Thursday 5 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari would remove the repeated births and sufferings of worldly existence


Chapter – 72 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari would remove the repeated births and sufferings of worldly existence


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, Oh! Unfortunate Jeeva, learn that all the Jeevas are bound by the Karma, it is the one that brings happiness and grief in the life of Jeeva, the righteous and good deeds always bring happiness and serenity, and the immoral and evil deeds bring miseries and grief. All those pieties earned in several births bring happiness, and vice versa. So how could you achieve happiness without any pious deeds? The righteous deeds are the performance of religious and spiritual rites without any personal motives, charities such as contributions to Bhramins, service to preceptors, creating gardens, ponds, wells, shelter homes, Theertha-Yathra/visit of sacred shrines, and bathing in holy rivers, austerities, vows, meditation, contemplation, worship of Lord Sri Hari, the practice of Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Astheyam, Shaucham, Arjjavam, Dhaya, Dhanam, Swadhyaya, celibacy, etc.  The three attributes of previous births influence the Jeeva to perform righteous and inauspicious deeds. Oh! Mortals, the inauspicious and immoral deeds cannot bring happiness, like after sowing the seed of Babul, how could you expect sweetened grapes from it?  It would be like seeking immediate pleasure, the Jeeva drenched in worldly matters of possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. chases after the infinite sound, touch, passion, appearance, smell, to achieve immediate pleasure. Alas! None of these worldly matters could provide eternal happiness, Oh! Ignorant, you are leaving the permanent bliss and chasing after the fleeting nature of happiness from the worldly matters, if you do not take up the meditation, contemplation, and singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, seriously you will end up in the repeated cycles of birth and death, and continuously go through the three types of sufferings and grief of worldly existence.”

Ab Kaise Paiyatha Sukha Mange? Jaisoyi Boyithai Thaisoyi Luniye Karman Bhoga Abhage || Theeratha Bratha Kacchuvai Nahi Keenhau Dhana Dhiyau Nahi Jage| Pacchile Karma Samharatha Nahi Karatha Nahi Kacchu Aage || Bochatha Babur Dhakha Phala Chahath Jovatha Hai Phala Lage | Surdasa Thuma Rama Na  Bhaji Kai Phiratha Kala Sanga Lage ||