Tuesday 1 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - Sthoola Prakrithi/human body and Sookshma Shareera /Athman


Chapter 10 – Vivekachoodamani  91 – 100


The preceptor speaks “ Oh! Fortunate one, I shall describe the characteristics of the human body and its function, listen to me carefully.  The Shadbhava/six virtues of the Sthoolaprakrithi/cosmic nature is 1) creation, 2) existence 3) preservation 4) Increase 5) decrease and 6) destroy, like the human body undergoes inevitable phases of life as 1)infant, 2) adulthood 3) youthfulness 4)and latter years of age/aging, illnesses, and death, 5) observance of Ashramadharma/Bhramacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sanyasa. The Karma and Gnanendhriyas such as 1) nose 2) eyes 3) ears, 4) skin 5) and tongue are associated with the functions of Gandha, Roopa, Shabdha, Sparsha, and Rasa respectively. The Panchakarmendiryas are 1) speech/Vak 2) walk/Padham 3) Pani 4) Payu and 5) Upastham. The Antha: Karana represents 1) Manas/performs Sankalpa Vikalpavriththi, 2) Chiththam/pure intellect/ Swa Swaroopasandhana,  3) Budhdhi/intellect,  4)Ahamkaram/Abhimana. The ‘Prana’ /Panchaprana represents 1) Pranavayu/vital air/inhalation 2) Apanavayu/exhalation 3) Vyanavayu/spreading the air all over the body 4) Udhanavayu/spreading the Prana all over the limbs and 5) Samanavayu/Sameekarana/balancing act of the air inhaled.”


The preceptor continues “ The human body is the collection of 1) five Karmendhriya 2) five Gnanendhriyas 3) Panchaprana 4) Panchabhootha 5) four Antha: Karana /mind, intellect, Ahamkara, Chiththam/ 6) Avidhya, Kamam, Karma, collectively known as ‘Puryashtakam’ is ‘Sookshma Shareera’ also known as ‘Lingashareera’. The  Karmavasana/attributes – Thriguna- Sathvik, Rajasik, Thamasic, and Karmaphalanu Bhavakam deposited in the ‘Sookshma Shareera’, the human birth is achieved due to the ‘ignorance’/Karmavasana, until and unless the Jeeva get rid of its Karmavasana, the Jeeva continues to take several births in different Yoni undergoes miseries and sorrows of worldly existence. The state of ‘dream’ is the peculiar state of ‘Sookshmashareera’, without the help of ‘Sthoola Karana Shareera’/body; it is the reflection of the thoughts that was earned by the mind while in the ‘wakening’ state. During the state of ‘Dream’ the ‘Athman’ stands as witnesses /Sakshi, in it without getting attached to it. The all-pervasive Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul /Athman, is ‘Sookshmashareera’ remains free from the ‘Vyavahara’/actions taken place in the three states of ‘sleep, awaken, and dream.”


Sthoolasya  Sambhava Jaramaranani Dharma:  Sthaulyadhayo Bahuvidha: Shishuthadhyavastha: | Varnnashramadhi Niyama: Bahudhamaya: Syu: Poojavamana Bhahumanamukha Vishesha: ||


Budhi Indhriyani Shravanam Thvagkakshi Ghranam Cha Jihva  Vishayavabodhanath | Vak Pani Padha  Gudhamapyupastha: | Karmendhriyani Pravanena Karmasu ||


Nigadhyathe Antha: Karanam Manodheeraham Krithi Chiththamithi Swavriththibhi: | Manasthu Sankalpa  Vikalpanadhibhir  Budhdhi: Padharththadhyavasaya Dharmatha: | Athrabhimanadhahamithyahamkrithi: | Swarththanu Sandhanagunena Chiththam ||


Pranapanavyonodhana Samana  Bhavathyasau Prana: | Swayameva Vriththi Bhedhadhvi Krithibhedhath Swarnna Saliladhivath ||


Vagadhi Pancha  Shravanadhi Pancha | Pranadhi Panchabhramukhani Pancha | Budhdhyadhya Vidhyapi Cha Kama Karmani | Puryashtakam Sookshma Shareeramahu: ||


Idham Shareeram Shrunu Sookshma Sanjjjitham | Lingam Thvapanchikritha Bhoothasambhavam | Savasanam Karmaphalanubhavakam | Swajjanatho Anadhiroopadhirathmana: ||


Swapno Bhavathyasya Vibhakthyavastha | Swamathra Sheshena Vibhathi Yathra ||  Swapnena Thu Budhdhi: Swayameva  Jagrath Kaleena Nanavidhavasanabhi: | Karthradhibhavam Prathipadhya Rajathe | Yathra  Swayam Jyothirayam Parathma ||


Dhimathrakopadhirashesha Sakshi | Na Lipyathe  Thath Kritha Karmaleshai: |  Yasmath Angasthangasthatha Yeva Karmabhir Nilipyathe  Kinchithupadhina Krithai: ||


Sarva Vyaprithikaranam  Lingamidham Syachithathmana:  Pumsa: | Vasyadhikamiva  Thathkshana Sthenaivathma  Bhavathyasangoayam ||