Saturday 3 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – Bhakti/devotion is the only source to remove impurities of mind/lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, and anger, and provide the serenity of mind


Chapter – 256-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –Bhakti/devotion is the only source to remove impurities of mind/lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, and anger, and provide the serenity of mind

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you are too kind and compassionate to your devotees and you are the savior of the distressed souls, you are the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the Universe, you are the father and mother of living and non-living things. Oh!  Prabho,  the Gheedh/Jatayu, Byadh/hunter, Ganika, and Gajendra, are they Bhramajjani who have achieved the knowledge of Absolute Truth, that is all the material matters are perishable and the soul is imperishable? Are they have taken up any austerities and penance, or attained the knowledge of self/Paramarththa Thaththva/the absolute truth? It is well known that they have attained your grace by merely reciting and remembering your sacred names, they were liberated from the grief of worldly existence. Oh! Prabho, you have killed the wicked demon Keshi, Kamsa, and Mushtika, and released them from worldly existence. You have rushed to the cries of elephant Gajendra and liberated the crocodile and Gajendra with the Sudharshana Chakra. Oh! Prabho, your childhood friend Sudhama visited with puffed rice packed in his upper clothing, you have seized from him,  and provided the auspiciousness and richness of three worlds in return for two mouthfuls of that puffed rice. Oh! Prabho, you get highly pleased with the worship of a single leaf of Tulsi,  and you offer everything in return, the dust particles from your lotus feet released the curse of Gauthama Pathni Devi Ahalya. Oh! Kripanidhan, I have been drenched in lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride, anger, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, therefore I am the only one left alone to liberate from worldly existence, Oh! Prabho, kindly provide me pure love and devotion at your lotus feet, so that I can get rid of the sufferings of worldly existence.”


Dheen Kau Dhayala Sunyau Abhayadhan Dhatha | Sanchi Birudhavali Thuma Jaga Ke Pithumatha || Byadha Gheedh Ganika Gaja In Mei Ko Jjatha | Sumirath Thuma Aaye Thaha Thribhuvana Bikhyatha || Kesi Kamsa Dhushta Mari Mushtika Kiyau Ghatha | Dhaye  Gajaraj Kaja Kethika Yaha Batha || Theeni Loka Bibhabha Dhiyau Thandhula Ke Khatha | Sarbas Prabhu Reejji Dhetha Tulasi Kai Patha || Gauthama Ki Nari Thari Naiku Parasi Latha | Aur Ko Hai Tharibe Kau  Kahau Kripa Thatha || Mangath Hai Sur Thyagi Jihi Thama Man Ratha | Apani Prabhu Bhakthi Dhehu Jasau Thuma Natha ||