Saturday 3 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The precious birth as a human to achieve four Purusharththa 1) Dharma-righteousness, 2) Arththa - wealth to perform righteous deeds, 3) Kama - desire to perform righteous deeds and 4) Moksha - liberation from worldly existence and repeated births


Chapter – 257-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The precious birth as a human to achieve four Purusharththa 1) Dharma-righteousness, 2) Arththa - wealth to perform righteous deeds, 3) Kama - desire to perform righteous deeds, and  4) Moksha - liberation from worldly existence and repeated births


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you have liberated several sinners like me, It is difficult to sing in praise of your glories, your lotus feet are the safest asylum to the Jeeva, and your glories are beyond description. Oh! Prabho, you have liberated the elephant Gajendra who was seized on the leg by a crocodile in the pond, the wicked Ganika/prostitute who was isolated in the later years of age and taken shelter in your sacred names,  and the King Nriga who was cursed to become lizard and taken shelter in the deep well. The Bhramin Ajamila who abandoned the Bhramanic way of life and lived with a prostitute in the forest, at the deathbed he cried calling his youngest son ‘Narayana’ got released from the grief of worldly existence. Oh! Prabho, Gheedh/Jatayu, Byadh/hunter, and the Gauthamapathni Ahalya cursed to become a rock for her wickedness, have not taken austerities and penance, even though they have attained liberation from your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, Keshi, Kamsa, the elephant Kuvalayapeeda, Mushtika, and Chanoora attained your grace, and your supreme abode Vaikunda/ the abode free from grief and miseries. Oh! Prabho, the demon Poothana disguised as a young beautiful woman who appeared in Gokula intending to feed her bosom milk of toxic poison, achieved the status of your mother Devi Yasodha. The dhobby/washerman of King Hamsa and Dhavanala/the demon disguised as colossal fire have attained Paramagathi with your grace, and Shishupal who takes great pleasure in verbal abuse of you too has achieved your supreme abode. Oh! Prabho, you have no specific time to reach out to your devotees, you have always been enthusiastic to protect your devotees from troubles, and you can’t bear your devotees in grief. Oh! Prabho, Aghasur, Dhenukasur, and Vrishabasur, Thrinavarththa achieved your grace and removed their impurities as well, they too attained Sadhgathi. Oh! Prabho, you have protected Devi Dhraupadhi from the humiliation in the large assembly of Kaurava and showered an abundance of clothes to cover her body from the disgrace. Oh! Prabho, whenever your devotees cried out for you, merely remembering you would make you pleased and rushed on your feet to reach them. Oh! Prabho, you have protected the entire Vraja from the fury of Lord Indra, the cows, cowherds, and the people of Vraja cried out for Lord Krishna, you have elevated mount Govardhan on your little finger for seven days, and protected them from the heavy downpour. Oh! Prabho, I am a grave sinner, drenched in worldly matters of possession, richness, wealth, money, fame, children, wife, companion, and relatives, chasing after the material and physical pleasures of fleeting nature, soaked in lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, anger, Ahamkara and, Mamakara. I did not wisely utilize the precious birth as a human to attain the four Purusharththa/righteousness/Dharma, Arththa/wealth to perform righteous deeds, Kama/desire to perform righteous deeds, and Moksha/liberation from the grief of worldly existence and repeated births. Oh! Prabho, I am unfortunate, dull-minded, and helpless, how did you forget me?”

Yese  Aur Bahuth Khal Thare | Charanaprathapa Bhajanamahima Kau Ko Kahi Sakai  Thumhare || Dhukhith Gayandh Dhushtamathi Ganika  Nriga Nripa Koopa Udhare | Bipra  Bajayi Chalyau Sutha Kai Hith  Kate Maha Dhukha Bhare || Byadha Gheedh Gauthama Ki Nari Kahau Kaun Bratha Dhare | Kesi Kamsa Kubalaya Mushtika Sab Sukhadhama Sidhare || Urjani Kau  Bisha  Bati  Lagayau Jasumathi Ki Gathi Payi |  Rajaka Malla Chanoora  Dhavanala Dhukhabhanjjan Sukhadhayi || Nripa Sisupala Maha Padha Payau Sab Avsara Nahi Janyau | Agha Baka Thrinavarththa Dhenuka  Hathi Guna Gahi Dhosha Na Manyau || Pandu Badhu Pataheena Sabha Mei Kotini Basana Pujaye | Bipathi Kala Sumiratha Thihi Avasara Jaha Thaha Udhi Dhaye || Gopa  Gayi Gosutha Jala Thrasath Gobardhana Kara Dharyyo | Santhatha Dheena Heena Aparadhi Kahau Sur Bisarayyau ||