Saturday 27 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – The definition of Mahapurusha


Chapter – 143 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika  – The definition of Mahapurusha

Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, take up the practice of devotion, fix your mind and intellect on the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, as it gets easily wedged on the materials matters, wealth, richness, fame, money, possession, attachment to children, wife, relatives, companions, etc., and the infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya of the Samsara. The practice of worship and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Raghunath removes the Dhvandhabhava/dualities of grief and joy, happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect, the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, Mamakara, etc. ultimately get rid of the interest in worldly matters and Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, Gandha, thereby the constant fear, anxiousness, and grief of Samsara vanishes. Oh! Jeeva, surrender at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is Anandhaghana Chathurashiromani Kosaladheesha to achieve the serenity of mind, get rid of grief of Samsara and Samsara Chakra/Garbhavasadhukham. The fortunate Jeeva undertakes Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Dhaya, Dhanam, Shaucham, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Bhramacharyam, Arjjavam etc.  and get rid of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, and worships Janakipathi Lord Sri Ramachandra and his devotees, preceptor, Santh Mahathma thereby achieve the grace of the supreme Lord. These fortunate Jeevas are Mahapurusha achieves Gnana, Bhakthi, Vairagya, Nirvikara, Nishakalanka/unblemished, Nirmala/pure, perceives the all-pervasive Bhramam in the living and non-living things, get rid of Shoka, Moha, Bhaya, Thapa, Maya, /Thrividha Thapa, and fearlessly roam all over the Earth, without 'I or body' consciousness, immerses in the Athmamanthan/Bhramajjana, remains in supreme bliss. Oh! Tulsidas, it is one of the supreme states that can be achieved only with the grace of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the slayer of demon Ravan/Lord of Ravana.”


204) Jo Man Lagai Ramacharan  Asa | Dheha Geha Sutha Bitha Kalathra Maha Magan Hoth Binu Jathan Kiye  Jas || Dhvandharahitha Gathman Gyanarath Bishaya Birath Khatayi Nana Kasa | Sukhanidhan Sujan Kosalapathi Hai Prasanna Kahu Kyo Na  Hohi Bas || Sarvabhooth Hitha Nirbhayaleek  Chith Bhagathi Prema Dhrida Nema Yekaras | Tulasidas Yaha Hoyi Thabahi Jab Dhravai Ees Jehi Hatho Seesdhas ||