Saturday 10 November 2018

Sri Nandakumara Ashtakam

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is  beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, he is Gopala who is Lord of cows and cowherds, he has has mesmerizing features, he is adorned in garlands of fresh alluring flowers from wood, he has beautiful broad eyes, he eradicates miseries and sorrows, he resembles to full moon that spread cool rays on the sacred land of Vrindhavan, he is supreme bliss, he is Dharanidhara who is the protector of Earth, he is dearest darling of young maiden of cow herds, he has dark cloud complexion, he is most desirable and flawless, he is extremely pleasing and compassionate, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, his beautiful face has the resemblance to fully blossomed lotus flower, he crushes impurities/ego, lust, pride, jealous, etc. he is the source of happiness, he is adorned in magnificent crown decorated with the feathers of peacock on attractive curly hair locks, he merrily explore through the woods of creeper on the sacred land of Vrindavan with the cows, cowherds and young maidens, he is too promising and kind, he pilfered the clothes of young maiden of cowherds as a part of amusement,  he is attired in majestic yellow silk garment, he is adorned in sacred thread across the chest, he is fond of butter, he showers abundance of boons on wise, and intellectuals, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, his beautiful face is smeared in dust, he takes immense pleasure in the water sport in the river Yamuna, he has marvelous appearance which provide supreme bliss, his face is covered in the dust from the hooves of the cow, he always accompanies by the cows while exploring through the wood, he plays melodious music on flute, he is most beloved of pious and righteous people, he is pure, his lotus feet are the source of all the auspiciousness, he has lustrous toe nails, he eradicates darkness of ignorance, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, he is adorned in magnificent crown decorated with the feathers of peacock, his beautiful curly hair locks spread all over the face, he is most desirable, he has Goddess Maya as sister and Haladhara as brother, he is the destroyer of wicked demons, he is the protector of people of Vraja, he is the source of good fortune, most promising, and compassionate to the people of sacred land Vraja, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is  the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, he has the luster of lotus flower, he is divine personified in order to perform various passionate sports, he is Vamshidhara who holds divine flute, he excels the beauty of Manmatha, he crushed the pride of Manmatha, he plays melodious music on flute that lures the intellect of young maiden of cowherds of Vraja, he is dearest darling of  cow herdress and entices them with his beautiful smile, he resides in the creeper home in the sacred land of Vrindavan, he performed various amusement and passionate sport, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is  the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, he is eminent and skillful, he is the protector of distressed people, he is beloved of ardent devotees, he symbolizes Karma, he is charming and extremely valorous, he is always accompanies by his elder brother Balarama who is the manifestation of serpent Anantha, he is the destroyer of wicked demons, he is extremely compassionate, he is dearest darling of young maiden of cowherds in the Vraja, his face has the resemblance to lotus flower, he pacifies Haladhara, he elevated Mount Govardhana with his little finger, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is  the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, his limbs has the luster of dark clouds, he has beautiful three curves, he has performed various passionate sport/Rasaleela with the young maidens of cowherds, he is Kunjjavihari who takes immense pleasure in the creeper home, he is highly confidential, he excels the beauty of Manmatha and he is inseparable part from the sacred land of Gokulam, he resembles to moon which spread cool rays to the young maiden of cowherds of Vraja, he is the source of delight, and good fortune, he eradicates illusion, I shall meditate upon Lord Nandhakumara who is  beloved son of Nandhagopa, he is the source of happiness and prosperity, he is the essence of highest philosophies, he is absolute Bhramam, he is beyond human intellect, his lotus feet are most venerable, his lotus hands has purifying effect, he is the protector of Universe and its living beings, he is pure, he crushed the pride of serpent Kaliya and danced on his hoods, he destroyed the sorrows of young maidens of cowherds of Vraja, his lotus feet are  safest heaven to the distressed people, he is the source of liberation from repeated births.

Sundharagopalam Uravanamalam Nayanam Vishalam Dhukhaharam | Vrindhavana Chandhram Anandhakandham Paramanandham  Dharanidharam |Vallabha Ghanashyamam Poornnakamam Athyabhiramam Preethikaram | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Sundhara Varijavandhanam Nirjithamadhanam Anandhasadhanam Mukutadharam | Gujjakrithiharam Vipinaviharam Paramodharam Cheeraharam | Vallabhapattapeetham Krithaupaveetham Karanavaneetham Vibudhavaram | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Shobhithamukhadhoolam Yamunakoolam Nipattathoolam Sukhadhatharam | Mukhamanditharenum Charithadhenum Vadhithavenum Madhurasuram | Vallabhamathivimalam Subhapadhakamalam  Nakharuchiamalam Thimiraharam | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Shiramukuta Sudhesham Kunjjithakesham Natavaravesham Kamavaram | Mayakrithamanujam Haladharanujam Prathihathadhanujam Bharaharam | Vallabha Vrajapalam Subhagasuchalam Hithamanukalam Bhavavaram | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Indheevarabhasam Prakatasurasam  Kusumavikasam Vamshidharam | Hrithamanmathamanam Roopinadhanam Chiththaharam | Vallabha Mridhuhasam Kunjjanivasam Vividhavilasam Kelikaram | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Athiparapraveenam Palithadheenam Bhakthadheenam Karmakaram | Mohanam Athidheeram Phanibalaveeram Hathaparaveeram Tharalatharam | Vallabha Vrajaramanam Varijavadhanam Haladharashamanam Shailadharam | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Jaladhara Dhyuthiangam Lalithathribhangam Bahukritharangam Rasikavaram | Gokulaparivaram Madhanakaram Kunjjaviharam Goodatharam | Vallabha Vrajachandhram Subhagasuchandham Krithanandham Bhranthiharam | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

Vandhitha Yugacharam Pavanakaranam Jagathudhdharanam Vimaladharam | Kaliyashiragamanam Krithaphaninamanam Ghathithayamanam Mridhulatharam | Vallabhadhukhaharanam Nirmalacharanam Asharanasharanam Mukthikaram | Bhaja Nandhakumaram Sarvasukhasaram Thaththvavicharam Bhramam Param ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||