Wednesday 14 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari in the Kali era


Chapter – 272-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The significance of singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari in the Kali era

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, the supreme Lord Sri Raghunath is the Vidhatha who disperses the fruit of Karma of the Jeeva. The Siddha and Muniganas conduct austerities and Tapasya, Shamadhamadhi, Swadhyaya, celibacy, etc. The Yogis undertake Yoga, Dharana, Samadhi, etc.  Lord Bhrama and Lord Mahadeva undertake contemplation and meditation, but none of them can rewrite their destiny. Oh! Mortals, the Veda, and scriptures highly eulogize the three categories of people 1) Sadhaka/spiritual seeker who takes up austerities to control the impurities of mind such as lust, ego, anger, jealousy, desire, pride, Ahamkara and Mamakara, and 2) the Pathivrathanari/chaste and devoted women, and  3)Thapasvi/Santh, Mahathma, noble souls, worships Lord, sing in praise of his glories with pure love. Oh! Mortals, it is impossible to achieve serenity of mind, or get rid of Karmabandhan/ attachment to worldly matters of infinite nature, sufferings and grief of worldly existence and repeated birth without singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari and worship of him.”

Hoth So Jo Raghunath Datai | Pachi Pachi Rahai Sidhdh Sadhak Muni Thau Na  Badai Ghatai ||  Jogi Joga Dharath Man Apanau Sir Par Rakhi Jatai | Dhyan Dharath Mahadevaru Bhrama Thinhu Pai Na  Chatai || Jathi Sathi Thapas Aaradhau Charau Bedh Ratai | Surdas Bhagavanth Bhajan Binu Karama Phas Na Katai ||