Saturday 5 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The Japa, Thapa, Yajja, Dhanam, Dharmam etc without pure love and faith at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and charity without the sense of ‘Oneness in All’ won't bring fruitfulness



Chapter – 218-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The Japa, Thapa, Yajja, Dhanam, etc without pure love and faith at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and charity without the sense of ‘Oneness in All’ won't bring fruitfulness


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, kindly take me into your shelter, your compassionate grace would bring me into the association of Santh, Mahathma noble souls, and preceptors/Guru, so that I could cross the ocean of worldly existence at ease, I was floating into the deep whirlwind of Samsarasagara, getting attached to the possessions, wealth, money, fame, richness, children, companions, and relatives, I was chasing after the infinite sound, smell, touch, passion, and appearance, which has fleeting nature. Oh! Prabho, I was drowning deep in the miseries, and grief, you have showered your grace to be in the association of saintly people. Alas! my arrogance and pride got into my head, and instantly I was thrown away from your nearness, although you reside as a soul in the Jeeva, and initiate the functioning mind, intellect, Prana/vital air, Chiththa, Ahamkara, Karma and Gnanendhriyas. Oh! Mayapathi, your Maya is unconquerable, I was drenched in illusion as a result I was soaked in the Karma and shackled myself with the Karma, and I have become an orphan once again. Oh! Prabho,  I am worn out of the illusion, the Mrigathrishna/the sunlight causes the false impression of water in the desert, the deer in acute thirst chase after the reflection of water, and finally die of thirst merely chasing after the reflection on the desert, just like that I was chasing after wealth, possession, richness, money, children, fame, companion, wife, and relatives like Mrigathrishna and finally found none of them were permanent, it had fleeting nature, either I had to leave them all or they have to leave me. Oh! Prabho, I have understood visiting sacred lands, following Dharma/righteousness/truthfulness, celibacy, the performance of spiritual and religious rites, observance of austerities, cannot bring fruitfulness of life without the worship of your lotus feet with pure love and devotion. Oh, Prabho, I did not achieve the association of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls, and preceptors, and I did not practice singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Prabho, kindly remove my fears and sufferings of worldly existence by keeping your palm on my head providing shelter at your lotus feet.”

Ab   Mo    h     I         Sarana Rakhiyau Nath | Kripakari Jo Gurujana Padaye Vahyau Jath Gahyau Hath || Ahambhav Thai Thuma Bisaraye Ithanehi Chootayau Sath | Bhavasagara Mei Paryau Prakrithi Bas Bandhyau Phiryau Aanath || Sramitha Bhayau Jaisau Mriga Chithavath Dhekhi Dhekhi Bhramapath | Janama Na Lakhyau Santh Ki Sangathi Kahyau Sunyau Gunagatha || Karma Dharma Theeratha Binu Radhan Hyau Gaye Sakala Akatha |  Abhayapradhana Dhai Apanau Kar Dhari Surdas Kai  Math ||