Tuesday 8 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani – Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – Athma/indestructible Purusha - Anathmavasthu /destructible Prakrithi Vichara - Mukthi


Chapter 29 – Vivekachoodamani – 281 -290


Preceptor speaks “The two major responsibilities of  Yathi are 1) abandon the Anathmavasthu, interest in material matters, richness, wealth, possession, money, fame, people, etc. 2) do not indulge in Anathmavsthu and get rid of all the impurities, engage contemplation upon the supreme Bhramam that represent the Mahathvakya ‘Thaththvamasi’, would remove the remaining impurities and brings Bhramaikhyabhava in the Yathi. The Jeeva born with the attributes/Triguna, I and body consciousness, are ‘Ahamkara’ can be removed with the regular practice of austerities, disciplines, vow, observance of Bhramacharya, Swadhyaya, Athmavichara etc. The successful Sadhaka undertakes strict austerities and Tapasya, and continues to perform the Tapasya until he/she perceives the Jagath/Universe and Anathmavasthu/living and non-living things, Prakrithi are Maya/illusion, same as in the Swapnavastha/dream that has fleeting nature. They do not engage in futile activities like Nidra/sleep or  Vishayavyavahara/interest in worldly matters, immerses in the Athmavichara/Athmarathi, eventually achieve Mukthi. The human body formed out of the impurities of Matha and Pitha, is a ‘bundle of secrets’, hence do not take pleasure in it, and do not chase to fulfill its desires, it should abandon like a ‘Chandala’, and contemplate upon that supreme Bhramam resides as soul.  The learned do not take pleasure watching the mirror image of the sky in the mud pot, look at the vast sky and perceive the all-pervasive Paramathma resides as soul, and remain in supreme bliss. The Universe and its living beings are Mithya/Prapancha is Mithya, therefore contemplate upon that supreme Bhramam who is the essence of The universe and its living beings illuminates the whole Universe with its brilliance, and reside as a soul in you, hence abandon interest in the Universe/Prakrithi and body like secrete, and contemplate upon that Paramathma Parambhramam.  The Nithyanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in you, hence abandon ‘I consciousness, and body consciousness’, get rid of impurities like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, contemplate upon that supreme Bhramam to achieve Mukthi from the vicious cycles of rebirth. The Universe and the infinite Namaroopa Dhrishya/Prakrithi is like the mirror image, all that have witnessed in the Jagrathvastha/awakening state are similar as in the Swapnavastha/dream have fleeting nature. Therefore, leave interest in the mirror image of the Jagath and Anathmavasthu and contemplate upon the supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in you.”


Anadhana Visargabhyameeshanasthi Kriya Mune: | Thadhekanishtaya Nithyam Swadhyasapanayam Kuru ||


Thaththvamasyadhi Vakhyoththa Bhramathmaikathva  Bodhatha | Bhramanyathmathva Dhardyaya Svadhyasapanayam Kuru ||


Aham Bhavasya Dheheasmin Nissheshavilayavadhi | Savadhanena Yukthathma Swadhyasapanayam Kuru ||


Prathithirjjeeva Jagatho: Swapnavath Bhathi Yavatha | Thavan Nirantharam Vidhvan Swadhyasapanayam Kuru ||


Nidhraya Lokavarththaya: Shabdhadhrapi Vismrithe: | Kvachinnavasaram Dhathva  Chinthayathmanam Athmani ||


Matha Pithrormalodhbhootham Malamamsamayam Vapu: | Thyakthva Chandalavathdhooram Bhrameebhooya Krithi Bhava ||


Ghatakasham Mahakasha Ivathmanam Paramathmani | Vilapyakhandabhavena Thooshnim Bhava  Sadhamune ||


Swa Prakashamadhishtanam Swayambhooya Sadhathmana | Bhramandamapi Pindandam Thyajatham Malabandavath ||


Chithathmani Sadhanandhe  Dheharoodamahamdhiyam | Niveshya Lingamuthsrijya Kevalo Bhava  Sarvadha ||


Yathraisha Jagadhabhaso Dharppanantha: Puram Yadha | Thath Bhramahamithi Jjathva  Krithakrithyo Bhavishyasi ||