Wednesday 9 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani – Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – The impurities/Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya are the obstacles in achieving Athmajjana/knowledge of ‘self’



Chapter 30 – Vivekachoodamani – 291 -300


Preceptor speaks “ The supreme Bhramam/ Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, is eternal truth, free from afflictions and dualities, it has neither birth nor death, it does have Triguna/Vasana, it is supreme bliss, invisible and free from Kriya. The learned and Mahathma perceives that Paramathma in them, and remain in a state of bliss, like a stage performer abandon his costume after the show.  The Jagath is Mithya/illusion, the Dhrishya witnessed in the three-state of awakening, dream, and sleep is a mere illusion, cannot be the truth. In the same manner, the ‘Ahamkara’ has fleeting nature; therefore the pride in the knowledge achieved is an immature act, in the absence of ‘I’, there is nothing remains other than the supreme Bhramam in this Universe. The body consciousness and I consciousness/me, myself, and mine, are an illusion, there is no ‘I’ exists. The Athman is the source of the functioning of Karma, Gnanendriya, Ahamkara, Chithth, intellect, mind, Panchakosha, etc. The Athman is the sole witness of the deeds of the Jeeva, therefore Jeeva is not independent. The Athman /Paramathma is omnipresent, witnesses the deeds of the Jeeva remains unhurt and changeless. The Jeeva performs the deeds according to its attributes/Vasana, Triguna inherited from the several births and the Athman witnessing the deeds of it. The body is ‘Mamsapinda’/mass of meat, do not take pride in it, and it has impermanent nature, undergoes constant transformation such as aging, illnesses, and death. The Athman is free from those changes and it is Akhanda Sacchidhanadaswaroopa resides as a soul in the Jeeva, hence contemplate upon that supreme Lord resides as a soul in you. The body is a ‘corpse’ in the absence of Athman, do not take pride in Kulam, Gothram, Varnnam, Roopam, Namam, and Ashramadharma.  The learned do not take pride in the Sthoolashareera/physical body, and its related activities such as Karththriththvam and Bhokthruththva, they immerse in the contemplation of the Akhanda Anandha Sukhaswaroopa. The pride, ego, jealousy, anger, lust, desire, etc. are the obstacles to achieve that Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in you. The impurities are the cause of the attachment to material matters, wealth, richness, fame, money, possessions, people, etc. The Sadhaka abandon all those impurities with the practice of austerities, vows, celibacy, Tapasya etc. and walk through the path of Moksha. It is impossible to achieve even the smell of ‘Moksha’ unless and until the Jeeva get rid of the impurities like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Moha, Mathshcharya. The wise and learned undertake austerities, meditation, and contemplation upon the supreme Lord, and get rid of the impurities and shines like the moon Poornna, Swayamprabha, Sadhanandha was released by the clutches of Rahu just after the lunar eclipse. The Jeeva with the excessive influence of  Thamasik and Rajasik nature engages in various immoral deeds, gets attached to material matters, possession, people, fame, money, richness, wealth, etc. that has impermanent nature, further get anxious and distressed in the absence of any of these. The ignorant Jeeva takes pride in the above material matters, swollen with ‘I’ and body consciousness, which has fleeting nature like the mud pot made out of the mud. The learned with the practice of austerities, Swadhyaya, reading, and listen to scriptures, achieves the knowledge of Paramarththa Thaththva and remains serene and blissful always.”


Yath Sathyabhootham Nijaroopamadhyam  Chithadhvayanandharoopamakriyam | Thadhethya Mithya Vapuruthsyajetha Shailooshavath Veshamupaththamathmana: ||


Sarvathmanadhrishyamidham  Mrishaiva | Naivahamarththa: Kshanikathva Dharshanath |Janamyaham Sarvamithi Pratheethi: | Kuthoahmadhe: Kshanikasya  Sidhyeth ||


Aham Padharththasthvahamadhi Sakshi | Nithyam Sushupthavapi Bhavadharshanath | Bhroothe Hyajo Nithya Ithi Shruthi: Swayam Thath Prathyagathma  Sadhasdhvilakshana: ||


Vikarinam Sarva  Vikaraveththa  Nithyoavikaro Bhavithum Samarhathi | Manoratha Swapna Sushupthishu Sputam | PUna: PUnardhrishtamasaththvameyatho: ||


Athoabhimanam Thyaja Mamsapinde | Pindabhimaninyapi Budhdhi Kalpithe | Kalathraya Badhyamakhanda Bodham | Jjathva  Swamathmana Mupaihi  Shanthi ||


Thyajabhimanam Kula Gothranamaroopa Shrameshvardhrashavashritheshu | LIngasya  Dharmanapi Karththrithadheem  Syakthva Bhavakhanda Sukhaswroopa: ||


Sathyanye Prathibandha: PUmsa: Samsarahethavo Dhrishta: | Theshamekam Moolam Prathamavikaro Bhavathyahankara: ||


Yavathsyatha Swasya Sambandho Ahankarena  Dhurathmana | Thavannalesha Mathrapi Mukthivarththa Vilakshana ||


Ahankaragrahan Muktha: Swaroopamupapadhyathe | Chandhravathvimala: Poornna: Sadhanandha: Swayamprabha: ||


Ye Va Pure  Soahamithi Pratheetho  Budhdhya Praklupthasthamasathi Moodaya | Thasyaiva  Ni:sheshathaya  Vinashe  Bhramathmabhava:  Prathibandha Shoonya: ||