Chapter – 139 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika – This Earth was ruled by several Kings, they
have battled against neighboring countries and achieved immense wealth and glory,
had stately life with several wives and children, attendants to serve, etc. finally had to get caught in the hands of
‘Time’/death – Mithyaroopi Samsara
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, the human body is perishable, and it has momentary life of water bubbles, it
undergoes a constant transformation of aging, illnesses, and ultimately death, it
is like the raw mud pot that has a short life, you have considered yourself as
Ajara/unconquerable, and Amara/indestructible and began chasing after material
welfare, bodily pleasure, wealth, possession, fame, money, and richness,
attachment to wife, children, companions, and relatives, drenched in Ahamkara
and Mamakara, you have drawn towards worldly matters and completely forgotten
the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathama Parambhramam resides as a soul in you is the sole source of the functioning of mind, intellect, Chiththa, Prana, Ahamkara,
Karma and Gnanendhriyas etc. Oh! Ignorant, you haven’t realized that the death
is dancing above your head, tell me who was not interested in the Puthra/children,
Sthree/wife, wealth, Prithvi/possession, etc.? who did not take pride in it? Who
owned it all those for real? Is that followed them even afterlife? Hence it is a
mere illusion, all the Nama Roopa Dhrishya has fleeting nature, it cannot give
permanent happiness. This Earth was ruled by several Kings, they have battled
against neighboring countries and achieved immense wealth and fame, had stately
life with several wives and children, attendants to serve, etc. finally had to get caught in the hands of
‘Time’/death, and departed this world empty-handed, leaving all those stately
pleasures. Oh! Ignorant, do not take pride in the possession, wealth, richness,
fame, money, family, etc. it has temporary life, and all those cannot accompany
you at the time of death, and none of them will be with you forever, hence
either you have to abandon or vice versa. None of the Jeeva is free from the
clutches of sufferings of Samsara /Thapathrya and Yama/death. Oh! Jeeva, ponder
over the eternal truth of the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam Paramathma resides
as the soul is indestructible Purusha and the destructible Prakrithi/ material
matters and people that were emphasized in Veda and scriptures. Oh! Tulsi,
contemplate and meditate upon that supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who is beloved
of Lord Mahesha.”
200) Thambe So Peedi Manhu Than Payo | Neech
Meech Janath Na Sees Par Ees
Nipat Bisarayo || Avani Ravani
Dhan Dham Suhridha Sooth Ko Na
Inhim Apanayo ? Kake Bhaye
Gaye Sanga Kake Sab Saneha Cchal Cchayo || Jinha Bhoopani
Jaga Jeethi Bandhi Jam Apani Baha Basayo
| Theau Kala Kaleau Keenhe Thu Ginathi Kab Ayo || Dhekhu Bichari Sar Ka
Sancho Kaha Nigama Niju Gayo |
Bhajahim Na Ajahu Samucchi Tulasi Thehi Jehi Mahesa Man Layo ||