Saturday 6 April 2019

|| Sri Mathangi Shathanama Sthothram – Sri Rudrayamala Thanthram ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Goddess Bhairavi speaks “ Oh! Bhagavan, I would like to listen to the hundreds of sacred name of Goddess Mathangi, which is highly confidential and not accessible in any of the Thanthric scriptures.”

Lord Bhairva replies “Oh! Devi,  I shall narrate the highly confidential and propitious hymns eulogizing the splendor of Goddess Mathangi, worshiper who reads or listens to it for a week would be relieved from all the afflictions like fire in the cotton balls, recitation of  these highly auspicious thousands of sacred names  will  please Goddess Mathangi, and it provides abundance of meritorious reward.”

“The glorious hundred and eight sacred names of Goddess Mathangi was composed by  Bhagavan Mathanga Rishi, it has Anushtup as Chandhass/meter, presiding deity is Goddess Mathangi, it is recited to please Goddess Mathangi.   I shall prostrate before Goddess Mathangi/Maththamathangi who  symbolizes  Siddhi, she is Yogini who undertake supreme Yogic practices, she has personified as Bhadrakali, RamA,  and Bhavani,  she is the source of welfare, auspiciousness, richness, wealth, and happiness, she is worshiped by Bhava, she is the mother of deities, she is the mother of Kubera, her auspicious gaze are capable to shower abundance of wealth, she is worshiped by Dhanesha/Kubera, she is extremely valorous, she has embodied as sacred rivers, he has most desirable appearance, she is eminent, she has fierce appearance too, she has supreme radiance, she symbolizes amorous sport, she is the source of fame, admiration, and appreciation, she represents Agni,  and good fortune, she has dreadful appearance, she is female aspect of Bhaga, she represents Bhaga, she is the delight of Bhaga, she has terrible appearance, she is Bhavani and Mahakaushiki as well, she symbolizes cells in living beings, she is youthful , she has personified Kishori who is the  delight of Krishna,  she is the cause for all the great causes, she symbolizes deeds and disciplines, she holds skull, she is remarkable, she symbolizes spirituous intoxicated drink, moon light,  and self- respect, she is adorned in crescent moon on the crown, she is fond of being worshiped with the sacred syllables of Makara, she is Maheshi who is highly enthusiastic, she merrily performs  cosmic dance  and various passionate sport, she symbolizes endurance, welfare, happiness, morality,  and disciplines, she causes deluge at the end of Yuga, she is imperishable, she is the source of contentment,  and satisfaction, she is Bhavani who symbolizes wealth, auspiciousness, richness, and prosperity, she is worshiped by Lord of wealth, she is imperishable, she is the source of happiness, contentment, wisdom and knowledge, she is absolute truth, she represents radiance of Bhaskara, she is the commander of wealth, she is the mother of Universe and its living beings, she has embodied as Earth,  she is worshiped by Dharesha/Lord Vishnu, she has lustrous limbs, she has supreme radiance, she resides as soul in living beings, she has great splendor, she has marvelous appearance, she is adorned in stunning ear ornaments, she has most desirable appearance, she has pleasing disposition, she holds skull, she symbolizes death, she is wielded in powerful weapons, she is fond of veneration with the flowers of Kadhamba, she is attired in directions as garment, she has beautiful curve on her body, she represents  custom, power, order, and cause, she is the source of fame, appreciation,  and honor,  she has formidable appearance,  she is forbearing, she is imperishable, she is extremely compassionate, she represents day and night, growth as well destruction, she resides in the woods, hollow of tree, long isolated path ways, places or meeting point of villages, etc.. she represents rainy seasons,  and water, she has attained half of the body of Lord Shiva, she is Shakambari who is mighty Goddess , she symbolizes Maha Yajja, she showers fruit of successful completion of Yajja, she is smeared in highly fragrant musk, she symbolizes Era, she causes mass destruction at the end of era, she gets angry very easily, she is elegant, she is adorned Mahashesha as Yajjopaveetha/sacred thread across the chest, she is victorious, she symbolizes triumph, state of awakening, Yoga,  and conception, her beautiful limbs represents victory, she takes immense pleasure in the meditation and recitation of sacred hymns, she is victorious who represents soul in living beings, she has the complexion of precious yellow metal, she has the brilliance of colossal fire, she represents darkest hours in the night, southern quarter, sandal-tree, messenger of Yama, Swadha,  and Vaushat, she is the mother of Universe and its living beings, she is the protector of Universe,  she symbolizes procrastination and promptness as well, she represents Shadanga/six limbs of Vedanga, body consisting of six parts, she has long stature, she holds Asi as weapon, she eradicates natural calamities, and  misfortune, she is epitome of beauty, she has golden color complexion, she has the appearance of female deer, she symbolizes auspiciousness, love, affection, kindness, fame, honor,  and appreciation, she is the slayer of demons Nishumbha and Shumbha, she is the essence of bliss and liberation from repeated births, she crushed the pride of demons Chanda and Munda, she is extremely fierce, passionate, and formidable, she has great speed, she is mounted on Yak, she has the luster of moon, she is adorned in various ornaments of precious yellow metal which spread extreme radiance, she symbolizes music, she showers abundance of boon on worshiper, Oh! Devi, these are the hundred and eight sacred names of Goddess Mathangi, which is highly confidential and it has been off the record from all the Thanthric scriptures, previously it was pronounced by Lord Maheshvara, whoever reads or listen to it during the hours of dawn, noon and dusk with intense devotion and faith would attain all the happiness and welfare, it removes all kinds of afflictions instantly,  Oh! Devi, it was constructed for the welfare of deities; hence I have repeated the same to you, Oh! Devi, it removes the pain of separation from beloved ones, evil effects caused by the changes in planetary position, it removes dullness and inefficiency, it removes toxic poison from  snake bite, illnesses caused by infections,  and outbreak of epidemic, worshiper would be freed from the illnesses of aging  and  attain long life with the grace of Goddess Mathangi/ Mahamaya, worshiper who recites or listen to these glorious verses would attain  abundance of piousness which is   impossible to describe.”

Sri Bhairavyuvacha –
 Bhagavan Shrothumicchami Mathangya:  Shathanamakam | Yadh Guhyam Sarvathanthreshu Kenapai Na Prakashitham ||

Sri Bhairava Uvacha –
Shrunu Devi Pravakshyami Rahasyathi Rahasyakam | Nakhyeyam Yathra Kuthrapi Padaneeyam Parathparam ||

Yasyaikavara Padanathsarve  Vighna Upadhrava: | Nashyanthi Thath Kshanath Devi Vahina  Thoolarashivath ||

Prasanna Jayathe  Devi Mathangi Chasya Padatha: | Sahasranama Padane  Yathphalam Parikeerthitham |Thath Koti Gunitham Devi Namashtakam Shubham ||

|| Asya Sri Mathangi Shathanamasthothra Mahamanthrasya  Bhagavan Mathanga Rishi: | Anushtup Chandha: | Mathangi Devatha | Mathangipreethaye Jape Viniyoga: ||

Maha Maththamathangini Siddhiroopa Thadha  Yogini Bhadhrakali Rama Cha | Bhavani  Bhavapreethidha Bhoothiyuktha Bhavaradhitha  Bhoothisampathikari Cha ||

Dhanadheeshamatha  Dhanagaradhrishtir Dhanesharchitha  Dheera Vapi Varangi | Prakrishta Prabharoopini  Kamaroopa Prahrishta  Mahakeerthidha  Karnnanali ||

Karali Bhaga  Ghoraroopa  Bhagangi Bhagahva Bhagapreethidha  Bheemaroopa | Bhavani Mahakaushiki  Koshapoornna  Kishori  Kishorapriyanandha  Eha ||

Mahakaranakarana  Karmasheela Kapaliprananayika  Mahasidhganda | Makarapriya  Manaroopa  Maheshi Mahollasinilasya Leelalayangi ||

Kshama Keshmasheela Kshapakarini  Cha Akshayapreethidha Bhoothiyuktha Bhavani | Bhavaradhitha  Bhoothi Sathyathmika Cha  Prabhothbasitha Bhanubasvathkara Cha ||

Dharadheeshamatha  Dharagara Dhrishtir Dharesharchitha  Dheevaradhivarangi | Prakrishtaprabharoopini Pranaroopa  Prakrishtaswaroopa  Swaroopapriya  Cha ||

Chalathkundala Kamini Kanthayuktha  Kapalachala Kalakodhdharini Cha | Kadhambapriya  Kotari Kotadheha Krama Keerthidha  Karnnaroopa  Cha Kakshmi: ||

Kshamangi Kshaya Premaroopa  Kshapa  Cha Kshayaksha  Kshayahva  Kshayapranthara Cha | Kshavathkamini Ksharini Ksheerapoornna  Shivangi Cha Shakambari Shakadheha ||

Mahashakayajja  Phalaprakasha Cha  Shakahva  Shakahvashakakhya  Shaka Cha |Shakakshantharosha  Surosha Surekha  Mahashesha Yajjopaveethapriya Cha ||

Jayanthi Jaya Jagrathi Yogaroopa Jayanga  Japadhyanasanthushtasamjja | Jayapranaroopa  Jayaswarnnadheha  Jayajwalini Yamini  Yamyaroopa ||

Jaganmathruroopa  Jagathrakshana Cha  Swadhavaushatantha Vilambavilamba | Shadanga Mahalambaroopasihastha  Padhahariniharini Harini Cha ||

Mahamangala Mangala Premakeerthir Nishumbhacchidha Shumbha Dharpathvaha Cha | Thadha  Anandhabeejadhi Muktharoopa  Thadha  Chandamundapadhamukhyachanda ||

Prachanda Prachanda Mahachandavega  Chalathchamara Chamarachandhrakeerthi: | Suchamikara Chithrabhooshojjvalangi Su Sangeethageetha  Cha  Payadhapayath ||

Ithi They Kathitham Devi Namnamashtoththaram Shatham | Gopyashcha  Sarvathanthreshu Gopaneeyashcha  Sarvadha ||

Yethasya Sathathabyasa Sakshath Devo Maheshvara: | Thrisandhyashcha Mahabhakthya  Padaneeyam Sukhodhayam ||

Na Thasya  Dhushkaram Kinchith Jayathe  Sparshatha: Kshanath | Swakritham Yaththa Devaptham Thasmath Avarththayeth Sadha ||

Sadhaiva  Sannidhau Thasya Devi Vasathi sadharam | Ayoga Ye  Thavaivagre  Suyogashcha  Bhavanthi Vai ||

Tha  Yevamithra Bhoothashcha  Bhavanthi Thath Prasadhatha : | Vishani Nopasarpanthi Vyadhayo Na Sprushanthithan ||

Lootha Visphotaka Sarve  Shamam Yanthi Cha Thathkshanath | Jarapalitha Nirmuktha:  Kalpajeevi Bhaven Nara: ||

Api Kim  Bahunokthena  Sannidhyam Phalamapnuyath | Yavanmaya Pura Proktham Phalam Sahasranamakam |  Thathsarvam Labathe Marthyo Mahamaya Prasadhatha: ||

|| Ithi Sri Rudrayamala Thanthre Mathangi Shathanamasthothram Sampoornnam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||