Saturday 18 November 2017

Sri Yamuna Kavacham – Garga Samhitha - Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Mandatha speaks “ Oh! Mahabhaga/illustrious, distinguished, virtuous, venerable, fortunate, pure, I would like to wear the sacred armor of Yamuna who is the empress of Krishna, which is highly auspicious, kindly narrate to me.”

Sage Saubhari speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Oh! Mahamathe/honorable, the sacred armor of Yamuna protects from all kinds of perils,  it  is highly propitious and it could bring Chathushpadha, she has the complexion of dark clouds, she has four arms, she has the resemblance to rain clouds, her eyes has the appearance of lotus flower petals, she is mounted on grand chariot, she is extremely gorgeous, sacred armor should be worn after meditating upon her after ablution, worshiper should keep complete silence and take seat on the Kushagrass facing east during the hours of dusk, Vipra/Bhramin with  his tuft tied with the Kushagrass should be seated legs crossed, and start recitation of the sacred armor of Yamuna.  I shall earnestly pray to Yamuna to protect my head, I shall earnestly pray to Krishna who has the complexion of dark clouds to protect my eyes, I shall earnestly pray to  Shyama who has dark blue complexion  to protect my eyebrows, I shall earnestly pray to Nakavasini who resides in the abode of Surya as well as heaven to protect my nose, I shall earnestly pray to Paramanandharoopini who symbolizes eternal bliss to protect my cheeks, I shall earnestly pray to Krishna who has positioned on the left of her consort, to protect my ears, I shall earnestly pray to Kalindhi to protect my lips,  I shall earnestly pray to Sooryakanyaka who is the daughter of Lord Surya to protect my chin, I shall earnestly pray to Yamasvasa who is the sister to Yama to protect my back of shoulders, I shall earnestly pray to Mahanadhi who is embodied as mighty river on Earth to protect my heart, I shall earnestly pray to Krishnapriya who is beloved of Krishna to protect my back and I shall earnestly pray to Thadini who has the resemblance to lightning to protect my hands, I shall earnestly pray to Sushroni who has attractive waist areas to protect my waist line,  I shall earnestly pray to Charudharshana who is stunningly georgeous to protect my hip, I shall earnestly pray to  Rambha who has the loveliness of celestial apsara to protect my thighs, I shall earnestly pray to Anghribhedhini whose water current has the power to uproot the trees, to protect my knees, I shall earnestly pray to Raseshvari who is personified as Radharani in the sacred land of Vrindhavan in order to perform amorous sport with Krishna to protect my calves,  I shall earnestly pray to Papapraharini who eradicates the sins of worshiper to protect my feet,  I shall earnestly pray to Yamuna who is flawless to protect me from inside and outside, below and above, and from all regions and sides in the Universe, these are the marvelous sacred armor of Yamuna, whoever reads or listens to it for ten weeks would attain abundance of wealth, worshiper who is suffering from poverty would attain immense wealth, Bhramachari who reads or listens to it for three months would attain kingdom, worshiper who recites this sacred hymns for hundred and eleven times for three months on daily basis would attain all that desired, whoever reads or listens to it during the early hours of dawn and venerates Yamuna would attain the merits of dip in all the sacred rivers, ultimately attain the  superior abode of  Vraja/cows which is difficult to attain even for the Yogis.

Mandhathouvacha –

Yamunaya: Krishnarajjya: Kavacham  Sarvatho Amalam | Dhehimahyam Mahabhaga  Dharayishyam Aham Sadha ||

Saubharir Uvacha –

 Yamunashcha Kavacham Sarvarakshakaram Nrinam | Chathushpadhartham Sakshath Shrunu Rajan Mahamathe ||

Krishnam Chathurbhujam Shyamam Pundareekadhalekshanam | Rathastham Sundhareem Dhyathva  Dharayeth  Kavacham Ththa: ||

Snatha: Poorvamukho Mauni Krithasandhya: Kushasane | Kushairbaddhashikho Vipra: Padeth Swasthikasana: ||

Yamuna Mey  Shira: Pathu Krishna  Nethradhvayam Sadha | Shyama  Bhrubangadhesham Cha Nasikam Nakavasini ||

Kapolau  Pathu Mey  Sakshath  Paramanandharoopini | Krishna Vamasambhootha  Path  Karnnadhyam Mama ||

Adharau Pathu Kalindhi  Chibukam Sooryakanyaka | Yamasvasa Kandharam Cha  Hridhayam Mey Mahanadhi ||

Krishnapriya  Pathu Prishtam Thadini Mey  Bhujadhvayam | Shronithadam Cha Sushroni Kadim Mey  Charudharshana ||

Oorudhvayam Thu Rambhorur  Jahnuni Thvanghribhedhini | Gulphau Raseshvari  Pathu Padhau  Papapraharini ||

Antharbahiradhashchordhdham Dhishasu Vidhishashu Cha | Samanthath Pathu Jagatha: Paripoornnathamapriya ||

Idham Sri  Yamunayashcha  Kavacham Paramathbhutham | Dhashavaram  Padeth Bhakthya  Nirdhano Dhanavan Bhaveth ||

Thribhirmasai: Padethdheeman Bhramachari  Mithashana: | Sarvarajyadhipathyashcha  Prapyathe Na Athra Samshaya : ||

Dhashoththarashatham Nithyam Thrimasavadhi Bhakthitha: | Ya: Padeth  Prayatho Bhoothva  Thasya  Kim Kim Na Jayathe ||

Ya:  Padeth Pratharuththaya  Sarvatheerthaphalam Labeth | Anthe  Vrajeth Paramdhama Golokam Yogidhurllabham ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||