|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Oh! Ignorant, meditate upon Govinda
! Worship upon lotus feet of Govinda !
Knowledge about the rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of death,
Oh! Ignorant, leave your hunger for accumulation of wealth, nurture supreme
knowledge and wisdom in your mind, keep
your mind satisfied and happy with the fruit of Karma, don’t get drowned with
excessive lust in the beauty of women’s
bosom and navel, these are just allocation of flesh, therefore do not let your
mind think about it again and again.
Life of human is mysterious, it is uncertain like the dew drops on the
lotus leaves; it is painful and sorrowful, perforating with illnesses,
arrogance and grief. As long as healthy
you can support your family and be in the warmth of others, once the body get
weak and deteriorated due to old age no one will be around you. As long as the soul
remains inside the body, there will be people around you to enquire your well
being, once the soul/Vayu/Prana departs from the body, even your wife will ran
off from the sight of corpse. Most of
the childhood periods are spend in amusements; most of the adulthood periods
are spend in inclination towards young maidens, most of the old age periods are
spend in acute pain and sorrow, Alas! Only a few wants to get lost in the
thoughts of Parambhramam. Samsara/Life
is mysterious, who is your wife? Who is your child? Where did you come from?
Oh! Brother, think over the way of life.
Sathsang/association with the people of Sathvik/virtuous/righteous
nature will benefit with Nissangathvam/detachment, the state of detachment will
lead to the state of free from desire/illusion,
Nirmohathvam/free from illusion and desire will lead to
serenity/Nishchalathathvam, ultimately it will take you to liberation from repeated
births. What is the use of desire for
passionate sport when there is no youth?
What is the use of a pond where there is no water? Where are your close
relatives when wealth is disappeared? Who is aware of the truth of Samsara ? Do
not get bloated with your wealth, your beloved people, and your youth which
will get destroyed in seconds, whole of the world is covered in illusion,
therefore get yourself free from the illusion and attain the knowledge of
supreme Bhramam. All these daylight and
darkness, day and night, winter and spring will come and go; in the same manner
our life span also will get reduced, alas! Our storm of desires never ends. Oh! Ignorant, why are you absorbed in the
thought of accumulation of wealth? Is there no one to guide you? There is only
one safest ferry which can help you from the unfathomable ocean of Samsara in
the three worlds, therefore hurry up yourself to join in the safest ferry of
Sajjanasangam/association with virtuous people.
There are people walk with matted hair locks, clean shaven head, clothed
in saffron robes and in various appearances for livelihood, even though after witnessing the reality they
remains ignorant. During the period of
old age, body gets weaken and shrunken along with various changes appears, like
baldness and absence of teeth, eventually practices to walk with the stick,
Alas! Still all are heavily bounded to the worldly desires. There lies man who warm up in front of fire and Sun at
the back, at night he curls up the body tightly in order to keep out of the
cold, he consume meals that are offered as alms, still he is not relieved from the
passion. Several people go for holy dip
in sacred waters of Ganga, some people may observe strict austerities, some
people may offer alms and charities, Alas! If there is no wisdom and knowledge,
it is impossible to attain liberation/Mukthi even after hundreds of births,
therefore take shelter in the shrine or under the tree, sleep on the ground,
sacrifice all those comforts and luxuries, follow the path of renunciation and
undertake strict religious discipline, Is that devoid of contentment? People
may find pleasure in Yoga/Yogic practices or Bhoga/amusement, some may remain
detached or detached, but person who has the knowledge of Bhramam remains in
eternal bliss. Person who had recited a
few verses of Bhagavad Gita, or person who have consumed a few drops of sacred
waters of Ganga, or person who had immersed in the worship of Murari,
definitely will not have the need to converse with Yama. Oh! Murare, kindly protect us, we have been
in the process of birth and death again and again, in this way we have been to
mother’s womb again and again, and we have been into the world of Samsara which
is insurmountable. The supreme ascetic
who is attired in shabby clothes, freed from pious as well as impure deeds, he
is immersed in the union with the supreme Lord and lives in a state of eternal
bliss like a child. Who am I? Where did
I come from? Who are my mother and father? These are meaningless to think and
abandon the world as a dream. Lord
Vishnu dwells as soul in all the living beings, anger and impatience are
meaningless, possessing equanimity and oneness in all leads to attainment of
status of supreme Lord. Do not try to
differentiate people as enemies, companion, children, and relatives and this
kind of analysis are futile, and follow the sense of oneness in all. Discard your Kama/ lust and desires,
Krodha/anger, Lobham/greed, and Moham/desire/delusion, familiarize with your
real nature and attain knowledge of self and Athman/soul, ignorant who have no
knowledge of self and supreme soul end up in hell and undergoes hellish torture
for long. Therefore, recite sacred
scripture Gita and thousands of sacred names of Lord and meditate upon the
magnificent form of Sripathi, remain in the association of righteous and
virtuous people, distribute your wealth as charity among needy and poor people. The person who chase for sensual pleasure
eventually will end up with various illnesses, and wait for death, Alas! But
never give up the sinful deeds. Wealth
does not bring permanent happiness, definitely there is no happiness in it, and
it creates sense of insecurity, rich man will have threat from his own
children, this is the nature of wealth.
Therefore, practice Pranayama/practice to control breath, Prathyahara/
renunciation, precise knowledge of permanent and impermanent, recitation of
scriptures and intense meditation. Person
who is sincerely devoted to the lotus feet of Preceptor, would be relieved from
the world of Samsara, with the practice of strict austerities and perfect
control over senses you can experience the presence of supreme Lord in your
Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Govindam
Bhaja Moodamathe | Samprapthe Sannihithe Kale
Na Hi Na Hi Rakshathi Dukrinjjkarane ||
Jaheehi Dhanagama Thrishnam Kuru Sadh Buddhim Manasi Vithrishnam |
Yallabase Nija Karmopaththam
Viththam Thena Vinodhaya Chiththam ||
Nari Sthanabhara Nabhidhesham
Dhrushtvamaga Mohavesham | Yethanmamsavasadhi Vikaram
Manasi Vichinthaya Varam Varam ||
Nalinidhalagatha Jalamathi
Tharalam Thadhvajeevitham
Athishaya Chapalam | Viddhi
Vyadhyabhimana Grastham Lokam
Shokahatham Cha Samastham ||
Yavadhviththoparjjana Saktha: Thavan Nija Parivaro Raktha: | Pashchath Jeevathi Jarjjara
Dhehe Varththam Kopina
Pricchathi Gehe ||
Yavath Pavano Nivasathi Dhehe
Thavath Pricchathi Kushalam Gehe
| Gathavathi Vayau Dhehapaye Bharyya Bhibhyathi Thasminkaye ||
Balasthavath Kreedasaktha: Tharunasthavath Tharuni Saktha: |
Vriddhasthavath Chintha Saktha:
Parame Bhramani Ko Pina Saktha: ||
Ka The Kantha Kasthe Puthra: Samsaroyam Atheeva Vichithra: | Kasya Thvam Ka; Kutha
Ayatha: Thathvam Chinthaya Thadhiha
Bhratha: ||
Sathsangathve Nissangathvam
Nissangathve Nirmohathvam |
Nirmohathve Nishchala Thathvam Nishchala Thathve Jeevanmukthi: ||
Vayasi Gathe Ka: Kamavikara: Shushke
Neere Ka: Kasara: | Ksheene Vitththe Ka: Parivara: | Jjyathe Thathve Ka:
Samsara: ||
Ma Kuru Dhana Jana Yauvana Garvam Harathi
Nimeshath Kala: Sarvam | Maya
Mayitham Akhilam Budhva Bhramapadham
Thvam Pravisha Vidhithva ||
Dhinayaminyau Sayam Pratha: Shishira
Vasanthau Punarayatha: | Kala:
Kreedathi Gacchathyau: Thadhapi Na Muncchathyashavayu: ||
Ka The Kantha Dhanagatha
Chintha Vathula Kim Thava
Nasthi Niyantha | Thrijagathi
Sajjana Sangathireka Bhavathi
Bhavarnnava Tharane Nauka ||
Jadilo Mundi Lunchithakesha: Kashayambara
Bahukritha Vesha: | Pashyannapichana
Pashyathi Moodo Hydhara Nimiththam
Bahukritha Vesha: ||
Angam Galitham Palitham Mundam Dhashana
Viheenam Jatham Thundam | Vriddho Yathi Griheethva Dhandam
Thadhapi Na Muncchathyasha Pindam ||
Agre Vahni: Prishte Bhanu Rathrau Chubuka
Samarppitha Janu: | Karathala Bhikshastharuthala Vasa: Thadhapi Na Muncchathyasha Pasha: ||
Kuruthe Ganga Sagara Gamanam Vrathaparipalanam Adhava
Dhanam | Jjyana Viheena : Sarvamathena
Mukthim Na Bhajathi Janmashathena
Sura Mandira Tharu Moola Nivasa : Shayya Bhoothalam Ajinam Vasa: | Sarva
Parigraha Bhoga Thyaga: Kasya Sugam
Na Karothi Viraga: ||
Yogaratho Va Bhogaratho Va Sangaratho Va
Sangaviheena: | Yasya Bhramani Ramathe Chiththam Nandhathi Nandhathi Nandhathyeva ||
Bhagavad Gita Kinchithadheetha Ganga Jalalava Kanikapeetha | Sakridhapi
Yena Murari Samarccha Kriyathe Thasya Yamena
Na Charccha ||
Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jadare Shayanam | Iha Samsare
Bahudhusthare Kripaya Pare Pahimurare ||
Radhya Charppada Virachitha Kandha: Punapunya Vivarjjitha Pandha: | Yogi Yoganiyojitha
Chiththo Ramathe
Balonmaththavadeva ||
Koham Kutha Ayatha: Ka Me Janani Ko Me
Thatha : | Ithi Paribhavaya
Sarvamasaram Vishvam Thyaktha
Swapna Vicharam ||
Thvayi Mayi Chanya Thraiko Vishnu:
Vyarththam Kupyasi Mayya Sahishnu: | Bhava
Samachiththa: Sarvathra Thvam Vanchasyachiradhyadhi Vishnuthvam ||
Shathrau Mithre Puthre
Bandhau Ma Kuru Yathnam
Vigrahasandhau | Sarvasminnapi Pashyathmanam Sarvathrothasrijya
Bhedhajjyanam ||
Kamam Krodham Lobham Moham
Thyakthvathmanam Bhavaya Ko Ham| Athma Gnana Viheena Mooda : The Pachyanthe
Naraka Nigooda: ||
Geyam Gita Nama Sahasram Dhyeyam Sripathi Roopam Ajasram | Neyam Sajjana
Sange Chiththam Dheyam Dheena
Janaya Cha Viththam ||
Sukhatha: Kriyathe Ramabhoga:
Pashchandhdhantha Shareere Roga: | Yadhyapi Loke Maranam Sharanam Thadhapi
Na Munchathi Papacharanam ||
Artham Ananrtham Bhavaya Nithyam Nasthi Thatha: Sugalesha: Sathyam
|Puthradhapi Dhana Bhajam Bheethi:
Sarvathraisha Vihitha Reethi: ||
Pranayamam Prathyaharam Nithyanithya
Vivekavicharam | Japyasametha
Samadhividhanam Kurvavadhanam
Mahadhavadhanam ||
Gurucharanambuja Nirbhara Bhaktha:
Samsaradha Chiradh Bhava Muktha: | Sendhriya Manasa Niyamadevam
Dhrakshyasi Nija Hridhayastham
Devam ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||