Tuesday 1 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - Avidhya causes Mahapasha/ The ignorance causes worldly bondage


Chapter 9 – Vivekachoodamani  81 – 90


Preceptor speaks “The Jeeva who is not freed from impurities, like Kama, Krodha, LObha, Moha Madha, and Mathshcharya, continues to chases after the Vishayavisha/interest in worldly matters and bondage is constantly followed by the ‘Mrithyu’/fear of death. The Paramarththa/eternal truth is the Jeeva who constantly listens to the speeches of Mahathma, Sathguru,  and Sathjana, achieves the knowledge of ‘self’/Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul,  undertake austerities, vow, celibacy, with the Theevravairagya/sense of abandonment achieves the fruitfulness of life. The Jeeva who yearn for Mokshaprapthi should practice the following 1) get rid of interest in worldly matters and attachments to wealth, money, fame, richness, people etc. are Vishayavisha/toxic poison 2) undertake austerities like Dhama, Shamam, Shanthi, Dhaya, and Arjjava, and get freed from miseries and sorrows. It is rare to achieve human birth; hence the Jeeva should practice getting rid of Avidhya Bandham/ignorance and attachments, and constantly strive to achieve the state of serenity, getting freed from redundant thoughts, miseries, and grief. The birth is followed by death, the human body undergoes constant transformation, aging, illnesses, and death, and therefore it is illogical to make an effort to protect it. It is certain that the Prarabdhakarma would protect the body from the ruin; hence the body does not require any protection, the purpose of human birth is to achieve Mokshaprathi, getting rid of interest in worldly matters and bondages. The Jeeva who protects the body, enjoys the comforts and luxuries of life, and simultaneously strive to achieve the Paramathma Parambhramam, are like the traveling on the back of a crocodile with the wrong idea that it is a ‘wooden plank’, and making an effort to cross the river, sadly the traveler cannot escape from the mouth of the crocodile.  The ‘Mahamrithyu’/pathetic death is body consciousness and ‘I’ consciousness/me, mine and myself, the Sadhaka who is freed from the pride of body or possession/ Abhimana is Mrithyu/ deserves the Mokshapadham. The Mahamrithyu is a feeling of pride in family, children, wife, wealth, possession, fame, etc... Without getting rid of the pride, it is impossible to achieve Mukthi, the ascetics, Rishis, and Sages, undertaken extreme austerities and penances and got rid of this Mahamrithyu, and achieved the Paramapadha that is the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.”


Preceptor continues “Oh! Fortunate one, I shall describe the nature of ‘Sthoolashareera’/human body is the bundle of secretes, it comprises skin, muscles, blood, Snayu, Medhass, Majja, and Asthi, and deposit of secretes and urine, does not deserve any respect. It is a component made of Panchabhootha/air, earth, water, fire, and space, was initiated due to the Janmantharakarma/accumulation of Karma/Poorvakarma/ takes pleasure in the Shabdha, Rasa, Roopa, Gandha, and Sparsha. The Jeeva takes pleasure in the material things and matters with these Panchendhriyas and body. Therefore, the human body is like a house, and the householder performs all the tasks living in it, engages in all the activities.  The Sthoolashareera/human body is an important tool, it is impossible to perform any task or take pleasure in its absence, hence the human body is a vital instrument to take pleasure in the Shabdha, Rasa, Roopa, Sparsha, and Gandha.”


Vishama Vishayamargair Gacchatho Anacchabudhdhe : | Prathipadhamabhiyatho Mrithyurapyesha Vidhdhi | Hitha Sujana Guruktha Gacchatha: Svasyayukthya| Prabhavathi Phalasidhdhi: Sathyamithyeva  Vidhdhi ||


Mokshasya Kanksha Yadhi Vai Thavasthi Thyajathi Dhooradhvishayan Visham Yadha |Peeyushavath Dhoshadhayaksha Marjjava Prashanthidhantheer Bhaja Nithyamadharath ||


Anukshanam Yath Parihrithya Krithyamanadhya Vidhyakritha Bhandhamokshanam | Dheha: Pararththoayamamushya Poshane  Ya: Sajjathe Sa  Swamanena Hanthi ||


Sheeraposhanarththi San | Ya Athmanam Dhidhrikshathi | Graham Dharudhiya Dhrithva | Sa Nadhim Tharththumicchathi ||


Moha Yeva  Mahamrithyur Mumukshorvapuradhishu | Moho Vinirjjitho Yena  Sa Mukthipadhamarhathi ||


Moham Jahi Mahamrithyum Dheha Dhara Suthadhishu | Yam Jithva  Munayo Yanthi Thadhvishno: Paramampadham ||


Thvang Mamsa Rudhirasnayumedho Majjasthi Sankulam | Poornnam Moothrapureeshyabhyam Sthoolam Nindhyamidham Vapu: ||


Panchikrithebhyo Bhoothebhya: Sthoolebhya: Poorvakarmana | Samuthpannamidham Sthoolam Bhogayathanamathmana: |Avastha Jagarasthasya Sthoolarththanubhavo Yatha: ||


Bhaheyendhriyai: Sthoolapadharththa Sevam | Srak Chandhanasthryadhi Vichithraroopam | Karothi Jeeva: Swayamedhathmana: | Thasmath Prashathir Vapushoasya Jagare ||


Sarvoapi Bahyasamsara: Purushasya  Yadhashraya: | Vidhdhi Dhehamitham Sthoolam Grihavath Grihamedhina: ||