Wednesday 3 April 2019

|| Sri Rama Chathurvimshathinama Gadhyam – Sri Bhadhrachala Ramadhasakritham ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Rama who is the commander of thousands and millions of Bhramanda, he has personified as Mukundha whose lustrous feet are worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Indhra who is consort of Devi Sacchi, illustrious Rishis and Sages, he is absolute bliss, he is Parathpara who symbolizes Tharakabhramam, he has supreme radiance, he represents living as well as non-living things, he is beyond virtues and properties, he illuminates the whole Universe with his radiance, he represents Raghuveera who performed various pastimes,  he has numerous incarnations and glorious myths, he destroys wicked enemies, he is the protector of virtuous and righteous people, he represents Keshava who has beautiful curly hair locks, he is the delight of Devi Kausalya and Dhasharatha, he has performed various childhood pastimes, he represents Narayana who removed the impediments of fire sacrifices of Sage Vishwamithra, he killed demons  Thataka and Subhahu who destroyed the fire sacrifices with his powerful arrows, he represents Madhava who removed the curse on Devi Ahalya who was turned out rock by the curse of Sage Gauthama, he represents Govinda who  fastened the powerful bow of Lord Shiva in the assembly of Janaka, as it was desired by Kaushika, later he received Devi Sita as wedded wife, he represents Lord Vishnu who is unconquerable, he crushed the pride of Parashurama, he represents Madhusoodhana who sincerely followed the promise to his father, he attired in saffron robe and matted hair locks leaving behind all the glories of Kingdom, he left Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshman, he undertook extreme austerities and vows, he explored through dense wood and crossed  sacred river Ganga, he represents Thrivikrama who sincerely followed the advice of Sage Bharadhvaja and moved to the hills of Chithrakoota, he represents Vamana, he pacified relatives, Bharatha and Shathrughna who were suffering from the grief of death of Dhasharatha, he pleased them by providing his Padhuka, he crushed the pride of wicked Kakasura who voraciously attacked Devi Sita, he represents Sreedhara who adorned Goddess Mahalakshmi on chest,  he reclines in the milky ocean, he killed numerous demons and Virata in the woods of Dhandaka, he represents Hrishikesha  who visited the hermitage of Sharabhanga and Sutheekshna, he attained various boons and MahadhivyaAsthra, he represents Padmanabha who resided in a Parnnashala/hermitage in Dhandakavanam,  he crushed the pride of Shoorpanakha by chopping off her nose, humiliated Ravana disguised as ascetic,  with the help of Mareecha who transformed himself into golden deer which was killed by Rama, eventually Devi Sita was abducted by Ravana, he represents Damodhara who meticulously conducted search for Devi Sita who was abducted by Ravana in his flower chariot, Jatayu who put all efforts to release Devi Sita from the clutches of Ravana was severely wounded, Rama performed final rite for Jatayu, Rama removed the curse of demon Kabandha, he represents Sankarshana who followed the advice of Sabari, conducted expedition through the river bank of Pamba, he met Hanuman who is prominent member in the assembly of Sugreevah, later Rama and Sgureevah entered in a peace agreement and became closest companion, he defeated dreadful demon Dhundhubi, he split opened the seven Sala Vruksha with the shot of single arrow, he killed Vali, he crowned Sugreevah as king of Kishkindha, he represents Vasudeva who was served by Sugreevah, Angadha, Nala, Neela, Jambava, Kesari and numerous army of monkey’s, he represents Pradhyumna who appointed Anjaneya as emissary , handed with the ring of Rama to conduct search for Devi Sita, he met Lanka Lakshmi /Lankini who was the protector of kingdom of Lanka, though he tried all means to enter into the palace was refused by latter, resulted in utter failure, ultimately Lankini was removed from the curse, Anjaneya met Devi Sita in Ashokavatika, he killed Akshakumara who was the younger son of Ravana, he set fire in the city of Lanka, he represents Anirudhdha, offered shelter to Vibheeshana who is virtuous was humiliated by elder brother Ravana, he represents Purushoththama who is flawless, he crushed the pride of ocean, he built a majestic bridge across the vast ocean Sethu, he represents Adhokshaja who effortlessly destroyed the entire demon clan with his powerful arrows,, Nisthula, Prahastha, Kumbhakarnna, Indhrajith, Kumba Nikumba, Agnivarnna, Athikaya, Mahodhara, Mahaparshva, etc..  were killed in the battle, he represents Narasimha who is the slayer of mighty ten headed Ravana in the vicious battle, he represents Acchyutha who performed crowning ceremony of Vibheena/younger brother of Ravana as King of Lanka, he represents Janardhana who was eulogized by all the deities, he majestically returned with Devi Sita, Lakshmana, Angadha and all the monkey warriors in a grand flower chariot to Nandhigrama where he met younger brother Bharatha, later Rama’s matted hair locks were removed, he attired in marvelous garment and adorned in various precious ornaments, he represents Upendhra whose crowning ceremony as King of Ayodhya was performed in a splendid manner, he performed numerous charities, whole Kingdom was decorated with great pomp, he represents Sri Hari who is the protector of  ardent devotees, he is extremely kind, he represents  Sri Krishna who has marvelous  twenty four sacred names, he resides as Tharakabhramam in the lotus like heart of   Goddess Parvathi, he has most charming appearance, he embraced Pavanaja with great admiration and affection for his successful completion of the task assigned, he eradicates miseries, sorrows, perils and grief of worldly existence, he resides in the heart of passionate devotees, he symbolizes precious gem in the city of Bhadhrachala, I am selfless servant  of Rama/Ramadasa who is completely distressed and taking refugee at the lotus feet of Rama!

||Srimath Akhilandakoti Bhramandabanda | Dhandopadhanda Mandala  Sandhoth Dheepitha  Saguna Nirgunatheetha | Sacchidhanandha | Parathpara  Tharaka Bhramakhya | Dhashisha Prakasham | Sakala  Characharadheesham | Kamalasambhava  Sachidhava aPramukha Nikhila Bhrindharaka Brindha Vandhyamana Sandheeptha Charanaravindhyam | Sri Mukundham |Thushta Nigraha Shishta Paripalanothkata Kapatanataka Soothra Charithranchitha  Bahuvidhavatharam  Sri Raghuveeram | Kausalya Dhasharatha  Manorathanandha Kandhalitha Nirooda  Kreedavilolana Shaishavam Sri Keshavam | Vishvamithra Yajja Vighnakaranathokata Thatakachara  Subahu Bahubala Vidhalana Banapraveena  Parayanam Sriman Narayanam | Nijapadha Jalaja Ghanasparshaneeya Shilaroopa Shapa  Vikritha  Gauthama Sathi Vinutha  Maheedhavam Sri Madhavam | Khandendhura  Prachanda Kodhanda Khandanothdhanda  Kodhanda  Kaushika  Lochanothsava  Janaka Chakreshvara  Samarpitha Sita  Vivahothsavanandham Sri  Govindham | Parashurama Bhujagarvadharpa Nirvapana Thanugatharana Vijaya Vardhishnum Sri Vishnum |Pithruvakya  Paripalanothkata  Jatavalkalopetha  Seethalakshmanasahitha  Mahitha Rajyabithamatha Dhridavritha Kalithaprayana Ranga Gangavatharana Sadhanam  Sri Madhusoodhanam |  Bharadhvajopachara Nivaritha  Margashrama Niraghata  Chithrakoota  Praveshakramam Sri Thrivikramam | Dhasharatha Viyoga Shokakulitha  Bharatha Shathrughna Lalanaukoola  Bandhu Padhukapradhana  Seetha  Nirmithantha:  Karana  Dhushta Cheshtayamana  Kroora Kakasura  Garvopashamanam Sri Vamanam |Dhandakagamana Nirodha Krodha  Viratanala Jwala  Jaladharam Sri Sreedharam | Sharabanga Sutheekshnathridharshanashirvadha Nirvyaja  Kumbasambhava Kripalpatha  Mahadhivya  Dhivyasthra  Samudhayarchitha Prakasham Sri Hrishikesham | Panchavatithata  Sanghatitha  Vishalaparnnashalagatha  Shoorpanakha  Nasika: Cchedhana Manavabodhana  Mahahavaramba  Vijjrumbana Ravana  Niyoga Maya Mrigasamhara  Karyarththa Labam Sri Padmanabham |Rathrincchara  Para  Vanchanahritha Seethanveshana Rathapankthi Rathakshobha  Shithilikritha Paksha Jatayumoksha Bandhupriyavasana Niryanthitha  Kabandha Vakthrodharashareera  Nirodharam Sri Dhamodharam |Shabariyupadhesha Pambathatagamana  Hanumath Sugreeva Sambashana Bandhurath Bandhura  Dhundhubi Kalebarothpathana Sapthasala:Cchedhana Valividharana  Prapanna Sugreeva  Samrajya Sukhaharshanam Sri Sankarshanam |Sugreevangadha  Neela Jambavashcha  Nalakesari Pramukha  Nikhila  Kapinayaka  Seva  Samudhayarchitha Devam Sri Vasudevam |Nijadhaththa Mudhrikajagrath Samagranjjaneya Vinayavachana Rachanambudhi Langhanollanghitha  Lankini Pranollanghana Janakaja  Dharshana Akshakumaraharana Lankapuridhahana Prathishtitha  Shuka Prashanghadhirushtadhyumnam Sri Pardhyumnam | Agrapodhakra Mahogra  Nigraha Balaya  Manapamananeeya  Nija Sharanyaganya Punyodhaya  Vibeeshanabhaya  Pradhana Anirudhdham Srimadh Anirudhdham | Apara Lavana Paravara  Samujjrumbithothkarshana Garva Nirvapanadheeksha  Samarththasethu Nirvana Praveenakhila  Sthiracharoththamam  Sri Purushoththamam |Nisthula Prahastha  Kumbhakarnna Indhrajith Kumbha Nikumbhagni Varnnathikaya Mahodhara Mahaparshvadhi Dhanuja Dhanu Khandanayamana Kodhanda  Gunashravana  Shoshana Hathashesha Rakshasaprajam Sri Adhokshajam | Akunditha Ranothkanda  Dhashakanda Dhanuja  Kandeerava Kandalundanayamana Jayavaham Sri  Narasimham |Dhashagreevanuja Batta Badhra  Dhvajakhya Vibhavalankapuri Spurana  Sakala Samrajya Sukhojjitham Srimadh Acchyutham |Sakala Surathsurathbhutha  Prajjvalitha Pavaka  Mukhabhoodhayamana Seethalakshmanangatha Mahaneeya Pushpakadhirohana Nandhigrama Sthitha Bhrathubhiryutha Jata Valkala Visarjjanamphara Bhooshanalankritha Shreyo Vivardhanam Sri Janardhanam |Ayodhyanagara Pattabisheka  Vishesha Mahothsava  Niranthara  Dhigantha  Vishrantha  Haraheera Karpoora  Paya: Paravara  Bharatha Vani Kundhendhu Mandhakini chandhana Suradhenu Sharadhambu Thalivaradhamboli Shathadhavanshva  Shubhakeerthishcha Kshadakshara Pandubhootha Saba Vibrajamana Nikhila Bhuvanaika Yasha: Sandhram Sri Upendhram |Bhakthajana Samrakshana Dheekshana Kataksha Shobhadhya Samuththarim Sri Harim | Keshavadhi Chathurvimshathi Nama Garbha Sandharpitha  Nija  Gadhageethakritha  Medhavarthishnum Sri Krishnam | Sarva Suparva  Parvathi Hridhaya Kamala Tharakabhramanamam Sampoornnakamam Pavanajatharananughanasandhram Bhavajanitha Bhayo: Cchedha: Cchidhramacchidhram Bhakthajana Manorathonnidhram  Bhadhrachala RamaBhadhram Ramadhasa  Prapannam Bhaje Aham Bhaje Aham ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||