Sunday 18 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The human body is nothing other than a bundle of flesh, blood, bone, urine, and excreta


Chapter – 277-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The human body is nothing other than a bundle of flesh, blood, bone, urine, and excreta


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, the body, and the mind experience the greatest pleasure when you abandon the chase for pleasing the senses. The chase for material and physical pleasures compels Jeeva to commit various sins, such as taking away the wealth of others on immoral grounds, and the urge for physical pleasure persuades them to sleep with strange women, etc. constantly pushes the Jeeva into extreme grief and agony. The unfortunate Jeeva do not listen to the advice of Sathpurusha, Santh, Mahathma, or do not pay attention to the Shastra/scriptures that strongly oppose the immoral deeds, and ultimately these Jeevas would end up in terrible death, and shovel themselves into the hell of Lord Yama. The unfortunate Jeeva gets attracted to the outward appearance of the woman, without the knowledge that her bosom is nothing other than flesh and blood, and the body is a bundle of flesh, blood, skin, skeleton, excreta, urine, etc., eventually, destroy their youth as well as wealth. Oh! Mortals, if you want to achieve fruitfulness of life, leave your interest in strange women, and undertake meditation and contemplation upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and sing in praise of him.”

Bishaya Jath Harshyau Gath | Yese Andha Jani Nidhi  Lootath Parthiya Sanga Laptath || Baraji Rahe Sab Kahyau Na Manath Kari Kari Jathan Udath | Parai Achanak Thyau Rasa Lampat Thanu Thaji Jamapur Jath || Yaha Thau Suni Byas Ke Mukh Thai Paradhara Dhukhadhath | Rudhira Medha Malamoothra Kadina Kucha Udhara Gandh Gandhath || Than  Dhan Joban Tha Hith Khochath Narak Ki Pacchau Bath | Jo Nara Bhalau Chahath Thau So Thaji Sur Syama Guna Gath ||