Avidhya expands, once the Avidhya get destroyed with the knowledge of ‘self’/Parmathma, the interest in worldly matters and bondages disappears like the state of deep sleep/Sushupthi.  During the state of ‘Swapnavastha’/dreaming, the mind and intellect cause to create Karththa and Bhoktha as well, in the same manner in the Jagrathavasth/awakening state as well. In both the states of ‘dreaming’ and ‘awakening’  the mind causes the creation of Sookshma and Sthoola Jagath, once the mind and intellect are Vriththishoonya/inactive, all those Sthoola Sookshma Prapancha and the Jagrath Swapnavastha gets destroyed. ”


Athrathma Budhdhim Thyaja Moodabudhdhe | Thvak Mamsa Medha Asthi Pureesharasau | Sarvathmani Bhramani Nirvikalpe | Kurushva  Shanthim Paramam Bhajasva ||


Dhehendhriyadhavasathi Bhramodhitham | Vidhvanahantham Na Jahathi Yavath | Thavanna Thasyasthi Vimukthi Varththapyasthvesha  Vedanthanayantha  Dharshi ||


Cchayashareere  Prathibimbagathre | Yath Swapnadhehe  Hridhi Kalpithange | Yadhathma Budhdhisthava Nasthi Kachijjeevashccharire Cha Thadhaiva  Masthu ||


Dhehathmadheereva Nrinamasidhdhiyam | Janmadhi Dhukha Prabhavasya  Beejam | Yathastha Thasthvam Jahi Tham Prayathnath | Thyakthe  Thu Chiththe Na Punarbhavasha ||


Karmendhriyai: Panchabhiranchithoayam | Prano Bhaveth Pranayamasthu Kosha: | Yenathmavannamayoanna Poornne: | Pravarththatheasau Sakalakriyasu ||


Naivathmapi Pranamayo Vayuvikaro | Ganthagantha Vayuvadhanthar Bahiresha: | Yasmath Kinchith  Kvapi Na  Veththishtamanishtam | Swam Vanyam Va Kinchana Nithyam  Parathanthra: ||


Gnanendhriyani Cha Manashcha  Manomaya: Syath | Kosho Mamahamithi Vasthu Vikalpahethu: | Samjjadhi Bhedhakalanakalitho Baleeyamsthath Poorvakoshamabhipoorya  Vijrumbhathe Ya: ||


Panchendhriyai: Panchabhireva  Hothribhi: | Pracheeyamano Vishayajyadharaya | Jajwalyamano Bahuvasanendhanai: | Manomayagnir Vahathi Prapancham ||


Na Hyasthyavidhya Manasoathiriktha | Mano Hyavidhya Bhavabandhahethu: | Thasmin Vinashte  Sakalam Vinashtam | Vijrumbhatheasmin Sakalam Vijrumbhathe ||


Swapne Arththashoonye  Syajathi Swashakthya | Bhokthradhi Vishwam Mana Yeva Sarvam |Thadhaiva Jagrathyapi No Visheshasthath Sarvamethanmanaso Vijrumbhanam ||