Saturday 5 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – All the living and non-living things are bound by Karma, only humans can strive for the liberation from sufferings and grief of worldly existence and repeated births


Chapter – 218-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – All the living and non-living things are bound by Karma, only humans can strive for the liberation from sufferings and grief of worldly existence and repeated births


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, you have rushed to your feet at the call of your child devotee Prahladha, and you have assumed the half lion and half man/Narasimha form, and appeared from the pillar, child Prahaldha pointed his little finger, you have made no delays in rip open the chest of Hiranyakaship for his cruelties to your devotee. Oh! Prabho, you have pounced on the demon Kamsa in the large assembly and did not make any delay to take out of his Prana. Oh! Prabho, you did not make any delay to kill several fierce demons and the ten-headed demon Ravana in the vicious battle, Oh! Rukmini Ramana, Oh! Prabho, I shall earnestly pray to cut down the noose of Karma/Karmapasha, and protect me, so that I can get rid of the sufferings and grief of worldly existence, Oh! Prabho, you are ignoring my cries, because I have not worshiped at your lotus feet, or I did not practice devotion, meditation, austerities, vows, celibacy, and righteousness, I have shackled myself with the worldly matters of fleeting nature, I was madly chasing after the material and physical pleasures, I am ashamed of myself, I know the reason for your lack of attention towards me, I still strongly believe that you are Pathitha Pavan/savior of the distressed soul.”


Thab Bilamba Nahi Kiyau Jabai Hiranakusa Maryau | Thab Bilamba Nahi Kiyau Kesa Gahi Kamsa Pacchryau || Thab Bilamba Nahi Kiyau Seesa Dhasa Ravana Katte | Thab  Bilamba Nahi Kiyau Sabai Dhanava Dhahapatte || Kar Jori Sur Binathi Karai Sunahu Na Ho Rukumini Ravana| Katau Na Phandha Mo Andha Ke Ab Bilamba  Barana  Kavana?