Saturday 13 January 2018

Sri Radha Kavacham – Sri Narada Pancharathram – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Parvathi speaks “ Oh! Bhagavan, Oh! Kailasavasin who resides on the highest peak of Mount Kailash, he provides abundance of boons to worshiper, Oh! Prabho, kindly narrate the sacred armor of Goddess Sri Radha.  Oh! Shoolapane who is wielded in powerful trident, Oh! Pinakin who is adorned in fierce weapon Pinaka, Oh! Compassionate Lord, I shall surrender to you kindly protect me from sorrows and intense fears.”

Sri Shiva speaks “ Oh! Girije, listen to the highly propitious hymns of sacred armor of Goddess Radhika which was narrated earlier, it protects from all kinds of miseries and perils.   It provides intense devotion towards Lord Hari, it provides Bhukthi as well as Mukthi to worshiper, it provides appreciation in the three worlds, ultimately nearness to Lord Hari, it provides success in all the endeavors, it provides victory over the enemies, it provides supreme wisdom and knowledge to worshiper, it provides Chathurvargaphalam and supreme bliss, it provides the merit of  Rajasooya and Ashwamedha Yagnam, it is highly confidential hymn would fulfil all the desires and removes all kinds of obstacles of the worshiper, it is composed by Rishi Mahadeva, Anushtup as Chandhass, presiding deity is  Goddess Radha, Ram as beejam and Keelam, it is recited to attain Dharma, Arththa, Kama and Moksha.  I shall earnestly pray to Goddess Radha to protect my head, I shall earnestly pray to Radhika to protect my forehead, I shall earnestly pray to Srimathi who is chaste to protect my eyes, I shall earnestly pray to Gopendhranandhini who is the daughter of King of cowherds to protect my ears, I shall earnestly pray to Haripriya who is beloved of Hari to protect my nose, I shall earnestly pray to Shashishobhana who has the luster of moon to protect my eyebrows, I shall earnestly pray  to Kripadevi who is too compassionate to protect my mouth, I shall earnestly pray to Gopika who is personified as young maiden of cowherd to protect my lips, I shall earnestly pray to Vrishabhanusutha who is the daughter of King Vrishabhanu to protect my line of teeth, I shall earnestly pray to Gopanandhini who is the provider of happiness to cowherds to protect my cheeks, I shall earnestly pray to Chandhravali who has the luster of moon to protect my neck, I shall earnestly pray to Krishnapriya who is dearest darling of Krishna to protect my tongue, I shall earnestly pray to Hariprana who is the soul of Lord Hari to protect my throat, I shall earnestly pray to Vijaya who is victorious to protect my heart, I shall earnestly pray to Chandhravadhana whose face has the resemblance to moon to protect my two arms, I shall earnestly pray to Subala/powerful to protect my stomach, I shall earnestly pray to Saubadhrika/auspicious to protect my feet, I shall earnestly pray to Chandhramukhi whose face has the resemblance to moon to protect my finger nails, I shall earnestly pray to Gopalavallabha who is dearest darling of Gopala to protect my ankles, I shall earnestly pray to Vidhumukhi whose face resembles to moon, to protect my nails, I shall earnestly pray to Gopi who is personified as young maiden of cowherd to protect my feet, I shall earnestly pray to Shubhapradha who is the provider of auspiciousness to protect my back, I shall earnestly pray to Srikanthavallabha who lures the heart of darling of Lakshmi to protect my womb,  I shall earnestly pray to Jaya who is unconquerable to protect my knees and areas, I shall earnestly pray to Harini who has the luster of precious yellow metal to protect me always, I shall earnestly pray to Vani who is personified as  Goddess of speech to protect my skills in the construction of words, I shall earnestly pray to Dhaneshvari who is personified as Goddess of wealth to protect our possession of wealth, I shall earnestly pray to Krishnaratha who is intensely devoted to Krishna to protect  from the east, I shall earnestly pray to Krishnaprana who is the soul of Krishna to protect me from west, I shall earnestly pray to Haritha to protect from the upper areas, I shall earnestly pray to daughter of King Vrishabhanu to protect from the south, I shall earnestly pray to Chandhravali to protect me during night hours, I shall earnestly pray to Dhiva to protect me from the battle fields, I shall earnestly prayt to Saubhagyadha who is the provider of auspiciousness to protect me during noon, I shall earnestly pray to Kamaroopini who symbolizes amorous sport to protect during the hours of dusk, I shall earnestly pray to Raudhri/fierce to protect me during the hours of dawn, I shall earnestly pray to Gopini during hours of dark hours, I shall earnestly pray to Hethudha to protect me during the hours of association with relatives and friends, I shall earnestly pray to Kethumala to protect me during the mid day, I shall earnestly pray to Shesha to protect me during the afternoon, I shall earnestly pray to Shamitha to protect me in all unification, I shall earnestly pray to  Yogini who symbolizes Yoga to protect me during the hours of pleasure, I shall earnestly pray to Rathi who symbolizes amorous sport to protect me during  passionate sport, I shall earnestly pray to Kameshi to protect me during the hours of festivity always, I shall earnestly pray to Rathnavali to protect me during Yogic practices, I shall earnestly pray to Radhika who represents Krishna/heart of Krishna to protect me in all deeds at all times.” These are the glorious verses praising the splendor of Goddess Sri Radharani known as sacred armor, it protects the worshiper from severe perils and difficulties, it should be recited during the hours of early dawn, noon and dusk, whoever reads or listens to it with intense devotion and faith would remain protected in the Kings palace, place of congregation, socity, battlefield and troubles caused by enemies,  and during the hours of death threat, worshiper who venerates Goddess Radhika would attain siddis and it will eradicate intense fears and anxieties, it provides highest of the devout act of holy dip in Ganga during the hours of eclipse, whoever reads or listens to it  during the early hours of dawn after following austerities and ablation would attain the same pities, worshiper who adorn the sacred armor written in Bhurjapathra and venerates it with turmeric, vermilion and sandalwood paste, and wore  it around head, arms or neck would attain abundance of devout act, trinities attained abundance of merits to carry out the functions of  creation, preservation and destruction of the Universe, it should be recited by virtuous, dispassionate and sincere devotees of Lord Vishnu.

Sri Parvathi Uvacha –

Kailasavasin Bhagavan  Bhakthanugrahakaraka | Radhikakavacham  Punyam Kathayasva Mama Prabho ||

Yadhyasthi Karunanatha  Thrahimam Dhukatho  Bhayath | Thvameva Sharanam Natha Shoolapane  Pinakadhrik ||

Sri Shiva Uvacha –
Shrunushva  Girije Thubhyam Kavacham  Poorvasoochitham | Sarvarakshakaram Punyam Sarvahathyaharam Param ||

Haribhakthipradham Sakshath  Bhukthi Mukthi Prasadhanam | Thrailokakarshanam Devi Harisannidhyakarakam ||

Sarvathrajayadham Devi  Sarvashathrubhayavaham | Sarvesham Chaiva Bhoothanam  Manovriththiharam Param ||

Chathurththa  Mukthijanakam  Sadhanandhakaram Param | Rajasooya Ashwamedhanam  Yajjanam Phaladhayakam ||

Idham Kavachammajjyathva  Radhamanthram  Cha Yo Japeth | Sa Napnothi Phalam Thasya  Vighnasthasya  Padhe Padhe ||

Rishirasya  Mahadevo Anushtup Chandhashcha Keerthitham | Radhasya  Devatha Proktha  Ram Beejam  Keelakam Smritham ||

Dharmarththa Kamamoksheshu  Viniyoga: Prakeerthitha: | Sriradha  Mey Shira: Pathu Lalatam Radhika Thadha ||

Srimathi Nethrayugalam Karnnau  Gopendhranandhini | Haripriya  Nasikam Cha  Bhruyugam  Shashishobhana ||

Aushtam Pathu Kripadevi  Adharam Gopika Thadha | Vrishabhanusutha  Dhanthashchibukam  Gopanandhini ||

Chandravali  Pathu Gandam Jihvam  Krishnapriya Thadha | Kandam Pathu  Hariprana Hridhayam Vijaya Thadha ||

Bahu Dhau  Chandhravadhana Udharam  Subalasvasa | Kodiyoganvitha  Pathu  Padhau Saubhadhrika Thadha ||

Nagham Chandhramukhi Pathu Gulphau Gopavallabha | Nakhan Vidhumukhi Devi  Gopi Padhathalam Thadha ||

Shubhapradha  Pathu Prishtam  Kukshau  Srikanthavallabha | Janudhesham  Jaya  Pathu Harini  Pathu Sarvatha: ||

Vakyam Vani Sadha  Pathu  Dhanagaram Dhaneshvari | Poorvam  Dhisham  Krishnaratha  Krishnaprana  Cha Pashchimam ||

Uththaram Haritha  Pathu Dhakshinam  Vrishabhanuja | Chandhravali  Naishameva  Dhiva  Kshvedithameghala ||

Saubhagyadha  Madhyadhine  Sayahne Kamaroopini | Raudhri Pratha: Pathu  Mam Hi  Gopini  Rajaneekshaye ||

Hethudha  Sanghave  Pathu Kethumala  Dhivardhake | Sheshaparahnasameva  Shamitha Sarvasandhishu ||

Yogini Bhogasamaye  Rathau  Rathipradha  Sadha | Kameshi  kauthuke  Nithyam  Yoge  Rathnavali Mama ||

Sarvadha  Sarvakaryeshu Radhika Krishnamanasa | Ithyethath Kathitham  Devi Kavacham  Paramathbhutham ||

Sarvarakshakaram  Nama  Maharakshakaram Param |Prathar  Madhyahna Samaye  Sayahne  Prapadedhyadhi ||

Sarvarththa Siddhisthasya  Syadhanmanasi  Varththathe | Rajadhvare  Sabhayam Cha Sanghrame  Shathrusangade ||

Pranarththa Nashasamaye  Ya:  Padeth Prayatho Nara: | Thasya Siddhi Bhaveth Devi Na Bhayam Vidhyathe Kvachith ||

Aradhitha  Radhika  Cha Thena Sathyam Na Samshaya: | Ganga Snanadhdharer Nama  Grahanadhyath Phalam Labeth ||

Thathphalam Thasya Bhavathi Ya: Padeth Prayatha:  Shuchi: | Haridhrarochana Chandhramanditham  Harichandanam ||

Krithva Likhithva Bhurje  Cha Dharayen Masthake  Bhuje | Kande Va  Devadeveshi  Sa Harirnathra  Samshaya: ||

Kavachasya Prasadhena  Bhrama Shrishtim Sthithim Hari: | Samharam Chaham Niyatham  Karomi  Kuruthe Thadha ||

Vaishnavaya Vishuddhaya  Viraga Gunashaline | Dhadhyath Kavachamavyagram Anyatha Nashamapnuyath ||

|| Ithi Sri Naradapancharathre  Gnanamrithasare  Radhakavacham Sampoornnam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||