Saturday 27 February 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The Ramanama Japa to get rid of Papasamooha - Sharanagathi & Ramanama Japa for the serenity of mind


Chapter - 73 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  - The Ramanama Japa to get rid of Papasamooha – Sharanagathi & Rama Nama Japa for the serenity of mind


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, the recitation of Ramanama would bring auspiciousness and happiness in the life, ultimately the sins and evilness of Kaliyuga disappear from your life. Oh! Mind, clearly understand one thing, no one has achieved the fruit of mango by sowing the seeds of Baboola, the life of a human is very rare to achieve, and if you spend immoral ways, getting attached to material matters, money, fame, richness, possession, wealth, family, children, wife, relatives and companion, Ahamkara and Mamakara, etc. it will not bring happiness or auspiciousness in the Ihaloka/life on Earth and Paraloka/life after Earth. Hence, listen to my words carefully, do not spend your precious time on the interest in worldly matters and bondage, and practice the recitation of Ramanama Japa. Oh! Mind, you are not independent, you are always bound by the  Kala/Time, Karma/deed, Guna/attributes of Sathvik, Rajasic, and Thamasik, the eternal truth is that all the material matters/Prakrithi and life on the Earth undergoes transformation and ruin, the Athman is Paramathma resides as the soul is the cause of the functioning of mind, intellect, Chithth, Ahamkara, Karma and Gnanendhriyas etc. is indestructible Purusha. Oh! Jeeva, you have no control on Kala/time, Karma/deeds, and Guna/attributes, that are the cause for the sufferings and miseries of worldly existence, the moment you start reciting the Ramanama and his endless glories, the Kala, Karma, and Guna leave their influence on you. Every one craves to achieve Sidhdhi/supernatural powers without taking up any austerities or hard work, how it would be possible? The Kali era has taken control of the virtues, disciplines, moralities of the Jeeva, therefore no one is freed from the accumulated sins, the only way to get rid of these Papasamooha is practice the Sri Ramanama Japa. The love and belief in the recitation of Ramanama would destroy Kalimalagrasitha Jeeva/drenched in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya,  and Shabdha, Roopa, Rasa, Sparsha, Gandha, ultimately it would bring the serenity of mind. The recitation of Ramanama liberated the sinner Ramari Dhashagreevah, and the impurities of Tulsidas and purified him.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “Oh! Jeeva, the fruitfulness of life is the practice of sincere love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and the recitation of Ramanama Japa which would bring all the righteousness in the life. The Veda and scriptures highly recommend austerities, Japa, Tapa, Yaga, Yoga, Gnana, Vairagya, and various religious and spiritual rites, that are extremely good, but difficult to perform in the Kali Yuga. Oh! Tulsidas, do not keep false apprehension, you are not independent, you are the servant of that supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in you, hence surrender at the lotus feet of Paramathma Paramabhramam Sri Ramachandra, it would bring fruitfulness to your life.”

130)  Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Japath | Mangalamudha Udhith Hoth  Kalimala Cchal Cchapth || Kahu Ke  Lahe  Phala Rasal Baboor Beej Bapath | Harahi Jani Janam Jaya Gala Gool Gapath || Kala Karama Gun Subhau Sabke Sees Thapath | Ramanama  Mahimaki Charcha Chale Chapath || Sadhana Binu Sidhdhi Sakala Bikala Loga  Lapath | Kalijuga Bara Banija Bipula Namanagar Khapath || Nam So Pratheethi Preethi Hridhaya Suthira Thapath | Pavana Kiye  Ravanaripu Tulasihu  Se  Apath ||


131) Pavana Prema Ramacharana Kamala Janam Lahu Param | Ramanama Leth Hoth Sulabha Sakala Dharama || Joga  Makha Bibeka Birath Bedha Bidhitha Karama | Karibe Kaham Katu Kadora Sunath Madhura Narama || Tulasi Suni Jani Boonchi Bhoolahi Jani  Bharam | Thehi Prabhuko Hohi Jahi Sab Hi Ki  Saram ||