Monday 14 March 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika -Chapter – 10 -Is Jeevathma grateful to Paramathma?


  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – Is Jeevathma grateful to Paramathma?

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, there is no deity compassionate and kind as Lord Sri Hari, he showers abundance of grace upon his ardent devotees to make them blissful as they have desires, he fulfills all the desires of his passionate devotees. He quenches the thirst of Jeeva by offering water, waves off hunger by providing meals, and showers clothe to cover the nakedness. He is supreme Lord Sri Krishnachandra, Lord of Universe, Lord of animate and inanimate things always concerned about the Jeeva like the mother cow always think of her calves while grazing in the woods, and rushes to its calves in the evening to be with them. He is Paramaudhara/gracious Lord, merciful, he is Chathurachoodamani/wisdom personified, he showers abundance of wealth to penniless, he protects the Jeeva who are surrendered at his lotus feet, he spread hands before his passionate devotees for worthless things, he can’t bear to watch his devotees in distress, he rushes to protect his devotees in trouble. He is Bhakthavathsala, keeps up his promises to his devotees, and he finds immense pleasure in keeping his promise to his devotees. Oh! Jeeva, the supreme Lord Sri Krishnachandra performs millions and millions of favors to Jeeva, are we grateful to him? Are we expressing gratitude to his boundless mercy? There won’t be no one selfish like us.”

Hari Sau Takur Aur  Na Jana Kau | Jihi Jihi Bidhi Sevaka Sukha Pavai Thihi Bidhi Rakhath Man  Kau || Bhookhbhaye Bhojana Ju Udhar Kau  Thrisha Thoya Pata Than Kau | Lagyo Phiratha Surabhi Jyo Suthasanga  Auchat Guni Griha Bana Kau || Parama Udhara Chathura Chinthamani Koti Kubera Nidhana Kau | Rakhatha Hai Janaki Parathijja Hath Pasarath Kan Kau || Sankata Parai Thuratha Udi Dhavath  Parama  Subhata Nija Pan Kau | Kotika  Karai Yek Nahi Manai Sur Maha Krithaghna Kau ||