Tuesday 13 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – None can rewrite the destiny - The Supreme Lord Sri Hari is the cause of the Universe


Chapter – 271-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The supreme Lord Sri Hari is the cause of the Universe - None can rewrite the destiny


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, the supreme Lord Sri Hari is the cause of the Universe and its living and non-living things, he is the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the Universe, and the functions of the Universe and its living and non-living things entirely depend on the will of Lord Sri Hari. The fools and ignorant self-praise their achievements and accomplishments in life. The achievements in austerities, vows, celibacy, Japa, Thapa, Dhyanam, etc., and the accomplishments in any field of knowledge and activities, are impossible without the grace of the Lord. Oh! Mortals, none can rewrite the destiny, the Vidhatha/Lord Nandhanandhan writes the fate of Jeeva before investing the fetus in the mother’s womb, hence weeping over the loss and win, good and evil, is waste of time. Oh! Jeeva, Lord Syamasundhar is mercy personified, he is the Lord of the Universe and its living and non-living things, therefore take shelter at his lotus feet and get rid of the sufferings and grief of the worldly existence.”

Kari Gopal Ki Sab Hoyi | Jo Apanau Purusharath Manath Athi Jootau Hai Soyi || Sadhan Manthra Janthra  Uddhyam Bal Ye Sab Darau Ghoyi | Jo Kacchu Likhi Rakhi Nandhanandhan Meti Sakai Nahi Koyi || Dhukh Sukh Labh Alabh Samujji Thum Kathahi Marath Hau Royi | Surdas Swami Karanamaya Syama Charana Man Poyi ||