Saturday 23 January 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Prayers to Lord Shiva to achieve Ananya Bhakti/perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama - Prayers for the destruction of ignorance and impurities of the mind



Chapter – 3 – Sri Vinaya Patrika – Prayers to Lord Shiva to achieve Ananya Bhakti/perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama- Prayers for the destruction of ignorance and impurities of the mind


Sri Tulasidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Uma Ramana, why don’t you shower your compassionate grace upon me? Oh! Karunakara, you are the destroyer of afflictions and troubles, Veda and Purana eulogize your generosity, after all these, why you have become narrow-minded towards me? Oh! Bhagavan, you have pleased to the twice-born Gunanidhi and provided the highest of the status, what did he do to achieve that? What kind of worship did he conduct to achieve that piousness? He has achieved the extremely difficult piousness which is difficult to achieve even for the illustrious ascetics. The Keeta and Pathangas/even the lowly creatures in your sacred land Kashipuri achieve that highest of the piousness. Oh! Kamari, Oh! Shiva, Oh! Swami, kindly set aside the impartiality and be generous to  Tulasidas, and shower sincere devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “Oh! Shakara, you are mighty Lord, generous, compassionate, and too innocent. Oh! Bhagavan, you have been too kind to the devotees who stood before you with folded hands, you have not shown any disparities to your devotees, removed the sufferings and grief of your devotees. Oh! Bhagavan, your worship is very simple and easiest, you get pleased with the handful of water, rice, and Bilwapathra, and in return, you provide them an abundance of richness, elephants, chariots, horses, and all those material welfares as a boon to your worshiper. Oh! Vamadeva, Oh! Bhagavan, I am living in your sacred land of Kashi, I have not asked anything to give me a boon. I am tormented by the troubles of Adhibhauthika/interest in worldly matters and bondage, kindly call your Kinkara/attendants to get hands-on these Adhibhautika troubles, and impose strict punishments on them. The interest in worldly matters and bondage destroys the purities of mind/Tulsi like sacred mind, I earnestly request your Kinkaras to impose severe punishments upon the troubles of Adhibhauthika.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “ Oh!  Shiva, Karunamaya, Oh! Kalyanaroopi, kindly shower your compassionate grace upon me. You are extremely kind and generous, kindly remove your Maya/illusion wielded on me. Your eyes resemble lotus flower petals, you are Sarvagunasampanna/virtuous, you are the enemy of Kamadeva, it is impossible to learn your splendor or to achieve devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama without your grace, not even in the dreams. Oh! Bhagavan, the Rishis, Sidhdhis, Muni, Manushya, Dhaithya, Devatha, and all those living creatures afar from the lotus feet of you hurl into vicious cycles of rebirths for crores of Kalpa and fails to cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara. Oh! Bhagavan, serpents are your ornaments, you are the destroyer of arrogance, pride, and sins, you are a sincere devotee of Lord Rama, and you are Devadhideva of Lord Rama, you are the destroyer of Thripurasura. Oh! Shankara, you symbolize the Sun that removes the darkness of ignorance. You are the destroyer of Moha/lust, desires, ignorance, and impurities of the mind, you are the destroyer of grief and fear of the people who have taken shelter at your lotus feet. Oh! Kashipathi, Oh! Shmashanavasi, you are the swan/Rajahamsa that takes immense delight in the heart of Goddess Parvathi, kindly shower perpetual devotion/Anananya Bhakti at the lotus feet of Lord Hari as a boon to this Tulsidas.”


7) Kas  Na Dheenapar Dhruvahu Umabhar | Dharun Bipathi Haran Karunakara || Bedha Puran Kahath Udhar Har | Hamari Bher  Kas  Bhayehu Kripinathara || Kavani Bhagathi Kinhi Gunanidhi Dhvija | Hoyi Prasanna Dheenhehu Siva Padha Nija || Jo Gathi Agama Mahamuni Gavahim | Thava  Pura  Keeta Pathangahu Pavahim || Dhehu Kamaripu  Ramacharana Gathi | Tulasidas Prabhu Harahu Medamathi ||


8) Deva Bade  Dhatha Bade | Sankar Bade  More|| Kiye Dhoor Dhukha Sabnike |  Jinha Jinha Kar Jore || Seva  Sumiran Poojibai | Path  Akhath Thore| Dhiye  Jagath Jaham Lagi Sabai | Sukha Gaja Ratha  Ghore|| Gav Basath Bamadeva Mem Kabahum Na  Nihore|| Adhibhauthika Badha Bhayi The Kimkara Thore|| Begi Boli Bali Barajiye Karathoothi Katore| Tulasi Dhali Roodhyo Chahaim Sada Sakhi Sihore||


9) Siva ! Siva ! Hoyi Prasanna Karu Dhaya || Karunamaya Udhara Kirathi Bali Jaum Harahu Nija Maya||Jalaja Nayana Guna Ayana Mayan Ripu Mahima  Jan Na Koyi| Binu Thava Kripaya Rama Padha Pankaja Sapanehum Bhagathi Na Hoyi|| Rishaya  Sidhdhi  Muni  Manuja  Dhanuja Sura Apara Jeeva Jaga Mahim | Thava Padha Bimukha Na Para Pava  Kovu  Kalapa Koti  Koti Chali Jahim|| Ahibhooshan Dhooshana Ripu Sevaka  Devadeva Thripurari | Moha  Nihara Dhivakara Sankar  Sarana Soka Bhayahari || Girija Mana Manasa Marala Kaseesa  Samana Nivasi | Tulasidas Haricharana Kamalabara Dhehu Bhagathi Abinashi ||