Friday 25 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of the recitation of ‘Sri Ramanama’ would remove anxiousness and fear


Chapter – 242-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of the recitation of ‘Sri Ramanama’ would remove anxiousness and fear


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you are supreme Bhramam/indestructible Purusha/Puri-body/ reside as a soul in the Jeeva, you are pure, unblemished, flawless, free from the dualities/happiness and sorrow, loss and gain, joy and pain, honor and disgrace/ and impurities/lust, ego, desire, jealousy, anger, and price,  you are merciful, you fulfill all the desires of the devotees, Oh! Gopal, kindly shower your compassionate grace and bless me with pure love and devotion at your lotus feet, my mind should remember your sacred names and legends relentlessly, and shed tears in extreme ecstasy, my tongue should recite your names and sing in praise of your glories constantly, I should adorn Tulsi beads around the neck, and hold prayer beads on hands so that the Lord of death/Yama would not approach me with his dreadful emissaries. Oh! Prabho, my love for your sacred names would remove the fear of death and the hellish torture in the abode of Lord Yama.”

Yesi Kab Karihau Gopal | Mansa Nath Manorathadhatha Hau Prabhu Dheenadhayala || Charanani Chith Niranthar Anurath Rasana Charitha Rasala| Lochana Sajala Prema PUlakitha Than Gar Anchala Kar Mala || Ihi Bidhi Lakhath Jukayi Rahai Jama Apanau Hi Bhayabhala | Sur Sujasa Ragi Na Darath Man Suni Jathana Karala ||