Friday 20 November 2020

Nyayashasthra – Chapter -8 - Chanakya Neethi – 11 - 20


Chapter – 8 – Chanakya Neethi 11 – 20

Rishis Chanakya speaks “It is the Bhava/emotion, Bhakti of the devotees makes him/her perceive the Paramathma Parambhramam Bhagavan in the idol, it is not that the wood or stone or sand reveals the presence of the supreme Lord in it, hence the Bhava is the foremost requirement in the devotion to perceive that all-pervasive supreme Bhramam. If the worship of the Lord is sincerely carried out in the idol made out of gem, or stone or sand, or wood, or metal, undoubtedly it would please the particular deity/Devatha, and the worshiper would achieve Shreyas with true devotion. The true facts are 1) there is no Tapasya superior to the serenity of mind/Shanthi, 3) there is no happiness superior to contentment, 4) there is no Dharma superior to kindness, and 5) there is no illness worse than greediness and desire. The virtue, discipline, attitude, Vidhya/wisdom and delight make the life of Jeeva fruitful. 1) The virtues in a person multiply his/her beauty 2) The discipline and behavior multiply the fame of the clan and parents 3) The success in the life a person depends on the wisdom and skill 4) The pleasure and joy in the Jeeva enhance the wealth. The most unfortunate Jeevas are 1) The attractive person who lack virtues,  2) person who lacks discipline and character bring destruction to the clan and shame to parents 3) Vidya/wisdom or education of the person that is not helpful in achieving success or skill 4) person who lack contentment in the wealth and possessions. The purest on the Earth are 1) The water found on the depth of the land 2) virtuous women 3) wise ruler who ensures happiness and welfare of the people and 4) a contented Bhramin/ twice-born.  The four kinds of people meet their own destruction 1) The unhappy twice-born/Bhramin 2) The Kings who take immense pleasure and enjoyment in the possession of the Kingdom/reckless ruler 3)  prostitutes with shyness and 4)shameless Kulasthree/woman born in the superior clan. The people who have achieved great knowledge in various art forms and scriptures, Veda and Vedanta would be honored even by the deities, and they shine in all walks of life and earn great respect. If the person was born attractive in the illustrious clan, does not have the wisdom or good education would be considered as unfortunate, like the flower without scent. The people who consume meat, addicted to spirituous drinks, deceitful and wicked, and uneducated is considered as a two-legged animal, they are a mere burden on the Earth. The performance of Yajja/fire sacrifices without following prescribed rules from the scriptures would bring destruction to the person as well as to society.  If the Yajja/fire sacrifices were not performed without following strict rules and regulations prescribed in the scriptures  would bring mass destruction, therefore Yajja can be a provider of a boon if it was performed following strict austerities, otherwise, it could destroy the entire region 1) An Yajja/fire sacrifices performed without the Annadhanam/offering meals to the twice-born and people who have participated in the Yajja would destroy the Kingdom/region 2) An Yajja performed without following the  Vedic chants destroys the person who performed the Yajja 3) Yajja performed without offering Dhanam/charities would destroy the person who is Yajaman/master of the Yajja.”


Na Devo Vidhyathe  Kashte Na Pashane Na Mrinanmaye | Bhave  Hi Vidhyathe Devasthasmath Bhavohi Karanam ||


Kashta Pashana Dhathoonam Krithva  Bhavena  Sevanam | Shradhdhaya  Cha Thaya  Sidhdhasthasya Vishnu: Praseedhathi ||


Shanthithulyam Thaponasthi Na  Santhoshath Param Sukham | Na Thishnaya: Paro Vyadhir Na Cha  Dharmo Dhayapara: ||


Guno Bhooshayathe Roopam Sheelam Bhooshayathe Kulam | Sidhdhir Bhooshayathe Vidhyam Bhogo  Bhooshayathe Dhanam ||


Nirgunasya Hatham Roopam Dhu:sheelasya Hatham Kulam | Asidhdhasya Hatha Vidhya  Abhogena  Hatham Dhanam ||


Shudhdham Bhoomigatham Thoyam Shudhdha Nari Pathivratha | Shuchi: Kshemakaro Raja Santhushto Bhramana: Shuchi: ||


Asanthushta Dhvija Nashta: Santhushtashcha  Maheebhritha: | Salajja  Ganika  Nashta  Nirllajjashcha  Kulangana: ||


Kim Kulena  Vishalena  Vidhyaheenena Dhehinam | Dhushkalam Chapi Vidhusho Devairapi Sa Poojyathe ||


Vidhvan Prashasyathe  Loke  Vidhvan Sarvathra  Poojyathe | Vidhyaya  Labathe Sarvam Vidhya Sarvathra Poojyathe ||


Roopa Yauvana Sampanna Vishala Kulasambhava: | Vidhyaheena Na Shobhanthe  Nirgandha: Iva  Kimshuka ||


Mamsa Bhakshyai: Surapanair Moorkhaishchakshara  Varjithai: | Pashubhi: Purushakarair Bharakrantha  Hi Medhini ||


Anna Heeno Dhaheth Rashtram Manthraheenashcha  Rithvija: | Yajamanam Dhanaheeno Nasthi Yajjasamo Ripu: ||