Saturday 14 November 2020

Nyayashasthra –Chapter -3 - Chanakya Neethi – 1 -11


Chapter – 3 – Chanakya Neethi 1 – 11


Rishi Chanakya speaks “Who is free from sufferings and miseries? Which clan is free from destruction? Who is free from ailments? Who is free from grief and sorrow? Who is having permanent happiness and joy? Life on the Earth is full of suffering and sorrow.  The intelligent and wise understand the impermanent nature of Prakrithi/cosmic nature that undergoes constant transformation and meets ruin, and the supreme Purusha/ consciousness resides as a soul in the Jeeva is indestructible, engages in the constant practice of meditation and contemplation upon the supreme Lord, undertake austerities, vows, penances, observe celibacy and strive hard to achieve the Paramathma Paramapurusha who is supreme bliss, free from sufferings, has no birth or death, unblemished, and pure.  The nature of an individual can be understood easily 1) the nature of the clan/family can be understood from the behavior of the person 2) the region can be understood from the style of conversation 3) sincerity and love can be understood from the kind of hospitality provided 4) the amount of food required to serve can be understood from the size of the body. The righteous deeds are 1) daughter should be given in marriage to a suitable groom from a decent family 2,) sons should be supplemented with good education and equipped with great knowledge in all fields of Sashthras and Purans 3) do not leave a single chance to win over the enemy 4) make all efforts to channelize dearest companions to the Dharmic way of living. The wicked people are compared to venomous serpents, but in my opinion, these deceitful people are worse than serpents, because the snakes attack people when they get hurt, but the wicked people are dangerous than these poisonous snakes, do not leave a single opportunity to attack. The Kings appoint Kuleena/person born in the illustrious clan, knowledgeable and honest as a minister, because these learned ministers do not engage in treacherous acts against the King.  The King who has deceitful and dull-minded as a minister would definitely meet his destruction. The rivers and watercourses may break their boundaries during the time of the flood, but Sajjanas do not leave their character of truthfulness, celibacy, sincerity, and kindness even the most awful period of time. An ignorant person should be avoided for good, they are considered as a two-legged animal, these dull-witted people take immense pleasure in verbal abuse, hurt, and demotivate others. The person who has a charming appearance, youthful, born in an illustrious clan, lacks wisdom would remain the flowers without scent and luster. The true loveliness vested in the 1) melodious voice of Cuckoo 2) chastity of woman 3) The endurance of the Tapasvi. If it is needed, 1) a person’s life can put to test for the protection of a clan, 2) If needed a village can put on trial for the protection of the country 3) If needed, it is  most appropriate to abandon the world for Athmalabha/attain union with the all-pervasive Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva.”



Kasya  Dhosha: Kule Nasthi Vyadheena Ko Na  Peeditha: | Vyasanam Kena Na  Praptham Kasya Saukhyam Nirantharam ||


Achara : Kulamakhyathi Dheshamakhyathi Bhashanam | Sambhrama: Snehamakhyathi Vapurakhyathi Bhojanam ||


Sukule  Yojayoth Kanyam Puthram Vidhyasu Yojayeth | Vyasane  Yogajayeshchathrum  Mithram Dharme  Niyochayeth ||


Dhurjanasya  Cha Sarpasya  Varam Sarpo Na Dhurjana: | Sarpo Dhamshathi  Kale Thu Dhurjanasthu Padhe Padhe ||


Yethatharththe Kuleenanam Nripa: Kurvanthi Samgraham | Adhimadhyavasaneshu Na The Gacchanthi Vikriyam ||


Pralaye Binnamaryadha  Bhavanthi Kila Sagara: | Sagara Bhedhamicchanthi Pralayeapi Na Sadhava: ||


Moorkhasthu Pariharththavya: Prathyaksho Dhvipadha: Pashu: | Binaththi Vakshalyena Adhrishta: Kandako Yadha ||


Roopa Yauvana Sampanna: Vishala Kulasambhava: | Vidhyaheena  Na Shobhanthe  Nirgandhdha Iva  Kimshuka: ||


Kokilanam Swaro Roopam Sthreenam Roopam Pathivratham | Vidhya Roopam Kurupanam Kshamaroopam Thasvinam ||


Thyajedhekam Kulasyarththe  Gramasyarththe  Kulam Thyajeth | Gramam Janapadhasyarththe Athmarththe Prithvim Thyajeth ||


Udhyoge Nasthi Dharidhryam Japatho Nasthi Pathakam | Maune Cha  Kalaho Nasthi Nasthi Jagaritho Bhayam ||