Friday 4 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - The mind and intellect/Panchakosha is not Athman



Chapter 18 – Vivekachoodamani  181 – 190


Preceptor speaks “ The Mumukshu/who yearn to achieve liberation from the repeated cycles of birth and serenity of mind, strive hard to achieve the mind free from Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Madha, and Mathscharya,/redundant thoughts, with the practice of austerities, celibacy, contemplation and meditation achieve Mokshanubhoothi/transcendental state. Therefore, without achieving the serenity of mind, it is impossible to attain Mukthi. The Mumukshu get rid of interest in worldly matters and bondage, and abandon the Karma that ties the Jeeva to undergo miseries and sorrows, and the practice of learning scriptures, Veda, Vedantha and the practice of Vedanthashravana/Shravananishta get rid of the Rajoguna and Thamoguna. Some people have the wrong impression that the mind and intellect are ‘Athman’.  The mind and intellect go through grief, happiness, and various emotions, interest in Vishaya/worldly matters, etc. undergo creation, preservation, and destruction of thoughts, hence the mind is not Athman. The Athman is beyond Manomayakosha, it is Nithyamuktha and a sole witness in the Jeeva. The Athman is beyond Vijjanamayakosha as well.   The Karma, Gnanendhriya, Prana, intellect, mind, Ahamkara are the ‘Samsarakarana’/ cause for interest in worldly matters and bondage, hence the intellect is not Athman. Vijjanamayakosha is the cause for awareness of the actions in Jeeva, it is the cause for Ahamkara in the Jeeva, enhances pride in the body and possession, and it is one of the important Upadhi of Kartha, Bhoktha in the Jeeva. It augments pride in the Jeeva, creates “I” consciousness/me, mine, myself, and persuade to perform the deeds according to its attributes/Sathvik, Rajasik, Thamisk nature and earn Punya and Papa accordingly, hence the Vijjanamayakosha is not Athman. It causes to experience grief and happiness in the Jagrath/awakening and Swapnavastha/dream as well. The Jeeva performs the Karma with the influence of Thriguna and as a result, achieves piousness and sins, continues to take several births. The Vijjanamayakosha persuade the Jeeva to take pride in austerities, disciplines, virtues, Ashramadharma, Bhramacharya, and Karma. The Vijjanamayakosha illuminates in the presence of supreme Bhramam like any other Karma, Gnanendhriyas, mind, intellect, Ahamkara, etc. is one of the important tools to experience worldly existence. The Paramathma is self-illuminating spread brilliance through the Vijjanamayakosha, Prana, and Hridhya.  The self-illuminating Paramathma in the heart is addressed as ‘Kootastha’, Jeeva experience the worldly matters and bondage as Karththa/doer and Bhoktha/consumer in the presence of Paramathma in it. The supreme Bhramam resides as Paramathma/Kootastha in the heart, is all-pervasive, and causes the functioning mind, intellect, Prana, Karma, and Gnanendhriyas, but remains unattached to any of it, like the mud pot created from the mud.”


Thanmana: Shodhanam Karyam Prayathnena Mumukshana | Vishudhdhe  Sathi  Chaithasmin Mukthi: Karaphalayathe ||


Mokshaikasakthya Vishayeshu Ragam | Nirmoolya Sanyasya  Cha Sarvakarma | Sashcchadhraya Ya: Shravanadhi Nishto | Raja: Swabhavam Sa Dhunothi Buddhe: ||


Manomayo Napi Bhaveth Paramathma | Hyadhyanthavaththvath Parinamibhavath | Dhukhathmakathvadhishayathva Hethor Dhrashta  Hi Dhrishyathmathaya Na Dhrishta: ||


Budhdhir Budhdheendhriya: Sardhdham Savriththi: Karthulakshana: | Vijjanamayakosha: Syath Pumsa: Samsarakaranam ||


Anuvrajashchith Prathibimbashakthir Vijjanasamjja:  Prakrither Vikara: | Jjanakriyavanahamithya Jasram | Dhehendhriyadhishvabhimanyethe Bhrisham ||


Anadhikalo Ayamaham Swabhavo Jeeva: Samastha Vyavaharavodo| Karothi Karmanyapi Poorvavasana: Punyanyapunyani Cha Thath Phalani ||


Bhunkthe Vichithraswapi Yonishu Vrajannayathi Niryathyadha Urdhvamesha: | Asyaiva Vijjanamayasya  Jagrath  Swapnadhyavastha:  Sukha Dhukha Bhoga: ||


Dhehadhinishta Ashramadharma Karmagunabhimana:  Sathatham Mamethi | Vijjanakoshoayamathi Prakasha: | Prakrishta Sannidhyavashath Parathmana: | Atho Bhavathyesha Upadhirasya | Yadhathmadhi: Samsarathi Bhramena||


 Yo Ayam Vijjanamaya:  Praneshu Hridhi Spurathyayam Jyothi: | Kootastha: Sannathma  Karththa Bhoktha  Bhavathyupadhistha: ||


Swayam Paricchethamupethya Budhdhe  Sthadhathmya Dhoshena Param Mrishathmana: | Sarvathmaka: Sannapi Veekshathe  Swayam Swath:  Prithakthvena  Mridho Ghataniva ||