Monday 25 July 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of devotion


Chapter – 137-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of devotion

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Budhdhiroopi Sakhi/intellect that resembles a companion, takes shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, which represents a fully blossomed lotus flower in the beautiful lake, where there is no fear of moonlight, the petals remain fresh and open always. It is the marvelous lake where the Bhramajjanis, illustrious Rishis and Sages represents Swethahamsa/white swans, who have got rid of impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara after several years of austerities and penances, these royal swans take a dip in the Hariroopi Sarobar/lake of devotion, with utmost faith and achieve precious pearls that resemble Mukthiroopi /liberation from worldly existence and repeated births. These illustrious Sages and Rishis undertake extreme penance and Shamadhamadhi contemplating and meditating upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari sitting on the riverside, singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, and remembering glorious myths. The lotus flowers in this lake have rich fragrance, the cool breeze carries a sweet scent that is capable to alleviate the impurities of the mind and sufferings of worldly existence.  The feet of Lord Sri Hari resemble fully blossomed lotus flowers never get withered, even in the absence of water, it is the place where the sounds of Shruthi and singing in praise of the Lord reverberates, and the devotees meditate and contemplate upon Lord Sri Hari achieves serenity of mind. Oh! Mind, be cautious! the interest in worldly matters, possession, richness, fame, money, wife, children, companion, relatives, etc. have fleeting nature, it would easily get dried like the ponds in the absence of rain, chasing after the worldly matters of infinite sound, taste, passion, appearance, touch, etc. are Mrigathrishna/running after the illusion caused water in the desert, it cannot provide permanent bliss.”

Chali Sakhi Thihi Sarobar Jahim | Jihim Sarobar Kamala Kamalaa Rabi Bina  Bikasahim || Hamsa Ujjwala Pankh Nirmala Anga Mali Mali Nyahahim| Bhukthi Muktha Anagine Phala Thaha Chuni Chuni Khahim || Athihi Bhagana Mahamadhura Rasa  Rasana Madhya Samahim | Padhumabasa Sugandhaseethala Letha Papa Nasahi || Sadha Praphulitha Rahai Jala Binu Nimisha Nahi Kumihlahim | Sadhana Gunjjath Baiti Un Par Bhaurahu Biramahim || Dhekhi Neeraju Chilchilau Jaga Samujji Kacchu Manamahi | Sur Kyau Nahi Chalai Udi Thaha Bahuri Udibau Nahi ||