Thursday, 25 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The practice of devotion to get rid of the grief of Samsara and Samsarachakra


Chapter – 141 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  – The practice of devotion to get rid of the grief of Samsara and Samsarachakra


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “ Oh! Jeeva, what was that magnanimous deed you have performed after achieving the rarest birth as a human? You haven’t followed a single word prescribed in the Veda and Scriptures, or did not follow the austerities, Japa, Thapa, Sathyam, Dhaya, Shaucham, Astheyam, Bhramacharya, Dhanam, Arjjavam, Ahimsa, Shama, Dhamam, etc. Oh! Jeeva, this Samsraroopi huge Vruksha has deep roots of Dhavitharoopi/dualities like joy and grief, sorrow and happiness, respect and disrespect, and it has full of Bhayaroopi thorn and the Dhukharoopi succulent fruits. Samsara is a mere illusion/Mithyaroopi Mrigathirshna, it has nothing to offer other than grief, the attachment to the possession, wealth, richness, fame, money, and children, wife, relatives, and companions, etc. has fleeting nature, it cannot follow you after death, in fact, it would leave you while you are alive, pushing you in deep distress and grief in the absence of them. The Maya/illusion cannot be removed without the devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, the serenity of mind cannot be achieved without taking shelter at his lotus feet. Oh! Ignorant, you haven’t practiced devotion to get rid of the grief of Samsara and the Samsarachakra. You haven’t taken shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachadhra resembles the safest ferry to cross the Ajjanaroopi/Mithyaroopi Samsara of the unfathomable ocean. Oh! Ignorant, haven’t tired of taken birth in different Yonis of Mriga, Pakshi, reptiles, worms, Manushya, Devatha, Rakshasa, etc.? Oh! Jeeva, you have swollen with Amhamkara, Mamakara, lust, desire, pride, ego, jealousy, and anger, didn't think of the welfare of others. You haven’t taken up austerities, Shamadhamadhis to get rid of impurities of the mind, you haven’t practiced pure devotion and faith upon the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in you, and you haven’t achieved the serenity of mind or relief from the grief of Samsara. You have forgotten your preceptor, Matha, Pitha, Lord Sri Ramachandra by words, mind, and deeds. Oh! Tulsidas, hope you will remember the nobleness of Lord Sri Ramachandra who have provided shelter to Geedh/Jatayu like lowly creatures, it will protect you as well.”


202) Kaju Kaha Narathanu Dhari  Saryo | Para Upakar Sar Shrithiko Jo  So  Dhokehu Na  Bicharyo || Dhvaitha Moola Bhayasoola Soka Phal Bhavatharu Darai Na Daryai| Ramabhajan Theecchan Kudar Lai  So  Nahim Kati Nirvaryo || Samsaya  Sindhu Nama Bohitha Bhaji Nija Aathma Na Tharyo | Janama Aneka Vivekaheena Bahu  Joni Bhramath Nahim Haryo || Dhekhi Anaki Sahaja Sampadha Dvesha Anala Man Jaryo | Sama Dhama Dhaya Dheena Palan Seethal Hiya Hari Na Sambharyo || Prabhu Guru Pitha  Sakha Raghupathi Thai Man Krama Bachan Bisaryo | Tulasidas Yahi Aasa Saran Rakhihi Jehi Geedh Udharyo ||