Friday 4 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of austerities, meditation, and devotion to achieve control over thoughts/mind


Chapter – 217-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of austerities, meditation, and devotion to achieve control over thoughts/mind


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, I am helpless, my senses are not under my control, I have been chasing after the infinite sound, passion, smell, touch, and appearance in the Universe, I get attached to worldly matters and throw myself into extreme pain and agony, I am drenched in lust, desire, ego, pride, anger, jealousy, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. Alas! don’t know many births have taken in various wombs, alas! my chase for material and physical pleasures hasn’t reduced a bit. Oh! Prabho, I am an unfortunate Jeeva, did not strive to achieve the precious birth as a human to attain the four Purusharththa, I did not practice devotion, or sing in praise of your sacred legends or sacred names, I did not perform austerities, vows, celibacy, Japa, Thapa, Dhyanam, Dhaya, Astheyam, Arjjavam, Ahimsa, Sathyam, Shama, Dhama, etc. my mind was chasing after the worldly matters of fleeting nature. Oh! Prabho, you are the all-pervasive Bhramam that resides as the soul in the Jeeva, you are the knower of All, you are supreme spirit dwells in the middle of the heart, you are the source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, Chiththa, Ahamkara, Prana/vital air, Karma and Gnanendhriya etc…  You could have restricted my mind, and bring back into senses, why don’t you do that? My mind has been unrestricted for so long, hence I have committed several sins by words, mind, and deed. Oh! Prabho, I have already surrendered at your lotus feet, I am helpless lying on your doorsteps kindly take complete control over my mind, and liberate me from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence.”

Man Sab Hoth Nahinau Merau |Jimi Bathani Thau Bahyau Phirath Hau Soyi Lai Lai Prerai || Kaiseau Kahau Sunau Jasa There Aurai Aaani Khacherai | Thuma Thau Dhosha Lagavan Kau Sir Baite Dhekhath Nerau || Kaha Karau Yaha Charyau Bahuth Dhin Amkusa Bina Mukerau | Ab Kari Surdasa Prabhu Aapun Dhwara Paryau Hai Therau ||