Wednesday 16 December 2020

Viveka Choodamani – Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – The nature of supreme Bhramam resides as soul/Athman – Jagath Mithya Bhrama Sathyam



Chapter – 47 – Viveka Choodamani  - 461 – 470


Preceptor speaks “ Oh! Mune, the knowledge of self’ would remove the body, and I consciousness and ignorance in the Jeeva.  Shruthi describes the Pranali /intrusion of Prarabdhakarma in the life of Mahathma, to enlighten the Jeeva about the Prarabdhakarma and how to get rid of the same with the knowledge of ‘self’, to get relieved from the interest in worldly matters and bondage, and thereby remove the qualm, why the Athmajjani undergoes sufferings even after achieving the Bhramajjanam.  Shruthi sheds light on the eternal truth, it encourages the ignorant Jeeva to stop chasing after worldly matters and bondage, perform deeds to satiate the sense and get fastened by the miseries and sorrows of worldly existence, and ultimately throwing to the vicious cycles of rebirth. The Athmajjani cut off the Samsara and Prarabdhakarma with the knowledge of self. The Prapancha/Prakrithi is the essence of diversified matters of infinite Nama and Roopa, caused by the Maya, therefore Jagath is Mithya. The supreme Bhramam resides as soul/Athman is Paripooornna/flawless, Anantha/eternal, Adhimadhyantharahitha/neither birth nor death, Aprameya/immeasurable, Avikriya/changeless, Yeka, Adhvaya/free from dualities, is all-pervasive. The Jeeva witnesses infinite Nama Roopa Prakrithi/living and non-living things with the influence of Maya. The Supreme Bhramam resides as the soul is Sathghana/indestructible, eternal, Chithghana/pure, Anandhaghana/bliss, is Eka Adhvayam, therefore the Nanathvam/diversification in the Prapancha is Mithya. The supreme Bhramam is Prathyagathma, Paripoornna, all-pervasive, Eka, and Adhvaya, hence the diversification in the Prapancha is Mithya. The supreme Bhramam resides as the soul is pure, unblemished, changeless, independent, Yeka and Adhvaya, hence the Prakrithi is illusion/Mithya. The supreme Bhramam is Nirguna/free from Triguna Sathvik, Rajasik and Thamasik nature, Nishkala/unblemished, it is beyond words, mind and intellect, Eka, and Adhvaya. It is free from diversification. The supreme Bhramam resides as the soul is free from attributes/Vasana, all-pervasive, eternal truth, supreme consciousness, it is beyond perception, Eka, and Adhvaya as well. Therefore, the diversification in the Prapancha is an illusion. The Mahathma and Yathi, undertake extreme austerities, vow, observance of celibacy, and the practice of Sathyam, Dhamam, Shamam, Shaucham, etc. achieve perfect control over sense, get rid of impurities like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathscharya, and perceive that supreme Bhramam and achieve union with it, immerses in the Athmabhramaikhyanubhoothi, and remain in supreme bliss.”


Jjanenajjana Karasya  Samoolasya  Layo Yadhi | Thishtathyayam Kadham  Dheha Ithi  Shankavatho Jadan | Samadhathum Bahyadhrishtya  Prarabdham Vadhathi Shruthi: ||


Na Thu Dhehadhi Sathyathva Bodhanaya  Vipashchitham | Yatha:  Shrutherabhipraya:  Paramarththaika Gochara: ||


Paripoornna Anantha Adhyantha Aprameyamvikriyam | Yekamevadhvayam  Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Sadhghanam Chidhghanam Nithyamanandha Ghanamakriyam | Yekamevdhvayam Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Prathyegakarasam Poornamanantham Sarvathomukham | Yekamevadhvayam Bhrama Neha Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Aheyamanupadheyamanadheyamanashrayam | Yekamevdhvayam Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Nirgunam Nishkalam Sookshmam Nirvikalpam Niranjjanam | Yekamevadhvayam Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Aniroopya  Swaroopam Yanmano Vachamagocharam | Yekamevadhvayam  Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Sath Samridhdham Swatha: Sidhdham Shudhdham Budhdhamaneedhrisham | Yekamevadhvayam Bhrama Neha  Nanasthi Kinchana ||


Nirastharaga  Vinirasthabhoga: | Shantha:  Sudhantha  Yathayo Mahantha: | Vijjaya  Thaththvam Paramedhanthe  Praptha:  Param  Nirvrithimathma Yogath ||