Sunday 18 October 2020

Sri Sanathsujatheeyam – Sri Mahabharath - Sri Shankarabhashyam – Bhashyam – 37 – Mumukshu & Sanyasa


Sri Sanathsujatheeyam – Sri Mahabharath - Sri Shankarabhashyam – Bhashyam – 37 – Mumukshu & Sanyasa


Chapter 23 - Bhashyam –  37  - Mumukshu and Sanyasa

Bhramandapuran in the Kavayeshagita Bhagavan Santhkumara speaks the Varna Ashrama Dharma “ 1) learn Veda and Upanishads 2) perform all those Vedic, spiritual, and religious rites prescribed in the scriptures 3) Get married to a suitable bride and perform all the Vedic, spiritual and religious rites with her 4) strive for achieving virtuous offspring 5) conduct Tapasya in the latter years of age and 6) leave the mortal coil.”


I shall describe them in detail, what would we earn with the performance of Adhyayana/learning Veda, Vedanta, Upanishads, and the performance of Yaga? Why the Jeeva should constantly practice the contemplation and meditation of supreme Bhramam and engage in spiritual and religious activities? “Ksheenepunye Marthyalokam Vishanthi”, Jeeva hurl from the Veshyagriha/home of a prostitute like heavenly pleasure, once all the Punya gets over. The Yajja and all those Kriya performed to achieve personal gain and material well-being, welfare in the Priththviloka should be abandoned. Yajurvedopanishadh says “The Paramathman is the eternal truth”, Sanyasa is the practice of the achievement of that Nithya/eternal, Siddha/propitious, Nirathi/attachment to, Athishaya/preeminent, Ananada/bliss Bhramam, hence the performance of all those Karma yearning for the fruitful results are Nikrishta/unremarkable, and the practice for the Anithyaphalasadhana is Uthkrishta/remarkable. Shruthi says “ Karma/deeds, Praja/children or Dhanam/wealth cannot bring Amrithaththva/immortality, the self-sacrifice and the knowledge of supreme Bramham resides as the soul is the only thing that could bring immortality. Yathi constantly engages in the ‘Athmarathi’ and achieves that supreme Bhramam. Yathi with the knowledge of Vedanta and Vijjana, determines to remain in the Sanyasayoga, becomes that Shudhdhasththva ultimately achieves union with the supreme Bramham, and at the end of Pralaya achieves Mukthi.”


Sarvakarma Sannyasa -


Bhrihadharanyakaupanishadh describes the Sarvakarma Sannyasa “The Bhramajjani/ twice-born/learned, with the knowledge of Puthreshana/attachment to family and children, Viththeshana/attachment to possession of wealth, money, and richness, and Lokeshana/interest in the worldly matters that have fleeting nature, abandon all these and engages in the seeking alms for a living.”  Bhagavan Vasudeva says “Sannyasin who has abandoned worldly matters, material pleasures, is Nireeha/desires less and YathChiththathman/engage in Athmarathi, Sarvaparithyagi/renounced soul performs Shareeramathrasthithihethuka Karma/karma performs with the body for its existence, does not achieve Kilbisha/sin. Oh! Partha, I dearly love the Jeeva who is Anapeksha/impartial and have no desires, Shuchi/free from the impurities of the mind, Dhaksha/wise, Udhaseena/passive to worldly matters, Gathavyatha/free from miseries and sorrows, Sarvarambhaparithyagi/discarded everything, and sincere devotee of mine. Oh! Partha, the Jeeva who is free from over-excitements, intense grief, free from anger, lust, desire, and pride, abandons all those Shubha/auspiciousness and Ashubha/inauspiciousness, and sincerely devoted to me is the most beloved of mine. Oh! Partha, the Jeeva who abandons Mana/honor and Apamana/disgrace, Mithra/companion and Ari/enemies, and impartial to all is Sarvarambhaparithyagi, he is beyond description and virtues. Oh! Partha, the Jeeva who is Asakthbhudhdhi/detached soul, Jithathman/complete control over sense, Vigathaspruha/free from desires and worldly interests, with the constant practice of Sannyasa Yoga, achieves the supreme most status of Naishkarmyasidhdhi, abandon all those Dharmadharma/differentiation of Dharma and Adharma, and take complete shelter in me, I shall guarantee you the liberation, hence leave all your worries and grief.”


Bhagavan Vasudeva says in the Anugita “Dharmi or Adharmi, Shubha or Ashubha, who contemplates or meditates upon me in the Yekasana/without changing postures or getting restless, and observe the vow of silence, called Varththilakshana, is the Yoga, Sanyasalakshana is Gnana. Hence, the learned one should achieve Gnana and honor it and observe Sanyasa.”


In the Shanthiparva of Sri Mahabharath, Bhagavan Vedavyasa speaks to Shuka “Karma is the cause for all the bondage and the Gnana/wisdom is the cause for the liberation, hence the Bhramavithth/Yathi does not perform any Karma, it is the ‘Vriththi’ of a Yathi. The illustrious Rishis and Sages observed the same, and they have attained union with the Bhramam. Bhagavan Narada speaks about Sarvakarmasannyasa “ The Jeeva attains Mukthi only after the performance of Sarvakarma, extensive Tapasya and austerities, achieves the knowledge of Paramarththa, and knowledge in various fields, eventually get liberated. They can only take up extensive travels in all the directions, depending on the Pinda/, abandons 1) Karma with the attributes, 2) Karmapasha, 3) Shubha and Ashubha, 4) Sathyanritha/true or false, and remains Nirguna/free from attributes. Oh! Vathsa, abandon Parigraha/performance of Karma for fruitful results, and become Jithendhriya/who has won over sense. In this way, achieve a superior status free from miseries, fear, anxieties, and sorrows in the Ihaloka and Paraloka.”


The Sarvakarmasannyasin has the right to know the supreme knowledge. Bhagavan Bhrihaspathi says “Jeeva who has no control over sense, get attached to worldly matters and people, money, wealth, fame, richness, etc, and drench in grief and miseries. The Jeeva who has perfect control over sense wins over all those odd and remains serene. The Jeeva of Ragayuktha/Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya chases after the destructible Prakrithi and the Viraktha/renounced soul achieves the indestructible Paramathma/Purusha/Bhramam symbolizes supreme wisdom.”


The Jeeva in the all Ashramadharma/Brahmachari, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sanyasa, are qualified to achieve that ‘Sarvakarmasannyasa’. Lord Bhrama describes it to the illustrious Rishis and Sages in the Ashwamedha, says “The Jeeva who is Grihastha, or Bhramachari or Vanaprastha, or whoever desires for the Moksha should take shelter in the Sannyasa. It is the ultimate asylum of a twice-born, it is the sole rescue and bliss, it is the destiny of Viraktha, and it is the Sanathana Dharma.  Therefore the Vividhishu/who desires to achieve knowledge and Mumukshu/who is desired to achieve Moksha should concentrate on Sarvakarmasannyasa.”