Saturday 27 February 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Samsara is Mrigathrishna - The Paramathma/cowherd fastens the Pashuroopi Jeevathma with the rope of Paramarththa Thaththva


Chapter - 74 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  -  Samsara is Mrigathrishna - The Paramathma/cowherd fastens the Pashuroopi Jeevathma with the rope of Paramarththa Thaththva


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, you have been afar from the lotus feet of Sri Ramachandra, and you have wasted the whole life, getting attached to the material matters, wealth, richness, money, fame, possessions, attachment to wife, children, family, relatives, companions, etc. without knowing the Ahamkara and Mamakara on the above-said material matters and people are impermanent and have fleeting nature, there is no assurance that it would be with you till the end of your life. How much happiness you have achieved from the above-said worldly matters? Are you satisfied with it? Oh! Ignorant, you never get satisfied with the interest in material welfare and bodily pleasure. You have been flowing through the different Yonis of birds, animals, reptiles, and humans, and have taken several births and had gone through the endless miseries and sorrows, due to your ignorance, insatiable desires and lust, hence now on correct yourself from the mistakes you have committed. Oh! Jeeva, you have earned the rarest birth as a human with the Prarabdha Karma you have achieved, do not waste it, leave your desire to climb up on the pinnacle of the sky, and no one dared to do it, the worldly matters are infinite, your greed to chase these worldly matters of infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya will not be successful. Oh! Tulsi, if you earn for eternal bliss, free from afflictions, fear and trepidations, then sing in praise of various glorious legends of Lord Rama and take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “Oh! Jeeva, I am repeatedly cautioning you with the most promising, pure, honest words, why do not you get into your mind? Ponder over it and follow the righteous way, take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Ramachandra. The Samsara is the storehouse of diversified matter like good and bad, evil and pious, who do not want to achieve goodness in their lives? No one is free from happiness and sorrow, the supreme Lord Bhrama who is the creator, and the living things are bound to undergo happiness and sorrow, even the Keeta and Pathanga are not freed from it. The Jeevathma are Pashuroopi who is bound by ignorance and impurities, and the Paramathma Parambhramam is the cowherd fasten the Jeeva with the knowledge of Paramarththa, eventually, the Pashuroopi Jeevathma get rid of the Karma. The interest in worldly matters and attachment to the material matters and people are a burden, in fact, there is no happiness in it, the ignorant find pleasure in it, Oh! Ignorant Jeeva, you have been suffering from worldly existence so long and hurling again and again into the vicious cycles of rebirth due to your ignorance, desires, and lust. Oh! Jeeva, no one gets satisfied or quenched their thirst from the Mrigathrishna/reflection of the water in the desert, Samsara is Mrigathrishna, it is an illusion/Maya,  and there is nothing real other than Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva. Oh! Tulsi, you take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, that could bring eternal bliss and serenity of mind.”


132) Ramase  Preethamki Preethirahith Jeev Jaya Jiyath | Jehi Sukha Sukha Mani Leth Sukha So  Samucch Kiyath || Jaham Jaham Jehi Joni Janam Mahi Pathal Biyath | Thaham Thaham Thu Bishaya Sukhahim Chahath Lahath Niyath || Kath Bimoha Latyo Phatyo Gagan Magan Siyath | Tulasi Prabhu Sujas Gayi Kyo Na Sudha Piyath ||


133) Thoso Hai Phiri Phiri Hith Priya Puneeth Sathya Bachan Kahath | Suni Man Guni Samucchi Kyo Na  Sugama Sumaga Gahath || Chotto Bado Khoto Kharo Jaga Jo Jaham Rahath | Apno Apneko Bhalo Kahahu Ko Na  Chahath || Bidhi Lagi Laghu Keet Avadhi Sukh Sukhi Dhukh Dhahath | Pasu Lau Pasupala Esa Bandhath Cchorath Nahath || Bishaya Mudh Nihar Bhara Sir Kandhe Jyo Bahath | Yohi Jiya Jani Mani  Sat ! Thu Samsathi Sahath || Payo Kehi Dhrith Bicharu Harina Bari Mahath | Tulasi Thaku Thahi Saran Jathe Sab Lahath ||