Saturday 17 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The ignorant take pride in beauty and wealth, etc. that are impermanent


Chapter – 276-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The ignorant take pride in physical appearance and wealth, etc. that are impermanent


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, every day cannot be the same, the human body undergoes constant transformation and ruin, as long as you are healthy and enthusiastic, take up the austerities, vows, celibacy, Swadhyaya, Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Dhaya, Dhanam Dhyanam, Arjjavam, Astheyam, etc. and sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, worship at his lotus feet with pure love and devotion. The unfortunates are the ones who spent their whole life chasing after wealth, money, possession, fame, wife, children, companion, relatives, etc. of fleeting nature, and wasted the three important phases of life /childhood, adulthood, and youth, pleasing their senses. The ignorant are the ones who take great pleasure in their wealth, possession, fame, and clan, drive away pious people with excessive haughtiness, the poverty drives humans to chase after money to wave off hunger, and the handsome youthful phase forces the human to take pride in outward appearance that too for a short period of time. The ignorant waste their whole life on appeasing senses, and the people around them, or entering constant conflicts and arguments, without undertaking Japa, Yoga, vows, austerities, truthfulness, Swadhyaya, Shamadhamadhi, meditation, contemplation, and worship of Lord Sri Hari. Finally, in the later years of age, the limbs become fragile and weak, the senses won’t function like before, movements get restricted, limbs won’t cooperate with the mind, loneliness, and fear of death would be constant companions. Oh! Mortals, do not take pride in your physical appearance and wealth, both are impermanent, hence, leave your interest in worldly matters, practice the recitation of ‘Sri Ramanama’ and sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, and strive for the serenity of mind.”


Sabai Dhin Yekai Se Nahi Jath | Sumirana Bhajan Kiyau Kari Hari Kau Jab Lau Than Kusalath || Kabahu Kamala Chapala Payi Kai Tedau Dedai Jath | Kabahu Maga Maga Dhoori Batorath Bojan Kau Bilakhath || Ya Dhehi Kau Garab Karath Dhan Joban Kai Madh Math | Hau Bad Hau Bad Bahuth Kahavath Soodhau Kahath Na Bath || Badh Bibadh Sabai Dhin Beethai Khelath Hi Aru Khath | Joga Na Jukthi Dhyan Nahi Pooja Biradh Bhaye Pachithath || Thathai Kahath Sambharahi Re Nar Kahe Kau Itharath?| Surdas Bhagavanth Bhajan Binu Kahu Nahi Sukha Gath ||