Saturday 17 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The youth, beautiful appearance, possession, wealth, fame, richness, etc. are like the clouds in the sky, it has fleeting nature


Chapter – 276-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The youth, beautiful appearance, possession, wealth, fame, richness, etc. are like the clouds in the sky, it has fleeting nature


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, do not take pride in your body, wealth, possession, and clan, which are impermanent. The demon Hiranyakashipu took great pride in his mightiness, undertook extreme penance, and achieved unique boons from Lord Bhrama, finally, he met terrible death at the hands of Nrisimha. The demon Kamsa was notorious, he imprisoned his own sister Devi Devaki and her husband Vasudeva at the divine instruction that the eighth child of Devi Devaki would take away his life, and he killed their children immediately after birth. Kamsa was in constant fear of death, he sent several demons to kill the eighth child of Devi Devaki, but Lord Krishna killed all those demons with the might of his hands.  Lord Bhrama, deities, and Indra were proud of their glories, but they all had to feel guilty later. Oh! Mortals, listen to me carefully, the youthful state, beautiful appearance, possession, wealth, fame, richness, etc. are like the clouds in the sky, it has fleeting nature. Therefore, leave your pride and arrogance, sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, and always remember that the people who have taken great pride met terrible deaths.”

Garab  Gobindhhi Bhavath Nahi | Kaisi Kari Hiranyakashyap Sau Pragat Hoyi Cchin Mahi || Jaga Janai Karthoothi Kamsa Ki Brisha Marththyau Bala Bahi | Bhrama Indhradhik Pachithane Garba Dhari Manmahi || Jauban Roopa Raja Dhan Dharthi Jani Jaladh Ki Cchahi | Surdas Hari Bhajau Garba Thaji Bimukha Agathi Kau Jahi ||